cloudidentity/v1 library
Cloud Identity API - v1
API for provisioning and managing identity resources.
For more information, see
Create an instance of CloudIdentityApi to access these resources:
- AddIdpCredentialRequest
- The request for creating an IdpCredential with its associated payload.
- CheckTransitiveMembershipResponse
- The response message for MembershipsService.CheckTransitiveMembership.
- CloudIdentityApi
- API for provisioning and managing identity resources.
- CustomersResource
- CustomersUserinvitationsResource
- DevicesDeviceUsersClientStatesResource
- DevicesDeviceUsersResource
- DevicesResource
- DsaPublicKeyInfo
- Information of a DSA public key.
- DynamicGroupMetadata
- Dynamic group metadata like queries and status.
- DynamicGroupQuery
- Defines a query on a resource.
- DynamicGroupStatus
- The current status of a dynamic group along with timestamp.
- EntityKey
- A unique identifier for an entity in the Cloud Identity Groups API.
- ExpiryDetail
expiry details. - GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1AndroidAttributes
- Resource representing the Android specific attributes of a Device.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1BrowserAttributes
- Contains information about browser profiles reported by the Endpoint Verification extension.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1BrowserInfo
- Browser-specific fields reported by the Endpoint Verification extension.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1CertificateAttributes
- Stores information about a certificate.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1CertificateTemplate
- CertificateTemplate (v3 Extension in X.509).
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1ClientState
- Represents the state associated with an API client calling the Devices API.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1CustomAttributeValue
- Additional custom attribute values may be one of these types
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1Device
- A Device within the Cloud Identity Devices API.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1DeviceUser
- Represents a user's use of a Device in the Cloud Identity Devices API.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1EndpointVerificationSpecificAttributes
- Resource representing the [Endpoint Verification-specific attributes]( of a device.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1ListClientStatesResponse
- Response message that is returned in ListClientStates.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1ListDevicesResponse
- Response message that is returned from the ListDevices method.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1ListDeviceUsersResponse
- Response message that is returned from the ListDeviceUsers method.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1LookupSelfDeviceUsersResponse
- Response containing resource names of the DeviceUsers associated with the caller's credentials.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1WipeDeviceRequest
- Request message for wiping all data on the device.
- Group
- A group within the Cloud Identity Groups API.
- GroupRelation
- Message representing a transitive group of a user or a group.
- GroupsMembershipsResource
- GroupsResource
- IdpCredential
- Credential for verifying signatures produced by the Identity Provider.
- InboundSamlSsoProfile
- A SAML 2.0 federation between a Google enterprise customer and a SAML identity provider.
- InboundSamlSsoProfilesIdpCredentialsResource
- InboundSamlSsoProfilesResource
- InboundSsoAssignment
- Targets with "set" SSO assignments and their respective assignments.
- InboundSsoAssignmentsResource
- IsInvitableUserResponse
- Response for IsInvitableUser RPC.
- ListGroupsResponse
- Response message for ListGroups operation.
- ListIdpCredentialsResponse
- Response of the InboundSamlSsoProfilesService.ListIdpCredentials method.
- ListInboundSamlSsoProfilesResponse
- Response of the InboundSamlSsoProfilesService.ListInboundSamlSsoProfiles method.
- ListInboundSsoAssignmentsResponse
- Response of the InboundSsoAssignmentsService.ListInboundSsoAssignments method.
- ListMembershipsResponse
- The response message for MembershipsService.ListMemberships.
- ListPoliciesResponse
- The response message for PoliciesService.ListPolicies.
- ListUserInvitationsResponse
- Response message for UserInvitation listing request.
- LookupGroupNameResponse
- The response message for GroupsService.LookupGroupName.
- LookupMembershipNameResponse
- The response message for MembershipsService.LookupMembershipName.
- MemberRelation
- Message representing a transitive membership of a group.
- MemberRestriction
- The definition of MemberRestriction
- Membership
- A membership within the Cloud Identity Groups API.
- MembershipRelation
- Message containing membership relation.
- MembershipRole
- A membership role within the Cloud Identity Groups API.
- MembershipRoleRestrictionEvaluation
- The evaluated state of this restriction.
- ModifyMembershipRolesRequest
- The request message for MembershipsService.ModifyMembershipRoles.
- ModifyMembershipRolesResponse
- The response message for MembershipsService.ModifyMembershipRoles.
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- PoliciesResource
- Policy
- A Policy resource binds an instance of a single Setting with the scope of a PolicyQuery.
- PolicyQuery
- PolicyQuery
- RestrictionEvaluation
- The evaluated state of this restriction.
- RestrictionEvaluations
- Evaluations of restrictions applied to parent group on this membership.
- RsaPublicKeyInfo
- Information of a RSA public key.
- SamlIdpConfig
- SAML IDP (identity provider) configuration.
- SamlSpConfig
- SAML SP (service provider) configuration.
- SamlSsoInfo
Details that are applicable when
. - SearchDirectGroupsResponse
- The response message for MembershipsService.SearchDirectGroups.
- SearchGroupsResponse
- The response message for GroupsService.SearchGroups.
- SearchTransitiveGroupsResponse
- The response message for MembershipsService.SearchTransitiveGroups.
- SearchTransitiveMembershipsResponse
- The response message for MembershipsService.SearchTransitiveMemberships.
- SecuritySettings
- The definition of security settings.
- Setting
- Setting
- SignInBehavior
- Controls sign-in behavior.
- TransitiveMembershipRole
- Message representing the role of a TransitiveMembership.
- UpdateMembershipRolesParams
The details of an update to a
. - UserInvitation
resource represents an email that can be sent to an unmanaged user account inviting them to join the customer's Google Workspace or Cloud Identity account.
- CancelUserInvitationRequest = $Empty
- Request to cancel sent invitation for target email in UserInvitation.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1ApproveDeviceUserRequest = $Request01
- Request message for approving the device to access user data.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1BlockDeviceUserRequest = $Request01
- Request message for blocking account on device.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1CancelWipeDeviceRequest = $Request01
- Request message for cancelling an unfinished device wipe.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1CancelWipeDeviceUserRequest = $Request01
- Request message for cancelling an unfinished user account wipe.
- GoogleAppsCloudidentityDevicesV1WipeDeviceUserRequest = $Request01
- Request message for starting an account wipe on device.
- SendUserInvitationRequest = $Empty
- A request to send email for inviting target user corresponding to the UserInvitation.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.