World class

The physics world



World({Vec3? gravity, Vec3? frictionGravity, bool allowSleep = false, Broadphase? broadphase, Solver? solver, bool quatNormalizeFast = false, int quatNormalizeSkip = 0, bool verbose = false})


accumulator double
Time accumulator for interpolation. @see
getter/setter pair
addBodyEvent BodyEvent
Dispatched after a body has been added to the world.
getter/setter pair
additions List<int>
allowSleep bool
Makes bodies go to sleep when they've been inactive.
getter/setter pair
beginContactEvent ContactEvent
beginShapeContactEvent ShapeContactEvent
bodies List<Body>
All bodies in this world
getter/setter pair
bodyOverlapKeeper OverlapKeeper
getter/setter pair
broadphase Broadphase
The broadphase algorithm to use.
getter/setter pair
collisionMatrix ArrayCollisionMatrix
getter/setter pair
collisionMatrixPrevious ArrayCollisionMatrix
CollisionMatrix from the previous step.
getter/setter pair
constraints List<Constraint>
getter/setter pair
contactmaterials List<ContactMaterial>
All added contactmaterials.
getter/setter pair
contactMaterialTable TupleDictionary
Used to look up a ContactMaterial given two instances of Material.
getter/setter pair
contacts List<ContactEquation>
All the current contacts (instances of ContactEquation) in the world.
getter/setter pair
defaultContactMaterial ContactMaterial
This contact material is used if no suitable contactmaterial is found for a contact.
getter/setter pair
defaultDt double
Default and last timestep sizes.
getter/setter pair
defaultMaterial Material
The default material of the bodies.
getter/setter pair
doProfiling bool
getter/setter pair
dt double
Currently / last used timestep. Is set to -1 if not available. This value is updated before each internal step, which means that it is "fresh" inside event callbacks.
getter/setter pair
endContactEvent ContactEvent
endShapeContactEvent ShapeContactEvent
frictionEquations List<FrictionEquation>
getter/setter pair
frictionGravity Vec3?
Gravity to use when approximating the friction max force (mumassgravity). If undefined, global gravity will be used. Use to enable friction in a World with a null gravity vector (no gravity).
getter/setter pair
gravity Vec3
The gravity of the world.
getter/setter pair
hasActiveBodies bool
True if any bodies are not sleeping, false if every body is sleeping.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
idToBodyMap Map<int, Body>
getter/setter pair
lastCallTime double?
getter/setter pair
narrowphase Narrowphase
getter/setter pair
nextId int
getter/setter pair
performance Performance
profile Profile
getter/setter pair
quatNormalizeFast bool
Set to true to use fast quaternion normalization. It is often enough accurate to use. If bodies tend to explode, set to false.
getter/setter pair
quatNormalizeSkip int
How often to normalize quaternions. Set to 0 for every step, 1 for every second etc.. A larger value increases performance. If bodies tend to explode, set to a smaller value (zero to be sure nothing can go wrong).
getter/setter pair
removals List<int>
removeBodyEvent BodyEvent
Dispatched after a body has been removed from the world.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shapeOverlapKeeper OverlapKeeper
getter/setter pair
solver Solver
The solver algorithm to use.
getter/setter pair
stepnumber int
Number of timesteps taken since start.
getter/setter pair
subsystems List
getter/setter pair
time double
The wall-clock time since simulation start.
getter/setter pair
verbose bool
getter/setter pair
worldStepFrictionEquationPool List<FrictionEquation>
getter/setter pair
worldStepOldContacts List<ContactEquation>
getter/setter pair
worldStepP1 List<Body>
getter/setter pair
worldStepP2 List<Body>
getter/setter pair


addBody(Body body) → void
Add a rigid body to the simulation. @todo If the simulation has not yet started, why recrete and copy arrays for each body? Accumulate in dynamic arrays in this case. @todo Adding an array of bodies should be possible. This would save some loops too
addConstraint(Constraint c) → void
Add a constraint to the simulation.
addContactMaterial(ContactMaterial cmat) → void
Adds a contact material to the World
addEventListener(String type, dynamic listener(dynamic)) EventTarget
Add an event listener @return The self object, for chainability.
clearForces() → void
Sets all body forces in the world to zero.
collisionMatrixTick() → void
Store old collision state info
dispatchEvent(Event event) EventTarget
Emit an event. @return The self object, for chainability.
emitContactEvents() → void
fixedStep([double dt = 1 / 60, int maxSubSteps = 10]) → void
Step the simulation forward keeping track of last called time to be able to step the world at a fixed rate, independently of framerate.
getBodyById(int id) Body
getContactMaterial(Material m1, Material m2) ContactMaterial?
Get the contact material between materials m1 and m2 @return The contact material if it was found.
getShapeById(int id) Shape?
@todo Make a faster map
hasAnyEventListener(String type) bool
Check if any event listener of the given type is added
hasEventListener(String type, void listener()) bool
Check if an event listener is added
internalStep(double dt) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
raycastAll([Vec3? from, Vec3? to, RayOptions? options, RaycastCallback? callback]) bool
Ray cast against all bodies. The provided callback will be executed for each hit with a RaycastResult as single argument. @return True if any body was hit.
raycastAny([Vec3? from, Vec3? to, RayOptions? options, RaycastResult? result]) bool
Ray cast, and stop at the first result. Note that the order is random - but the method is fast. @return True if any body was hit.
raycastClosest([Vec3? from, Vec3? to, RayOptions? options, RaycastResult? result]) bool
Ray cast, and return information of the closest hit. @return True if any body was hit.
rayTest(Vec3 from, Vec3 to, dynamic result) → void
Raycast test @deprecated Use .raycastAll, .raycastClosest or .raycastAny instead.
removeBody(Body body) → void
Remove a rigid body from the simulation.
removeConstraint(Constraint c) → void
Removes a constraint
removeContactMaterial(ContactMaterial cmat) → void
Removes a contact material from the World.
removeEventListener(String type, Function listener) EventTarget
Remove an event listener @return The self object, for chainability.
step(double dt, [double? timeSinceLastCalled, int maxSubSteps = 10]) → void
Step the physics world forward in time.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.