androidpublisher/v3 library
Google Play Android Developer API - v3
Lets Android application developers access their Google Play accounts. At a high level, the expected workflow is to "insert" an Edit, make changes as necessary, and then "commit" it.
For more information, see
Create an instance of AndroidPublisherApi to access these resources:
- Abi
- Represents an Abi.
- AbiTargeting
- Targeting based on Abi.
- AcquisitionTargetingRule
- Represents a targeting rule of the form: User never had {scope} before.
- ActivateBasePlanRequest
- Request message for ActivateBasePlan.
- ActivateSubscriptionOfferRequest
- Request message for ActivateSubscriptionOffer.
- AddTargetingRequest
- Request message for AddTargeting.
- AllUsers
- Object representation to describe all set of users.
- AndroidPublisherApi
- Lets Android application developers access their Google Play accounts.
- AndroidSdks
- Android api level targeting data for app recovery action targeting.
- Apk
- Information about an APK.
- ApkBinary
- Represents the binary payload of an APK.
- ApkDescription
- Description of the created apks.
- ApksAddExternallyHostedRequest
- Request to create a new externally hosted APK.
- ApksAddExternallyHostedResponse
- Response for creating a new externally hosted APK.
- ApkSet
- A set of apks representing a module.
- ApksListResponse
- Response listing all APKs.
- ApkTargeting
- Represents a set of apk-level targetings.
- AppDetails
- The app details.
- AppEdit
- An app edit.
- ApplicationsDeviceTierConfigsResource
- ApplicationsResource
- AppRecoveryAction
- Information about an app recovery action.
- ApprecoveryResource
- AppVersionList
- Data format for a list of app versions.
- AppVersionRange
- Data format for a continuous range of app versions.
- AssetModuleMetadata
- Metadata of an asset module.
- AssetSliceSet
- Set of asset slices belonging to a single asset module.
- AutoRenewingBasePlanType
- Represents a base plan that automatically renews at the end of its subscription period.
- AutoRenewingPlan
- Information related to an auto renewing plan.
- BasePlan
- A single base plan for a subscription.
- BatchGetSubscriptionOffersRequest
- Request message for BatchGetSubscriptionOffers endpoint.
- BatchGetSubscriptionOffersResponse
- Response message for BatchGetSubscriptionOffers endpoint.
- BatchGetSubscriptionsResponse
- Response message for BatchGetSubscriptions endpoint.
- BatchMigrateBasePlanPricesRequest
- Request message for BatchMigrateBasePlanPrices.
- BatchMigrateBasePlanPricesResponse
- Response message for BatchMigrateBasePlanPrices.
- BatchUpdateBasePlanStatesRequest
- Request message for BatchUpdateBasePlanStates.
- BatchUpdateBasePlanStatesResponse
- Response message for BatchUpdateBasePlanStates.
- BatchUpdateSubscriptionOffersRequest
- Request message for BatchUpdateSubscriptionOffers.
- BatchUpdateSubscriptionOffersResponse
- Response message for BatchUpdateSubscriptionOffers.
- BatchUpdateSubscriptionOfferStatesRequest
- Request message for BatchUpdateSubscriptionOfferStates.
- BatchUpdateSubscriptionOfferStatesResponse
- Response message for BatchUpdateSubscriptionOfferStates.
- BatchUpdateSubscriptionsRequest
- Request message for BatchUpdateSubscription.
- BatchUpdateSubscriptionsResponse
- Response message for BatchUpdateSubscription.
- Bundle
- Information about an app bundle.
- BundlesListResponse
- Response listing all app bundles.
- ByteRange
- Specifies a range of media.
- CanceledStateContext
- Information specific to a subscription in the SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_CANCELED or SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_EXPIRED state.
- CancelSurveyResult
- Result of the cancel survey when the subscription was canceled by the user.
- Comment
- An entry of conversation between user and developer.
- ConvertedOtherRegionsPrice
- Converted other regions prices.
- ConvertedRegionPrice
- A converted region price.
- ConvertRegionPricesRequest
- Request message for ConvertRegionPrices.
- ConvertRegionPricesResponse
- Response message for ConvertRegionPrices.
- CountryTargeting
- Country targeting specification.
- CreateDraftAppRecoveryRequest
- Request message for CreateDraftAppRecovery.
- DeactivateBasePlanRequest
- Request message for DeactivateBasePlan.
- DeactivateSubscriptionOfferRequest
- Request message for DeactivateSubscriptionOffer.
- DeferredItemReplacement
- Information related to deferred item replacement.
- DeobfuscationFile
- Represents a deobfuscation file.
- DeobfuscationFilesUploadResponse
- Responses for the upload.
- DeveloperComment
- Developer entry from conversation between user and developer.
- DeviceFeature
- Represents a device feature.
- DeviceFeatureTargeting
- Targeting for a device feature.
- DeviceGroup
- A group of devices.
- DeviceId
- Identifier of a device.
- DeviceMetadata
- Characteristics of the user's device.
- DeviceRam
- Conditions about a device's RAM capabilities.
- DeviceSelector
- Selector for a device group.
- DeviceSpec
- The device spec used to generate a system APK.
- DeviceTier
- A single device tier.
- DeviceTierConfig
- Configuration describing device targeting criteria for the content of an app.
- DeviceTierSet
- A set of device tiers.
- DownloadOptions
- Represents options for downloading media.
- EditsApksResource
- EditsBundlesResource
- EditsCountryavailabilityResource
- EditsDeobfuscationfilesResource
- EditsDetailsResource
- EditsExpansionfilesResource
- EditsImagesResource
- EditsListingsResource
- EditsResource
- EditsTestersResource
- EditsTracksResource
- ExpansionFile
- An expansion file.
- ExpansionFilesUploadResponse
- Response for uploading an expansion file.
- ExternalAccountIdentifiers
- User account identifier in the third-party service.
- ExternallyHostedApk
- Defines an APK available for this application that is hosted externally and not uploaded to Google Play.
- ExternalSubscription
- Details of an external subscription.
- ExternalTransaction
- The details of an external transaction.
- ExternalTransactionAddress
- User's address for the external transaction.
- ExternaltransactionsResource
- GeneratedApksListResponse
- Response to list generated APKs.
- GeneratedApksPerSigningKey
- Download metadata for split, standalone and universal APKs, as well as asset pack slices, signed with a given key.
- GeneratedapksResource
- GeneratedAssetPackSlice
- Download metadata for an asset pack slice.
- GeneratedRecoveryApk
- Download metadata for an app recovery module.
- GeneratedSplitApk
- Download metadata for a split APK.
- GeneratedStandaloneApk
- Download metadata for a standalone APK.
- GeneratedUniversalApk
- Download metadata for a universal APK.
- GetSubscriptionOfferRequest
- Request message for GetSubscriptionOffer.
- Grant
- An access grant resource.
- GrantsResource
- Image
- An uploaded image.
- ImagesDeleteAllResponse
- Response for deleting all images.
- ImagesListResponse
- Response listing all images.
- ImagesUploadResponse
- Response for uploading an image.
- InAppProduct
- An in-app product.
- InAppProductListing
- Store listing of a single in-app product.
- InappproductsBatchDeleteRequest
- Request to delete multiple in-app products.
- InappproductsBatchGetResponse
- Response message for BatchGetSubscriptions endpoint.
- InappproductsBatchUpdateRequest
- Request to update or insert one or more in-app products.
- InappproductsBatchUpdateResponse
- Response for a batch in-app product update.
- InappproductsDeleteRequest
- Request to delete an in-app product.
- InappproductsListResponse
- Response listing all in-app products.
- InappproductsResource
- InappproductsUpdateRequest
- Request to update an in-app product.
- InstallmentPlan
- Information to a installment plan.
- InstallmentsBasePlanType
- Represents an installments base plan where a user commits to a specified number of payments.
- InternalAppSharingArtifact
- An artifact resource which gets created when uploading an APK or Android App Bundle through internal app sharing.
- InternalappsharingartifactsResource
- IntroductoryPriceInfo
- Contains the introductory price information for a subscription.
- LanguageTargeting
- Targeting based on language.
- ListAppRecoveriesResponse
- Response message for ListAppRecoveries.
- ListDeviceTierConfigsResponse
- Response listing existing device tier configs.
- Listing
- A localized store listing.
- ListingsListResponse
- Response listing all localized listings.
- ListSubscriptionOffersResponse
- Response message for ListSubscriptionOffers.
- ListSubscriptionsResponse
- Response message for ListSubscriptions.
- ListUsersResponse
- A response containing one or more users with access to an account.
- LocalizedText
- Localized text in given language.
- ManagedProductTaxAndComplianceSettings
- Details about taxation and legal compliance for managed products.
- Media
- Represents a media consisting of a stream of bytes, a content type and a length.
- MigrateBasePlanPricesRequest
- Request message for MigrateBasePlanPrices.
- ModuleMetadata
- Metadata of a module.
- ModuleTargeting
- Targeting on the module level.
- MonetizationResource
- MonetizationSubscriptionsBasePlansOffersResource
- MonetizationSubscriptionsBasePlansResource
- MonetizationSubscriptionsResource
- MultiAbi
- Represents a list of ABIs.
- MultiAbiTargeting
- Targeting based on multiple abis.
- OfferDetails
- Offer details information related to a purchase line item.
- OfferTag
- Represents a custom tag specified for a product offer.
- OneTimeExternalTransaction
- Represents a one-time transaction.
- OrdersResource
- OtherRegionsBasePlanConfig
- Pricing information for any new locations Play may launch in.
- OtherRegionsSubscriptionOfferConfig
- Configuration for any new locations Play may launch in specified on a subscription offer.
- OtherRegionsSubscriptionOfferPhaseConfig
- Configuration for any new locations Play may launch in for a single offer phase.
- OtherRegionsSubscriptionOfferPhasePrices
- Pricing information for any new locations Play may launch in.
- PartialDownloadOptions
- Options for downloading a Media.
- PartialRefund
- A partial refund of a transaction.
- PausedStateContext
- Information specific to a subscription in paused state.
- PrepaidBasePlanType
- Represents a base plan that does not automatically renew at the end of the base plan, and must be manually renewed by the user.
- PrepaidPlan
- Information related to a prepaid plan.
- Price
- Definition of a price, i.e. currency and units.
- ProductPurchase
- A ProductPurchase resource indicates the status of a user's inapp product purchase.
- PurchasesProductsResource
- PurchasesResource
- PurchasesSubscriptionsResource
- PurchasesSubscriptionsv2Resource
- PurchasesVoidedpurchasesResource
- RecurringExternalTransaction
- Represents a transaction that is part of a recurring series of payments.
- RefundExternalTransactionRequest
- A request to refund an existing external transaction.
- RegionalBasePlanConfig
- Configuration for a base plan specific to a region.
- RegionalPriceMigrationConfig
- Configuration for migration of a legacy price cohort.
- RegionalSubscriptionOfferConfig
- Configuration for a subscription offer in a single region.
- RegionalSubscriptionOfferPhaseConfig
- Configuration for a single phase of a subscription offer in a single region.
- RegionalTaxRateInfo
- Specified details about taxation in a given geographical region.
- Regions
- Region targeting data for app recovery action targeting.
- RegionsVersion
- The version of the available regions being used for the specified resource.
- RemoteInAppUpdate
- Object representation for Remote in-app update action type.
- RemoteInAppUpdateData
- Data related to Remote In-App Update action such as recovered user count, affected user count etc.
- RemoteInAppUpdateDataPerBundle
- Data related to the recovery action at bundle level.
- RestrictedPaymentCountries
- Countries where the purchase of this product is restricted to payment methods registered in the same country.
- ResumableUploadOptions
- Specifies options for resumable uploads.
- Review
- An Android app review.
- ReviewReplyResult
- The result of replying/updating a reply to review.
- ReviewsListResponse
- Response listing reviews.
- ReviewsReplyRequest
- Request to reply to review or update existing reply.
- ReviewsReplyResponse
- Response on status of replying to a review.
- ReviewsResource
- RevocationContext
- Revocation context of the purchases.subscriptionsv2.revoke API.
- RevokeSubscriptionPurchaseRequest
- Request for the purchases.subscriptionsv2.revoke API.
- SafetyLabelsUpdateRequest
- Request to update Safety Labels of an app.
- ScreenDensity
- Represents a screen density.
- ScreenDensityTargeting
- Targeting based on screen density.
- SdkVersion
- Represents an sdk version.
- SdkVersionTargeting
- Targeting based on sdk version.
- SignupPromotion
- The promotion applied on this item when purchased.
- SplitApkMetadata
- Holds data specific to Split APKs.
- SplitApkVariant
- Variant is a group of APKs that covers a part of the device configuration space.
- StandaloneApkMetadata
- Holds data specific to Standalone APKs.
- SubscribeWithGoogleInfo
- Information associated with purchases made with 'Subscribe with Google'.
- Subscription
- A single subscription for an app.
- SubscriptionCancelSurveyResult
- Information provided by the user when they complete the subscription cancellation flow (cancellation reason survey).
- SubscriptionDeferralInfo
- A SubscriptionDeferralInfo contains the data needed to defer a subscription purchase to a future expiry time.
- SubscriptionItemPriceChangeDetails
- Price change related information of a subscription item.
- SubscriptionListing
- The consumer-visible metadata of a subscription.
- SubscriptionOffer
- A single, temporary offer
- SubscriptionOfferPhase
- A single phase of a subscription offer.
- SubscriptionOfferTargeting
- Defines the rule a user needs to satisfy to receive this offer.
- SubscriptionPriceChange
- Contains the price change information for a subscription that can be used to control the user journey for the price change in the app.
- SubscriptionPurchase
- A SubscriptionPurchase resource indicates the status of a user's subscription purchase.
- SubscriptionPurchaseLineItem
- Item-level info for a subscription purchase.
- SubscriptionPurchasesDeferRequest
- Request for the purchases.subscriptions.defer API.
- SubscriptionPurchasesDeferResponse
- Response for the purchases.subscriptions.defer API.
- SubscriptionPurchaseV2
- Indicates the status of a user's subscription purchase.
- SubscriptionTaxAndComplianceSettings
- Details about taxation, Google Play policy and legal compliance for subscription products.
- SystemApkOptions
- Options for system APKs.
- SystemApksListResponse
- Response to list previously created system APK variants.
- SystemapksResource
- SystemapksVariantsResource
- SystemFeature
- Representation of a system feature.
- SystemOnChip
- Representation of a System-on-Chip (SoC) of an Android device.
- Targeting
- Targeting details for a recovery action such as regions, android sdk levels, app versions etc.
- TargetingInfo
- Targeting information about the generated apks.
- TargetingRuleScope
- Defines the scope of subscriptions which a targeting rule can match to target offers to users based on past or current entitlement.
- TargetingUpdate
- Update type for targeting.
- Testers
- The testers of an app.
- TextureCompressionFormat
- Represents texture compression format.
- TextureCompressionFormatTargeting
- Targeting by a texture compression format.
- Timestamp
- A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or local calendar, encoded as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution.
- Track
- A track configuration.
- TrackConfig
- Configurations of the new track.
- TrackCountryAvailability
- Resource for per-track country availability information.
- TrackRelease
- A release within a track.
- TracksListResponse
- Response listing all tracks.
- TrackTargetedCountry
- Representation of a single country where the contents of a track are available.
- UpdateBasePlanStateRequest
- Request message to update the state of a subscription base plan.
- UpdateSubscriptionOfferRequest
- Request message for UpdateSubscriptionOffer.
- UpdateSubscriptionOfferStateRequest
- Request message to update the state of a subscription offer.
- UpdateSubscriptionRequest
- Request message for UpdateSubscription.
- UpgradeTargetingRule
- Represents a targeting rule of the form: User currently has {scope} [with billing period {billing_period}].
- UploadOptions
- Represents options for uploading a Media.
- User
- A user resource.
- UserComment
- User entry from conversation between user and developer.
- UserCountriesTargeting
- Describes an inclusive/exclusive list of country codes that module targets.
- UserCountrySet
- A set of user countries.
- UserInitiatedCancellation
- Information specific to cancellations initiated by users.
- UsersResource
- UsesPermission
- A permission used by this APK.
- VanityCode
- A multiple use, predefined promotion code.
- Variant
- APK that is suitable for inclusion in a system image.
- VariantTargeting
- Targeting on the level of variants.
- VoidedPurchase
- A VoidedPurchase resource indicates a purchase that was either canceled/refunded/charged-back.
- VoidedPurchasesListResponse
- Response for the voidedpurchases.list API.
- AddTargetingResponse = $Empty
- Response message for AddTargeting.
- ArchiveSubscriptionRequest = $Shared01
- Deprecated: subscription archiving is not supported.
- CancelAppRecoveryRequest = $Empty
- Request message for CancelAppRecovery.
- CancelAppRecoveryResponse = $Empty
- Response message for CancelAppRecovery.
- DeployAppRecoveryRequest = $Empty
- Request message for DeployAppRecovery.
- DeployAppRecoveryResponse = $Empty
- Response message for DeployAppRecovery.
- DeveloperInitiatedCancellation = $Empty
- Information specific to cancellations initiated by developers.
- ExternalTransactionTestPurchase = $Empty
- Represents a transaction performed using a test account.
- FullRefund = $Empty
- A full refund of the remaining amount of a transaction.
- MigrateBasePlanPricesResponse = $Empty
- Response message for MigrateBasePlanPrices.
- Money = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
- OneTimeCode = $Empty
- A single use promotion code.
- OtherRecurringProduct = $Empty
- Details of a recurring external transaction product which doesn't belong to any other more specific category.
- OtherRegionsSubscriptionOfferPhaseFreePriceOverride = $Empty
- Represents the free price override configuration for any new locations Play may launch for a single offer phase.
- PageInfo = $PageInfo
- Information about the current page.
- PendingCancellation = $Empty
- This is an indicator of whether there is a pending cancellation on the virtual installment plan.
- ProductPurchasesAcknowledgeRequest = $PurchasesAcknowledgeRequest
- Request for the product.purchases.acknowledge API.
- RegionalSubscriptionOfferPhaseFreePriceOverride = $Empty
- Represents the free price override configuration for a single phase of a subscription offer
- ReplacementCancellation = $Empty
- Information specific to cancellations caused by subscription replacement.
- RevocationContextFullRefund = $Empty
- Used to determine if the refund type in the RevocationContext is a full refund.
- RevocationContextProratedRefund = $Empty
- Used to determine if the refund type in the RevocationContext is a prorated refund.
- RevokeSubscriptionPurchaseResponse = $Empty
- Response for the purchases.subscriptionsv2.revoke API.
- SafetyLabelsUpdateResponse = $Empty
- Response for SafetyLabelsUpdate rpc.
- SubscriptionPurchasesAcknowledgeRequest = $PurchasesAcknowledgeRequest
- Request for the purchases.subscriptions.acknowledge API.
- SystemInitiatedCancellation = $Empty
- Information specific to cancellations initiated by Google system.
- TargetingRuleScopeAnySubscriptionInApp = $Empty
- Represents the targeting rule scope corresponding to any subscription in the parent app.
- TargetingRuleScopeThisSubscription = $Empty
- Represents the targeting rule scope corresponding to the subscriptions in which this offer is defined.
- TestPurchase = $Empty
- Whether this subscription purchase is a test purchase.
- TokenPagination = $TokenPagination
- Pagination information returned by a List operation when token pagination is enabled.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.