Body class
Base class for all body types. @example; final shape = CANNON.Sphere(1); final body = CANNON.Body({ 1 *mass; shape,; }) world.addBody(body);
- Inheritance
- Object
- EventTarget
- Body
- Body({int collisionFilterGroup = 1, int collisionFilterMask = -1, bool collisionResponse = true, Vec3? position, Vec3? velocity, double mass = 0, Material? material, double linearDamping = 0.01, BodyTypes? type, bool allowSleep = true, double sleepSpeedLimit = 0.1, num sleepTimeLimit = 1, Quaternion? quaternion, Vec3? angularVelocity, bool fixedRotation = false, double angularDamping = 0.01, Vec3? linearFactor, Vec3? angularFactor, Shape? shape, bool isTrigger = false})
- aabb ↔ AABB
World space bounding box of the body and its shapes.
getter/setter pair
- aabbNeedsUpdate ↔ bool
Indicates if the AABB needs to be updated before use.
getter/setter pair
- allowSleep ↔ bool
If true, the body will automatically fall to sleep.
getter/setter pair
- angularDamping ↔ double
How much to damp the body angular velocity each step. It can go from 0 to 1.
getter/setter pair
- angularFactor ↔ Vec3
Use this property to limit the rotational motion along any world axis. (1,1,1) will allow rotation along all axes while (0,0,0) allows none.
getter/setter pair
- angularVelocity ↔ Vec3
Angular velocity of the body, in world space. Think of the angular velocity as a vector, which the body rotates around. The length of this vector determines how fast (in radians per second) the body rotates.
getter/setter pair
- boundingRadius ↔ double
Total bounding radius of the Body including its shapes, relative to body.position.
getter/setter pair
- collisionFilterGroup ↔ int
The collision group the body belongs to.
getter/setter pair
- collisionFilterMask ↔ int
The collision group the body can collide with.
getter/setter pair
- collisionResponse ↔ bool
Whether to produce contact forces when in contact with other bodies. Note that contacts will be generated, but they will be disabled - i.e. "collide" events will be raised, but forces will not be altered.
getter/setter pair
- fixedRotation ↔ bool
Set to true if you don't want the body to rotate. Make sure to run .updateMassProperties() if you change this after the body creation.
getter/setter pair
- force ↔ Vec3
Linear force on the body in world space.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- id ↔ int
Identifier of the body.
getter/setter pair
- index ↔ int
Position of body in World.bodies. Updated by World and used in ArrayCollisionMatrix.
getter/setter pair
- inertia ↔ Vec3
The inertia of the body.
getter/setter pair
- initAngularVelocity ↔ Vec3
Initial angular velocity of the body.
getter/setter pair
- initPosition ↔ Vec3
Initial position of the body.
getter/setter pair
- initQuaternion ↔ Quaternion
Initial quaternion of the body.
getter/setter pair
- initVelocity ↔ Vec3
Initial velocity of the body.
getter/setter pair
- interpolatedPosition ↔ Vec3
Interpolated position of the body.
getter/setter pair
- interpolatedQuaternion ↔ Quaternion
Interpolated orientation of the body.
getter/setter pair
- invInertia ↔ Vec3
getter/setter pair
- invInertiaSolve ↔ Vec3
getter/setter pair
- invInertiaWorld ↔ Mat3
getter/setter pair
- invInertiaWorldSolve ↔ Mat3
getter/setter pair
- invMass ↔ double
getter/setter pair
- invMassSolve ↔ double
getter/setter pair
- isTrigger ↔ bool
When true the body behaves like a trigger. It does not collide
with other bodies but collision events are still triggered.;
getter/setter pair
- linearDamping ↔ double
How much to damp the body velocity each step. It can go from 0 to 1.
getter/setter pair
- linearFactor ↔ Vec3
Use this property to limit the motion along any world axis. (1,1,1) will allow motion along all axes while (0,0,0) allows none.
getter/setter pair
- mass ↔ double
The mass of the body.
getter/setter pair
- material ↔ Material?
The physics material of the body. It defines the body interaction with other bodies.
getter/setter pair
- position ↔ Vec3
World space position of the body.
getter/setter pair
- previousPosition ↔ Vec3
getter/setter pair
- previousQuaternion ↔ Quaternion
getter/setter pair
- quaternion ↔ Quaternion
World space orientation of the body.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
↔ List<
Vec3> -
Position of each Shape in the body, given in local Body space.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Quaternion> -
Orientation of each Shape, given in local Body space.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Shape> -
List of Shapes that have been added to the body.
getter/setter pair
- sleepSpeedLimit ↔ double
If the speed (the norm of the velocity) is smaller than this value, the body is considered sleepy.
getter/setter pair
- sleepState ↔ BodySleepStates
Current sleep state.
getter/setter pair
- sleepTimeLimit ↔ num
If the body has been sleepy for this sleepTimeLimit seconds, it is considered sleeping.
getter/setter pair
- timeLastSleepy ↔ num
getter/setter pair
- torque ↔ Vec3
World space rotational force on the body, around center of mass.
getter/setter pair
- type ↔ BodyTypes
One of:
.getter/setter pair - velocity ↔ Vec3
World space velocity of the body.
getter/setter pair
- vlambda ↔ Vec3
getter/setter pair
- wakeUpAfterNarrowphase ↔ bool
getter/setter pair
- wlambda ↔ Vec3
getter/setter pair
- world ↔ World?
Reference to the world the body is living in.
getter/setter pair
String type, dynamic listener(dynamic)) → EventTarget -
Add an event listener
@return The self object, for chainability.
Shape shape, [Vec3? offset, Quaternion? orientation]) → Body - Add a shape to the body with a local offset and orientation. @return The body object, for chainability.
Vec3 force, [Vec3? relativePoint]) → void - Apply force to a point of the body. This could for example be a point on the Body surface. Applying force this way will add to Body.force and Body.torque. @param force The amount of force to add. @param relativePoint A point relative to the center of mass to apply the force on.
Vec3 impulse, [Vec3? relativePoint]) → void - Apply impulse to a point of the body. This could for example be a point on the Body surface. An impulse is a force added to a body during a short period of time (impulse = force * time). Impulses will be added to Body.velocity and Body.angularVelocity.; @param impulse The amount of impulse to add.; @param relativePoint A point relative to the center of mass to apply the force on.
Vec3 localForce, Vec3 localPoint) → void - Apply force to a local point in the body. @param force The force vector to apply, defined locally in the body frame. @param localPoint A local point in the body to apply the force on.
Vec3 localImpulse, Vec3 localPoint) → void - Apply locally-defined impulse to a local point in the body. @param force The force vector to apply, defined locally in the body frame. @param localPoint A local point in the body to apply the force on.
Vec3 torque) → void - Apply torque to the body. @param torque The amount of torque to add.
Event event) → EventTarget -
Emit an event.
@return The self object, for chainability.
Vec3 worldPoint, Vec3 result) → Vec3 - Get world velocity of a point in the body. @param worldPoint; @param result; @return The result vector.;
String type) → bool -
Check if any event listener of the given type is added
String type, void listener()) → bool -
Check if an event listener is added
double dt, [bool quatNormalize = false, bool quatNormalizeFast = false]) → void - Move the body forward in time. @param dt Time step; @param quatNormalize Set to true to normalize the body quaternion; @param quatNormalizeFast If the quaternion should be normalized using "fast" quaternion normalization;
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
Vec3 worldPoint, Vec3? result) → Vec3 - Convert a world point to local body frame.
Vec3 localPoint, Vec3? result) → Vec3 - Convert a local body point to world frame.
String type, Function listener) → EventTarget -
Remove an event listener
@return The self object, for chainability.
Shape shape) → Body - Remove a shape from the body. @return The body object, for chainability.
) → void - Force body sleep
double time) → void - Called every timestep to update internal sleep timer and change sleep state if needed. @param time The world time in seconds;
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
) → void - Updates the .aabb
) → void - Update the bounding radius of the body. Should be done if any of the shapes are changed.
[bool force = false]) → void -
) → void - Should be called whenever you change the body shape or mass.
) → void - If the body is sleeping, it should be immovable / have infinite mass during solve. We solve it by having a separate "solve mass".
Vec3 worldVector, [Vec3? result]) → Vec3 - Convert a world vector to local body frame
Vec3 localVector, [Vec3? result]) → Vec3 - Convert a local body point to world frame.
) → void - Wake the body up.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Properties
- collideEventName ↔ String
Dispatched after two bodies collide. This event is dispatched on each
of the two bodies involved in the collision.;
@event collide;
@param body The body that was involved in the collision.;
@param contact The details of the collision.;
getter/setter pair
- idCounter ↔ int
getter/setter pair
- sleepEvent ↔ BodyEvent
Dispatched after a body has fallen asleep.
@event sleep;
getter/setter pair
- sleepyEvent ↔ BodyEvent
Dispatched after a body has gone in to the sleepy state.
@event sleepy;
getter/setter pair
- wakeupEvent ↔ BodyEvent
Dispatched after a sleeping body has woken up.
@event wakeup;
getter/setter pair