workflowexecutions/v1 library
Workflow Executions API - v1
Execute workflows created with Workflows API.
For more information, see
Create an instance of WorkflowExecutionsApi to access these resources:
- Callback
- An instance of a Callback created by an execution.
- Error
- Error describes why the execution was abnormally terminated.
- Exception
- Exception describes why the step entry failed.
- Execution
- A running instance of a [Workflow](/workflows/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.locations.workflows).
- ExportDataResponse
- Response for the ExportData method.
- ListCallbacksResponse
- RPC response object for the ListCallbacks method.
- ListExecutionsResponse
- Response for the ListExecutions method.
- ListStepEntriesResponse
- Response message for ExecutionHistory.ListStepEntries.
- NavigationInfo describes what steps if any come before or after this step, or what steps are parents or children of this step.
- Position
- Position contains source position information about the stack trace element such as line number, column number and length of the code block in bytes.
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsWorkflowsExecutionsCallbacksResource
- ProjectsLocationsWorkflowsExecutionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsWorkflowsExecutionsStepEntriesResource
- ProjectsLocationsWorkflowsResource
- ProjectsResource
- StackTrace
- A collection of stack elements (frames) where an error occurred.
- StackTraceElement
- A single stack element (frame) where an error occurred.
- Status
- Represents the current status of this execution.
- Step
- Represents a step of the workflow this execution is running.
- StepEntry
- An StepEntry contains debugging information for a step transition in a workflow execution.
- StepEntryMetadata
- StepEntryMetadata contains metadata information about this step.
- TriggerPubsubExecutionRequest
- Request for the TriggerPubsubExecution method.
- VariableData
- VariableData contains the variable data for this step.
- WorkflowExecutionsApi
- Execute workflows created with Workflows API.
- CancelExecutionRequest = $Empty
- Request for the CancelExecution method.
- DeleteExecutionHistoryRequest = $Empty
- Request for the DeleteExecutionHistory method.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- PubsubMessage = $PubsubMessage
- A message that is published by publishers and consumed by subscribers.
- StateError = $StateError
- Describes an error related to the current state of the Execution resource.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.