apigee/v1 library
Apigee API - v1
Use the Apigee API to programmatically develop and manage APIs with a set of RESTful operations. Develop and secure API proxies, deploy and undeploy API proxy revisions, monitor APIs, configure environments, manage users, and more. Note: This product is available as a free trial for a time period of 60 days.
For more information, see cloud.google.com/apigee-api-management/
Create an instance of ApigeeApi to access these resources:
- HybridResource
- OrganizationsResource
- OrganizationsAnalyticsResource
- OrganizationsApiproductsResource
- OrganizationsApisResource
- OrganizationsAppgroupsResource
- OrganizationsAppsResource
- OrganizationsDatacollectorsResource
- OrganizationsDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersResource
- OrganizationsEndpointAttachmentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvgroupsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsDebugsessionsDataResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsArchiveDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsCachesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsFlowhooksResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeystoresResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeyvaluemapsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsOptimizedStatsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsQueriesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsReferencesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsResourcefilesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSecurityActionsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSecurityIncidentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSecurityReportsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSecurityStatsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSharedflowsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsStatsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsTargetserversResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsTraceConfigResource
- OrganizationsHostQueriesResource
- OrganizationsHostSecurityReportsResource
- OrganizationsHostStatsResource
- OrganizationsInstancesResource
- OrganizationsKeyvaluemapsResource
- OrganizationsOperationsResource
- OrganizationsOptimizedHostStatsResource
- OrganizationsReportsResource
- OrganizationsSecurityAssessmentResultsResource
- OrganizationsSecurityProfilesResource
- OrganizationsSecurityProfilesV2Resource
- OrganizationsSharedflowsResource
- OrganizationsSitesResource
- OrganizationsSpacesResource
- ProjectsResource
- ApigeeApi
- Use the Apigee API to programmatically develop and manage APIs with a set of RESTful operations.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessLoggingConfig
- Access logging configuration enables customers to ship the access logs from the tenant projects to their own project's cloud logging.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove
- Remove action.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet
- Set action.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig
- Add-on configurations for the Apigee organization.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdjustDeveloperBalanceRequest
- Request for AdjustDeveloperBalance.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig
- Configuration for the Advanced API Ops add-on.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias
- Reference to a certificate or key/certificate pair.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AnalyticsConfig
- Configuration for the Analytics add-on.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory
represents an API category. - GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryResponse
- The API category resource wrapped with response status, error_code, etc.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiDebugSession
- Session carries the debug session id and its creation time.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiDoc
represents an API catalog item. - GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiDocDocumentation
- The documentation for a catalog item.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiDocDocumentationResponse
- The catalog item documentation wrapped with response status, error_code, etc.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiDocResponse
- The catalog item resource wrapped with response status, error_code, etc.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1APIProductAssociation
- APIProductAssociation has the API product and its administrative state association.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy
- Metadata describing the API proxy
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision
- API proxy revision.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiSecurityConfig
- Configurations of the API Security add-on.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiSecurityRuntimeConfig
- Response for GetApiSecurityRuntimeConfig[EnvironmentService.GetApiSecurityRuntimeConfig].
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1App
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AppGroup
- AppGroup contains the request/response fields representing the logical grouping of apps.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AppGroupApp
- Response for [GetAppGroupApp].[AppGroupApps.GetAppGroupApp], [CreateAppGroupAppRequest].[AppGroupApp.CreateAppGroupAppRequest] and [DeleteAppGroupApp].[AppGroupApp.DeleteAppGroupApp]
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AppGroupAppKey
- AppGroupAppKey contains all the information associated with the credentials.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ArchiveDeployment
- Archive Deployment information.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute
- Key-value pair to store extra metadata.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1BatchComputeSecurityAssessmentResultsRequest
- Request for BatchComputeSecurityAssessmentResults.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1BatchComputeSecurityAssessmentResultsRequestResourceArray
- Message for the array of resources.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1BatchComputeSecurityAssessmentResultsRequestResourceArrayResource
- Resource for which we are computing security assessment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1BatchComputeSecurityAssessmentResultsResponse
- Response for BatchComputeSecurityAssessmentResults.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1BatchUpdateSecurityIncidentsRequest
- Request for BatchUpdateSecurityIncident.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1BatchUpdateSecurityIncidentsResponse
- Response for BatchUpdateSecurityIncident.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation
- CanaryEvaluation represents the canary analysis between two versions of the runtime that is serving requests.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels
- Labels that can be used to filter Apigee metrics.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo
- X.509 certificate as defined in RFC 5280.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ComputeEnvironmentScoresRequest
- Request for ComputeEnvironmentScores.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ComputeEnvironmentScoresRequestFilter
- Filter scores by component path.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ComputeEnvironmentScoresResponse
- Response for ComputeEnvironmentScores.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion
- Version of the API proxy configuration schema.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConnectorsPlatformConfig
- Configuration for the Connectors Platform add-on.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ControlPlaneAccess
- ControlPlaneAccess is the request body and response body of UpdateControlPlaneAccess.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1CreditDeveloperBalanceRequest
- Request for CreditDeveloperBalance.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric
- This encapsulates a metric property of the form sum(message_count) where name is message_count and function is sum
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector
- Data collector configuration.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig
- Data collector and its configuration.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore
- The data store defines the connection to export data repository (Cloud Storage, BigQuery), including the credentials used to access the data repository.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig
- Configuration detail for datastore
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange
- Date range of the data to export.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction
- A transaction contains all of the debug information of the entire message flow of an API call processed by the runtime plane.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteResponse
- Response for certain delete operations.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment
- Deployment represents a deployment of an API proxy or shared flow.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport
- Response for GenerateDeployChangeReport and GenerateUndeployChangeReport.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange
- Describes a potential routing change that may occur as a result of some deployment operation.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict
- Describes a routing conflict that may cause a deployment not to receive traffic at some base path.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment
- Tuple representing a base path and the deployment containing it.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig
- NEXT ID: 11
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentGroupConfig
- DeploymentGroupConfig represents a deployment group that should be present in a particular environment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperBalance
- Account balance for the developer.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperBalanceWallet
- Wallet used to manage an account balance for a particular currency.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperMonetizationConfig
- Monetization configuration for the developer.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription
- Structure of a DeveloperSubscription.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric
- Encapsulates a metric grouped by dimension.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DocumentationFile
- Documentation file contents for a catalog item.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EndpointAttachment
- Apigee endpoint attachment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EndpointChainingRule
- EndpointChainingRule specifies the proxies contained in a particular deployment group, so that other deployment groups can find them in chaining calls.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata
- Metadata common to many entities in this API.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentClientIPResolutionConfig
- Configuration for resolving the client ip.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentClientIPResolutionConfigHeaderIndexAlgorithm
- Resolves the client ip based on a custom header.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfigClientIPResolutionConfig
- Configuration for resolving the client ip.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfigClientIPResolutionConfigHeaderIndexAlgorithm
- Resolves the client ip based on a custom header.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup
- EnvironmentGroup configuration.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment
- EnvironmentGroupAttachment is a resource which defines an attachment of an environment to an environment group.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig
- EnvironmentGroupConfig is a revisioned snapshot of an EnvironmentGroup and its associated routing rules.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export
- Details of an export job.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest
- Request body for [CreateExportRequest]
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GenerateDownloadUrlResponse
- Response for GenerateDownloadUrl method.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GenerateUploadUrlResponse
- Response for GenerateUploadUrl method.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetAsyncQueryResultUrlResponse
- The response for GetAsyncQueryResultUrl
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetAsyncQueryResultUrlResponseURLInfo
- A Signed URL and the relevant metadata associated with it.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphqlDocumentation
- GraphQL documentation for a catalog item.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation
- Represents the pairing of GraphQL operation types and the GraphQL operation name.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig
- Binds the resources in a proxy or remote service with the GraphQL operation and its associated quota enforcement.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup
- List of graphQL operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies or remote services.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GrpcOperationConfig
- Binds the resources in a proxy or remote service with the gRPC operation and its associated quota enforcement.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GrpcOperationGroup
- List of gRPC operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance
- Apigee runtime instance.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment
- InstanceAttachment represents the installation of an environment onto an instance.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus
- The status of a deployment as reported by a single instance.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision
- Revisions deployed in the MPs.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute
- Route deployed in the ingress routing table.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig
- Configuration for the Integration add-on.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore
- Datastore for Certificates and Aliases.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueEntry
- Key value map pair where the value represents the data associated with the corresponding key.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap
- Collection of key/value string pairs.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse
The response for
. - GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiDebugSessionsResponse
- Response for ListApiDebugSessions.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiDocsResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppGroupAppsResponse
- Response for ListAppGroupApps
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppGroupsResponse
- ListAppGroupsResponse contains the 0 or more AppGroups, along with the optional page token and the total count of apps.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListArchiveDeploymentsResponse
- Response for ListArchiveDeployments method.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse
- The response for ListAsyncQueries.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse
- This message encapsulates a list of custom report definitions
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse
- Response for ListDataCollectors.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse
- The response for ListDatastores
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse
- Response for ListDeveloperSubscriptions.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEndpointAttachmentsResponse
- Response for ListEndpointAttachments method.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse
- Response for ListEnvironmentGroupAttachments.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse
- Response for ListEnvironmentGroups.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse
- Response for ListEnvironmentResources
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse
- The response for ListExports
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse
- Response for ListInstanceAttachments.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse
- Response for ListInstances.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListKeyValueEntriesResponse
- The request structure for listing key value map keys and its corresponding values.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse
- Response for ListNatAddresses.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse
- Response for ListRatePlans.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSecurityActionsResponse
- Contains a list of SecurityActions in response to a ListSecurityActionRequest.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSecurityIncidentsResponse
- Response for ListSecurityIncidents.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSecurityProfileRevisionsResponse
- Response for ListSecurityProfileRevisions.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSecurityProfilesResponse
- Response for ListSecurityProfiles.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSecurityProfilesV2Response
- Response for ListSecurityProfilesV2.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSecurityReportsResponse
- The response for SecurityReports.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSpacesResponse
- A response to a ListSpaces request containing the list of organization spaces and a page token for the next page.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse
- Response for ListTraceConfigOverrides.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata
- Encapsulates additional information about query execution.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric
- Encapsulates the metric data point.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1MetricAggregation
- The optionally aggregated metric to query with its ordering.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig
- Configuration for the Monetization add-on.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1MoveApiProductRequest
- Moves API product to a different space.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1MoveApiProxyRequest
- Moves an API Proxy to a different Space.
- Moves a Shared Flow to a different space.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress
- Apigee NAT(network address translation) address.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1NodeConfig
- NodeConfig for setting the min/max number of nodes associated with the environment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1OASDocumentation
- OpenAPI Specification documentation for a catalog item.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation
- Represents the pairing of REST resource path and the actions (verbs) allowed on the resource path.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig
- Binds the resources in an API proxy or remote service with the allowed REST methods and associated quota enforcement.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup
- List of operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies or remote services.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode
Encapsulates a data node as represented below:
{ "identifier": { "names": [ "apiproxy" ], "values": [ "sirjee" ] }, "metric": [ { "env": "prod", "name": "sum(message_count)", "values": [ 36.0 ] } ] }
or{ "env": "prod", "name": "sum(message_count)", "values": [ 36.0 ] }
Depending on whether a dimension is present in the query or not the data node type can be a simple metric value or dimension identifier with list of metrics. - GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse
- Encapsulates a response format for JavaScript Optimized Scenario.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point
- Point is a group of information collected by runtime plane at critical points of the message flow of the processed API request.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProfileConfig
- ProfileConfig defines a set of categories and policies which will be used to compute security score.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProfileConfigCategory
- Advanced API Security provides security profile that scores the following categories.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties
- Message for compatibility with legacy Edge specification for Java Properties object in JSON.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property
- A single property entry in the Properties message.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest
- Request for ProvisionOrganization.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric
- More info about Metric: https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/analytics/analytics-reference#metrics
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryTabularStatsRequest
- Request payload representing the query to be run for fetching security statistics as rows.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryTabularStatsResponse
- Encapsulates two kinds of stats that are results of the dimensions and aggregations requested.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryTimeSeriesStatsRequest
- QueryTimeSeriesStatsRequest represents a query that returns a collection of time series sequences grouped by their values.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryTimeSeriesStatsResponse
- Represents security stats result as a collection of time series sequences.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryTimeSeriesStatsResponseSequence
- A sequence of time series.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota
- Quota contains the essential parameters needed that can be applied on the resources, methods, API source combination associated with this API product.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan
- Rate plan details.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange
- API call volume range and the fees charged when the total number of API calls is within the range.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference
- A Reference configuration.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest
- Request for ReportInstanceStatus.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile
- Metadata about a resource file.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles
- List of resource files.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus
- The status of a resource loaded in the runtime.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result
- Result is short for "action result", could be different types identified by "action_result" field.
- API call volume range and the percentage of revenue to share with the developer when the total number of API calls is within the range.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus
- The status of a specific resource revision.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeAddonsConfig
- RuntimeAddonsConfig defines the runtime configurations for add-ons in an environment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeAnalyticsConfig
- Runtime configuration for the Analytics add-on.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeApiSecurityConfig
- Runtime configuration for the API Security add-on.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeConfig
- Runtime configuration for the organization.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig
- NEXT ID: 8 RuntimeTraceConfig defines the configurations for distributed trace in an environment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride
- NEXT ID: 7 Trace configuration override for a specific API proxy in an environment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema
- Response for Schema call
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement
- Message type for the schema element
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty
- Properties for the schema field.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Score
- Represents Security Score.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ScoreComponent
- Component is an individual security element that is scored.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ScoreComponentRecommendation
- Recommendation based on security concerns and score.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ScoreComponentRecommendationAction
- Action to improve security score.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ScoreComponentRecommendationActionActionContext
- Action context are all the relevant details for the action.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityAction
- A SecurityAction is rule that can be enforced at an environment level.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityActionConditionConfig
- The following are a list of conditions.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityActionDeny
- Message that should be set in case of a Deny Action.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityActionFlag
- The message that should be set in the case of a Flag action.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityActionHttpHeader
- An HTTP header.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityActionsConfig
- SecurityActionsConfig reflects the current state of the SecurityActions feature.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityAssessmentResult
- The security assessment result for one resource.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityAssessmentResultResource
- Resource for which we are computing security assessment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityAssessmentResultScoringResult
- The result of the assessment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityAssessmentResultScoringResultAssessmentRecommendation
- The message format of a recommendation from the assessment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityAssessmentResultScoringResultAssessmentRecommendationRecommendation
- The format of the assessment recommendation.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityAssessmentResultScoringResultAssessmentRecommendationRecommendationLink
- The format for a link in the recommendation.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityIncident
- Represents an SecurityIncident resource.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityProfile
- Represents a SecurityProfile resource.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityProfileEnvironment
- Environment information of attached environments.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityProfileEnvironmentAssociation
- Represents a SecurityProfileEnvironmentAssociation resource.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityProfileScoringConfig
- Security configurations to manage scoring.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityProfileV2
- Security profile for risk assessment version 2.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityProfileV2ProfileAssessmentConfig
- The configuration definition for a specific assessment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReport
- SecurityReport saves all the information about the created security report.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportMetadata
- Metadata for the security report.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportQuery
- Body structure when user makes a request to create a security report.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportQueryMetric
- Metric of the Query
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportResultMetadata
- Contains informations about the security report results.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityReportResultView
- The response for security report result view APIs.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecuritySettings
- SecuritySettings reflects the current state of the SecuritySettings feature.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session
- Session carries the debug session id and its creation time.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonEnablementRequest
- Request for SetAddonEnablement.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest
- Request for SetAddons.
- The metadata describing a shared flow
- The metadata describing a shared flow revision.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Space
- Organization space resource.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats
Encapsulates a
response. - GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats
Encapsulates the environment wrapper:
"environments": [ { "metrics": [ { "name": "sum(message_count)", "values": [ "2.52056245E8" ] } ], "name": "prod" } ]
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats
Encapsulates the hostname wrapper:
"hosts": [ { "metrics": [ { "name": "sum(message_count)", "values": [ "2.52056245E8" ] } ], "name": "example.com" } ]
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription
- Pub/Sub subscription of an environment.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer
- TargetServer configuration.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse
- The response for TestDatastore
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo
- TLS configuration information for virtual hosts and TargetServers.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig
- TraceConfig defines the configurations in an environment of distributed trace.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride
- A representation of a configuration override.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateAppGroupAppKeyRequest
- Request for UpdateAppGroupAppKey
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError
- Details on why a resource update failed in the runtime.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateSecurityIncidentRequest
- Request for UpdateSecurityIncident.
- GoogleIamV1AuditConfig
- Specifies the audit configuration for a service.
- GoogleIamV1Binding
, or principals, with arole
. - GoogleIamV1Policy
- An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources.
- GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest
Request message for
method. - GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- GoogleRpcPreconditionFailure
- Describes what preconditions have failed.
- GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation
- A message type used to describe a single precondition failure.
- HybridIssuersResource
- HybridResource
- OrganizationsAnalyticsDatastoresResource
- OrganizationsAnalyticsResource
- OrganizationsApiproductsAttributesResource
- OrganizationsApiproductsRateplansResource
- OrganizationsApiproductsResource
- OrganizationsApisDebugsessionsResource
- OrganizationsApisDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsApisKeyvaluemapsEntriesResource
- OrganizationsApisKeyvaluemapsResource
- OrganizationsApisResource
- OrganizationsApisRevisionsDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsApisRevisionsResource
- OrganizationsAppgroupsAppsKeysApiproductsResource
- OrganizationsAppgroupsAppsKeysResource
- OrganizationsAppgroupsAppsResource
- OrganizationsAppgroupsResource
- OrganizationsAppsResource
- OrganizationsDatacollectorsResource
- OrganizationsDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersAppsAttributesResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersAppsKeysApiproductsResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersAppsKeysCreateResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersAppsKeysResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersAppsResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersAttributesResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersBalanceResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersResource
- OrganizationsDevelopersSubscriptionsResource
- OrganizationsEndpointAttachmentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvgroupsAttachmentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvgroupsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsAddonsConfigResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsAnalyticsAdminResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsAnalyticsExportsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsAnalyticsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsDebugsessionsDataResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsDebugsessionsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsArchiveDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsCachesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsDeploymentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsFlowhooksResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeystoresAliasesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeystoresResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeyvaluemapsEntriesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeyvaluemapsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsOptimizedStatsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsQueriesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsReferencesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsResourcefilesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSecurityActionsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSecurityIncidentsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSecurityReportsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsSecurityStatsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsStatsResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsTargetserversResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsTraceConfigOverridesResource
- OrganizationsEnvironmentsTraceConfigResource
- OrganizationsHostQueriesResource
- OrganizationsHostSecurityReportsResource
- OrganizationsHostStatsResource
- OrganizationsInstancesAttachmentsResource
- OrganizationsInstancesCanaryevaluationsResource
- OrganizationsInstancesNatAddressesResource
- OrganizationsInstancesResource
- OrganizationsKeyvaluemapsEntriesResource
- OrganizationsKeyvaluemapsResource
- OrganizationsOperationsResource
- OrganizationsOptimizedHostStatsResource
- OrganizationsReportsResource
- OrganizationsResource
- OrganizationsSecurityAssessmentResultsResource
- OrganizationsSecurityProfilesEnvironmentsResource
- OrganizationsSecurityProfilesResource
- OrganizationsSecurityProfilesV2Resource
- OrganizationsSitesApicategoriesResource
- OrganizationsSitesApidocsResource
- OrganizationsSitesResource
- OrganizationsSpacesResource
- ProjectsResource
- GoogleApiHttpBody = $HttpBody
- Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet = $Shared06
- Get action.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest = $Empty
- Request for ActivateNatAddressRequest.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1BatchComputeSecurityAssessmentResultsRequestIncludeAll = $Empty
- Message for include_all_resources option.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1DisableSecurityActionRequest = $Empty
- Message to disable an enabled SecurityAction.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnableSecurityActionRequest = $Empty
- Message to enable a disabled SecurityAction.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest = $Empty
- Request for ExpireDeveloperSubscription.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GenerateDownloadUrlRequest = $Empty
- Request for GenerateDownloadUrl method.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GenerateUploadUrlRequest = $Empty
- Request for GenerateUploadUrl method.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest = $Empty
- Request for GetSyncAuthorization.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProfileConfigAbuse = $Empty
- Checks for abuse, which includes any requests sent to the API for purposes other than what it is intended for, such as high volumes of requests, data scraping, and abuse related to authorization.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProfileConfigAuthorization = $Empty
- By default, following policies will be included: - JWS - JWT - OAuth - BasicAuth - APIKey
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProfileConfigCORS = $Empty
- Checks to see if you have CORS policy in place.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProfileConfigMediation = $Empty
- By default, following policies will be included: - OASValidation - SOAPMessageValidation
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProfileConfigMTLS = $Empty
- Checks to see if you have configured mTLS for the target server.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProfileConfigThreat = $Empty
- By default, following policies will be included: - XMLThreatProtection - JSONThreatProtection
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse = $Empty
- Placeholder for future enhancements to status reporting protocol
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig = $TraceSamplingConfig
- NEXT ID: 3 RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig represents the detail settings of distributed tracing.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1SecurityActionAllow = $Empty
- Message that should be set in case of an Allow Action.
- GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig = $TraceSamplingConfig
- TraceSamplingConfig represents the detail settings of distributed tracing.
- GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig = $AuditLogConfig
- Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions.
- GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest = $TestIamPermissionsRequest00
Request message for
method. - GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse = $PermissionsResponse
Response message for
method. - GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - GoogleTypeExpr = $Expr
- Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax.
- GoogleTypeInterval = $Interval
- Represents a time interval, encoded as a Timestamp start (inclusive) and a Timestamp end (exclusive).
- GoogleTypeMoney = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.