civicinfo/v2 library
Google Civic Information API - v2
Provides polling places, early vote locations, contest data, election officials, and government representatives for U.S. residential addresses.
For more information, see
Create an instance of CivicInfoApi to access these resources:
- AdministrationRegion
- Describes information about a regional election administrative area.
- AdministrativeBody
- Information about an election administrative body (e.g. County Board of Elections).
- Candidate
- Information about a candidate running for elected office.
- Channel
- A social media or web channel for a candidate.
- CivicInfoApi
- Provides polling places, early vote locations, contest data, election officials, and government representatives for U.S. residential addresses.
- Contest
- Information about a contest that appears on a voter's ballot.
- DivisionByAddressResponse
- DivisionSearchResponse
- The result of a division search query.
- DivisionSearchResult
- Represents a political geographic division that matches the requested query.
- DivisionsResource
- Election
- Information about the election that was queried.
- ElectionOfficial
- Information about individual election officials.
- ElectionsQueryResponse
- The list of elections available for this version of the API.
- ElectionsResource
- ElectoralDistrict
- Describes the geographic scope of a contest.
- GeographicDivision
- Describes a political geography.
- Office
- Information about an Office held by one or more Officials.
- Official
- Information about a person holding an elected office.
- PollingLocation
- A location where a voter can vote.
- Precinct
- RepresentativeInfoData
- RepresentativeInfoResponse
- The result of a representative info lookup query.
- RepresentativesResource
- SimpleAddressType
- A simple representation of an address.
- Source
- Contains information about the data source for the element containing it.
- VoterInfoResponse
- The result of a voter info lookup query.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.