contactcenterinsights/v1 library
Contact Center AI Insights API - v1
For more information, see
Create an instance of ContactcenterinsightsApi to access these resources:
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsAuthorizedViewSetsAuthorizedViewsConversationsResource
- ContactcenterinsightsApi
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1Analysis
- The analysis resource.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnalysisResult
- The result of an analysis.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnalysisResultCallAnalysisMetadata
- Call-specific metadata created during analysis.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnalysisRule
- The CCAI Insights project wide analysis rule.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotationBoundary
- A point in a conversation that marks the start or the end of an annotation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotatorSelector
- Selector of all available annotators and phrase matchers to run.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotatorSelectorQaConfig
- Configuration for the QA feature.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotatorSelectorQaConfigScorecardList
- Container for a list of scorecards.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotatorSelectorSummarizationConfig
- Configuration for summarization.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnswerFeedback
- The feedback that the customer has about a certain answer in the conversation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ArticleSuggestionData
- Agent Assist Article Suggestion data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1BulkAnalyzeConversationsRequest
- The request to analyze conversations in bulk.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1BulkDeleteConversationsRequest
- The request to delete conversations in bulk.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1BulkDownloadFeedbackLabelsRequest
- Request for the BulkDownloadFeedbackLabel endpoint.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1BulkDownloadFeedbackLabelsRequestGcsDestination
- Google Cloud Storage Object details to write the feedback labels to.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1BulkUploadFeedbackLabelsRequest
- The request for bulk uploading feedback labels.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1BulkUploadFeedbackLabelsRequestGcsSource
- Google Cloud Storage Object details to get the feedback label file from.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1CalculateIssueModelStatsResponse
- Response of querying an issue model's statistics.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1CalculateStatsResponse
- The response for calculating conversation statistics.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1CalculateStatsResponseTimeSeries
- A time series representing conversations over time.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1CalculateStatsResponseTimeSeriesInterval
- A single interval in a time series.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1CallAnnotation
- A piece of metadata that applies to a window of a call.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1Conversation
- The conversation resource.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationCallMetadata
- Call-specific metadata.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationDataSource
- The conversation source, which is a combination of transcript and audio.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationLevelSentiment
- One channel of conversation-level sentiment data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationLevelSilence
- Conversation-level silence data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationParticipant
- The call participant speaking for a given utterance.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationQualityMetadata
- Conversation metadata related to quality management.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationQualityMetadataAgentInfo
- Information about an agent involved in the conversation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationSummarizationSuggestionData
- Conversation summarization suggestion data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationTranscript
- A message representing the transcript of a conversation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationTranscriptTranscriptSegment
- A segment of a full transcript.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationTranscriptTranscriptSegmentDialogflowSegmentMetadata
- Metadata from Dialogflow relating to the current transcript segment.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationTranscriptTranscriptSegmentWordInfo
- Word-level info for words in a transcript.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DeployIssueModelRequest
- The request to deploy an issue model.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DialogflowIntent
- The data for a Dialogflow intent.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DialogflowInteractionData
- Dialogflow interaction data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DialogflowSource
- A Dialogflow source of conversation data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1Dimension
- A dimension determines the grouping key for the query.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DimensionAgentDimensionMetadata
- Metadata about the agent dimension.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DimensionIssueDimensionMetadata
- Metadata about the issue dimension.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DimensionQaQuestionAnswerDimensionMetadata
- Metadata about the QA question-answer dimension.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DimensionQaQuestionDimensionMetadata
- Metadata about the QA question dimension.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1EncryptionSpec
A customer-managed encryption key specification that can be applied to all
created resources (e.g.
). - GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1Entity
- The data for an entity annotation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1EntityMentionData
- The data for an entity mention annotation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ExactMatchConfig
- Exact match configuration.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ExportInsightsDataRequest
- The request to export insights.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ExportInsightsDataRequestBigQueryDestination
- A BigQuery Table Reference.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ExportIssueModelRequest
- Request to export an issue model.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1FaqAnswerData
- Agent Assist frequently-asked-question answer data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1FeedbackLabel
- Represents a conversation, resource, and label provided by the user.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1GcsSource
- A Cloud Storage source of conversation data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ImportIssueModelRequest
- Request to import an issue model.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IngestConversationsRequest
- The request to ingest conversations.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IngestConversationsRequestConversationConfig
- Configuration that applies to all conversations.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IngestConversationsRequestGcsSource
- Configuration for Cloud Storage bucket sources.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IngestConversationsRequestTranscriptObjectConfig
- Configuration for processing transcript objects.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1InitializeEncryptionSpecRequest
- The request to initialize a location-level encryption specification.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1Intent
- The data for an intent.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IntentMatchData
- The data for an intent match.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1Issue
- The issue resource.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueAssignment
- Information about the issue.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueMatchData
- The data for an issue match annotation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModel
- The issue model resource.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModelInputDataConfig
- Configs for the input data used to create the issue model.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModelLabelStats
- Aggregated statistics about an issue model.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModelLabelStatsIssueStats
- Aggregated statistics about an issue.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModelResult
- Issue Modeling result on a conversation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListAllFeedbackLabelsResponse
- The response for listing all feedback labels.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListAnalysesResponse
- The response to list analyses.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListAnalysisRulesResponse
- The response of listing views.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListConversationsResponse
- The response of listing conversations.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListFeedbackLabelsResponse
- The response for listing feedback labels.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListIssueModelsResponse
- The response of listing issue models.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListIssuesResponse
- The response of listing issues.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListPhraseMatchersResponse
- The response of listing phrase matchers.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListQaQuestionsResponse
- The response from a ListQaQuestions request.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListQaScorecardRevisionsResponse
- The response from a ListQaScorecardRevisions request.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListQaScorecardsResponse
- The response from a ListQaScorecards request.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ListViewsResponse
- The response of listing views.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1PhraseMatchData
- The data for a matched phrase matcher.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1PhraseMatcher
- The phrase matcher resource.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1PhraseMatchRule
- The data for a phrase match rule.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1PhraseMatchRuleConfig
- Configuration information of a phrase match rule.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1PhraseMatchRuleGroup
- A message representing a rule in the phrase matcher.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaAnswer
- An answer to a QaQuestion.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaAnswerAnswerSource
- A question may have multiple answers from varying sources, one of which becomes the "main" answer above.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaAnswerAnswerValue
- Message for holding the value of a QaAnswer.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaQuestion
- A single question to be scored by the Insights QA feature.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaQuestionAnswerChoice
- Message representing a possible answer to the question.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaQuestionMetrics
- A wrapper representing metrics calculated against a test-set on a LLM that was fine tuned for this question.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaQuestionTuningMetadata
- Metadata about the tuning operation for the question.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaScorecard
- A QaScorecard represents a collection of questions to be scored during analysis.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaScorecardResult
- The results of scoring a single conversation against a QaScorecard.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaScorecardResultQaTagResult
- Tags and their corresponding results.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaScorecardResultScoreSource
- A scorecard result may have multiple sets of scores from varying sources, one of which becomes the "main" answer above.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QaScorecardRevision
- A revision of a QaScorecard.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1QueryMetricsRequest
- The request for querying metrics.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1RedactionConfig
- DLP resources used for redaction while ingesting conversations.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1RuntimeAnnotation
- An annotation that was generated during the customer and agent interaction.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1RuntimeAnnotationUserInput
- Explicit input used for generating the answer
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1SentimentData
- The data for a sentiment annotation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1Settings
- The CCAI Insights project wide settings.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1SettingsAnalysisConfig
- Default configuration when creating Analyses in Insights.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1SmartComposeSuggestionData
- Agent Assist Smart Compose suggestion data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1SmartReplyData
- Agent Assist Smart Reply data.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1SpeechConfig
- Speech-to-Text configuration.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1TuneQaScorecardRevisionRequest
- Request for TuneQaScorecardRevision endpoint.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1UndeployIssueModelRequest
- The request to undeploy an issue model.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1UploadConversationRequest
- Request to upload a conversation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1View
- The View resource.
- GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- ProjectsLocationsAnalysisRulesResource
- ProjectsLocationsAuthorizedViewSetsAuthorizedViewsConversationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsAuthorizedViewSetsAuthorizedViewsResource
- ProjectsLocationsAuthorizedViewSetsResource
- ProjectsLocationsConversationsAnalysesResource
- ProjectsLocationsConversationsFeedbackLabelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsConversationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsEncryptionSpecResource
- ProjectsLocationsInsightsdataResource
- ProjectsLocationsIssueModelsIssuesResource
- ProjectsLocationsIssueModelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPhraseMatchersResource
- ProjectsLocationsQaScorecardsResource
- ProjectsLocationsQaScorecardsRevisionsQaQuestionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsQaScorecardsRevisionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsViewsResource
- ProjectsResource
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DeployQaScorecardRevisionRequest = $Empty
- The request to deploy a QaScorecardRevision
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ExportIssueModelRequestGcsDestination = $Shared10
- Google Cloud Storage Object URI to save the issue model to.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1HoldData = $Empty
- The data for a hold annotation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ImportIssueModelRequestGcsSource = $Shared10
- Google Cloud Storage Object URI to get the issue model file from.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1InterruptionData = $Empty
- The data for an interruption annotation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1SilenceData = $Empty
- The data for a silence annotation.
- GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1UndeployQaScorecardRevisionRequest = $Empty
- The request to undeploy a QaScorecardRevision
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.