doubleclickbidmanager/v2 library
DoubleClick Bid Manager API - v2
DoubleClick Bid Manager API allows users to manage and create campaigns and reports.
For more information, see
Create an instance of DoubleClickBidManagerApi to access these resources:
- DataRange
- The date range to be reported on.
- DoubleClickBidManagerApi
- DoubleClick Bid Manager API allows users to manage and create campaigns and reports.
- FilterPair
- Represents a single filter rule.
- ListQueriesResponse
- ListReportsResponse
- Options
- Report parameter options.
- Parameters
- Parameters of a generated report.
- QueriesReportsResource
- QueriesResource
- Query
- A single query used to generate a report.
- QueryMetadata
- The metadata of the query.
- QuerySchedule
- Settings on when and how frequently to run a query.
- Report
- A single report generated by its parent report.
- ReportKey
- Identifying information of a report.
- ReportMetadata
- The metadata of a report.
- ReportStatus
- The status of a report.
- RunQueryRequest
- Details specifying how to run a query.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.