androidenterprise/v1 library
Google Play EMM API - v1
Manages the deployment of apps to Android Enterprise devices.
For more information, see
Create an instance of AndroidEnterpriseApi to access these resources:
- DevicesResource
- EnrollmentTokensResource
- EnterprisesResource
- EntitlementsResource
- GrouplicensesResource
- GrouplicenseusersResource
- InstallsResource
- ManagedconfigurationsfordeviceResource
- ManagedconfigurationsforuserResource
- ManagedconfigurationssettingsResource
- PermissionsResource
- ProductsResource
- ServiceaccountkeysResource
- StorelayoutclustersResource
- StorelayoutpagesResource
- UsersResource
- WebappsResource
- Administrator
- This represents an enterprise admin who can manage the enterprise in the managed Google Play store.
- AdministratorWebToken
- A token authorizing an admin to access an iframe.
- AdministratorWebTokenSpec
- Specification for a token used to generate iframes.
- AdministratorWebTokenSpecManagedConfigurations
- AdministratorWebTokenSpecPlaySearch
- AdministratorWebTokenSpecPrivateApps
- AdministratorWebTokenSpecStoreBuilder
- AdministratorWebTokenSpecWebApps
- AdministratorWebTokenSpecZeroTouch
- AndroidEnterpriseApi
- Manages the deployment of apps to Android Enterprise devices.
- AppRestrictionsSchema
- Represents the list of app restrictions available to be pre-configured for the product.
- AppRestrictionsSchemaChangeEvent
- An event generated when a new app version is uploaded to Google Play and its app restrictions schema changed.
- AppRestrictionsSchemaRestriction
- A restriction in the App Restriction Schema represents a piece of configuration that may be pre-applied.
- AppRestrictionsSchemaRestrictionRestrictionValue
- A typed value for the restriction.
- ApprovalUrlInfo
- Information on an approval URL.
- AppState
- List of states set by the app.
- AppUpdateEvent
- An event generated when a new version of an app is uploaded to Google Play.
- AppVersion
- This represents a single version of the app.
- AuthenticationToken
- An AuthenticationToken is used by the EMM's device policy client on a device to provision the given EMM-managed user on that device.
- AutoInstallConstraint
- The auto-install constraint.
- AutoInstallPolicy
- ConfigurationVariables
- A configuration variables resource contains the managed configuration settings ID to be applied to a single user, as well as the variable set that is attributed to the user.
- Device
- A Devices resource represents a mobile device managed by the EMM and belonging to a specific enterprise user.
- DeviceReport
- Device report updated with the latest app states for managed apps on the device.
- DeviceReportUpdateEvent
- An event generated when an updated device report is available.
- DevicesListResponse
- DevicesResource
- DeviceState
- The state of a user's device, as accessed by the getState and setState methods on device resources.
- EnrollmentToken
- A token used to enroll a device.
- EnrollmentTokensResource
- Enterprise
- An Enterprises resource represents the binding between an EMM and a specific organization.
- EnterpriseAccount
- A service account that can be used to authenticate as the enterprise to API calls that require such authentication.
- EnterpriseAuthenticationAppLinkConfig
- An authentication URL configuration for the authenticator app of an identity provider.
- EnterprisesListResponse
- EnterprisesResource
- EnterprisesSendTestPushNotificationResponse
- EnterpriseUpgradeEvent
- An event generated when an enterprise is upgraded.
- Entitlement
- Deprecated: New integrations cannot use this method and can refer to our new recommendations.
- EntitlementsListResponse
- EntitlementsResource
- GoogleAuthenticationSettings
- Contains settings for Google-provided user authentication.
- GroupLicense
- Deprecated: New integrations cannot use this method and can refer to our new recommendations
- GroupLicensesListResponse
- GrouplicensesResource
- GroupLicenseUsersListResponse
- GrouplicenseusersResource
- Install
- The existence of an Installs resource indicates that an app is installed on a particular device (or that an install is pending).
- InstallFailureEvent
- An event generated when an app installation failed on a device
- InstallsListResponse
- InstallsResource
- KeyedAppState
- Represents a keyed app state containing a key, timestamp, severity level, optional description, and optional data.
- LocalizedText
- A localized string with its locale.
- MaintenanceWindow
- Maintenance window for managed Google Play Accounts.
- ManagedConfiguration
- Deprecated: New integrations cannot use this method and can refer to our new recommendations
- ManagedConfigurationsForDeviceListResponse
- ManagedconfigurationsfordeviceResource
- ManagedConfigurationsForUserListResponse
- ManagedconfigurationsforuserResource
- ManagedConfigurationsSettings
- A managed configurations settings resource contains the set of managed properties that have been configured for an Android app to be applied to a set of users.
- ManagedConfigurationsSettingsListResponse
- ManagedconfigurationssettingsResource
- ManagedProperty
- A managed property of a managed configuration.
- ManagedPropertyBundle
- A bundle of managed properties.
- NewDeviceEvent
- An event generated when a new device is ready to be managed.
- NewPermissionsEvent
- An event generated when new permissions are added to an app.
- Notification
- A notification of one event relating to an enterprise.
- NotificationSet
- A resource returned by the PullNotificationSet API, which contains a collection of notifications for enterprises associated with the service account authenticated for the request.
- Permission
- A Permissions resource represents some extra capability, to be granted to an Android app, which requires explicit consent.
- PermissionsResource
- Policy
- The device policy for a given managed device.
- Product
- A Products resource represents an app in the Google Play store that is available to at least some users in the enterprise.
- ProductApprovalEvent
- An event generated when a product's approval status is changed.
- ProductAvailabilityChangeEvent
- An event generated whenever a product's availability changes.
- ProductPermission
- A product permissions resource represents the set of permissions required by a specific app and whether or not they have been accepted by an enterprise admin.
- ProductPermissions
- Information about the permissions required by a specific app and whether they have been accepted by the enterprise.
- ProductPolicy
- The policy for a product.
- ProductsApproveRequest
- ProductSet
- A set of products.
- ProductsGenerateApprovalUrlResponse
- ProductSigningCertificate
- ProductsListResponse
- ProductsResource
- ProductVisibility
- A product to be made visible to a user.
- ServiceAccount
- A service account identity, including the name and credentials that can be used to authenticate as the service account.
- ServiceAccountKey
- Deprecated: New integrations cannot use this method and can refer to our new recommendations
- ServiceAccountKeysListResponse
- ServiceaccountkeysResource
- SignupInfo
- A resource returned by the GenerateSignupUrl API, which contains the Signup URL and Completion Token.
- StoreCluster
- Definition of a managed Google Play store cluster, a list of products displayed as part of a store page.
- StoreLayout
- General setting for the managed Google Play store layout, currently only specifying the page to display the first time the store is opened.
- StoreLayoutClustersListResponse
- StorelayoutclustersResource
- StoreLayoutPagesListResponse
- StorelayoutpagesResource
- StorePage
- Definition of a managed Google Play store page, made of a localized name and links to other pages.
- TrackInfo
- Id to name association of a track.
- User
- A Users resource represents an account associated with an enterprise.
- UsersListResponse
- UsersResource
- VariableSet
- A variable set is a key-value pair of EMM-provided placeholders and its corresponding value, which is attributed to a user.
- WebApp
- A WebApps resource represents a web app created for an enterprise.
- WebAppsListResponse
- WebappsResource
- GenerateEnterpriseUpgradeUrlResponse = $GenerateEnterpriseUpgradeUrlResponse
- Response message for generating a URL to upgrade an existing managed Google Play Accounts enterprise to a managed Google domain.
- PageInfo = $PageInfo
- Information about the current page.
- TokenPagination = $TokenPagination
- Pagination information returned by a List operation when token pagination is enabled.
- WebAppIcon = $WebAppIcon
- Icon for a web app.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.