integrate method

void integrate(
  1. double dt, [
  2. bool quatNormalize = false,
  3. bool quatNormalizeFast = false

Move the body forward in time. @param dt Time step; @param quatNormalize Set to true to normalize the body quaternion; @param quatNormalizeFast If the quaternion should be normalized using "fast" quaternion normalization;


void integrate(double dt,[bool quatNormalize = false,bool quatNormalizeFast = false]){
  // Save previous position

  if (!(type == BodyTypes.dynamic || type == BodyTypes.kinematic) || sleepState == BodySleepStates.sleeping) {
    // Only for dynamic

  final velo = velocity;
  final angularVelo = angularVelocity;
  final pos = position;
  final force = this.force;
  final torque = this.torque;
  final quat = quaternion;
  final invMass = this.invMass;
  final invInertia = invInertiaWorld;
  final linearFactor = this.linearFactor;

  final iMdt = invMass * dt;
  velo.x += force.x * iMdt * linearFactor.x;
  velo.y += force.y * iMdt * linearFactor.y;
  velo.z += force.z * iMdt * linearFactor.z;

  final e = invInertia.elements;
  final angularFactor = this.angularFactor;
  final tx = torque.x * angularFactor.x;
  final ty = torque.y * angularFactor.y;
  final tz = torque.z * angularFactor.z;
  angularVelo.x += dt * (e[0] * tx + e[1] * ty + e[2] * tz);
  angularVelo.y += dt * (e[3] * tx + e[4] * ty + e[5] * tz);
  angularVelo.z += dt * (e[6] * tx + e[7] * ty + e[8] * tz);

  // Use velocity  - leap frog
  pos.x += velo.x * dt;
  pos.y += velo.y * dt;
  pos.z += velo.z * dt;

  quat.integrate(angularVelocity, dt, this.angularFactor, quat);

  if (quatNormalize) {
    if (quatNormalizeFast) {
    } else {

  aabbNeedsUpdate = true;

  // Update world inertia