registration_delivery 1.0.4-dev.4-search-fix
registration_delivery: ^1.0.4-dev.4-search-fix copied to clipboard
This package enables health facility workers to register a household and individual members and deliver the resources.
1.0.4-dev.4-search-fix #
- Changed additionalDetails of ServiceModel to Map<String, dynamic>
1.0.4 #
- Bug Fix -
- Updated query search for beneficiary referred status
1.0.4-dev.3-search-fix #
- Bug Fix -
- Individual, Household search for child query fix
1.0.4-dev.2-uniqueId #
- Unique Beneficiary Id link to identifier
- Updated digit_data_model package
1.0.4-dev.1-uniqueId #
- Added BeneficiaryInEligible status
- Added utils function to get unique beneficiary id
1.0.3+2 #
- Bug Fix -
- fixed wrong status map of beneficiaryRefused in utils
- Sorting tasks based on createTime
1.0.3+1 #
- Bug Fixes -
- Reload fix after edit
- Project Beneficiary create for all members if not registered for campaign
- Updated digit_scanner package, digit_components, digit_data_model
1.0.3 #
- IRS Campaign changes
- New HouseDetails screen to capture structure of the house
- New Summary page for registration and delivery
- Introduced Filter search which can be configured through MDMS
- Constructed a global query executor based on project type - Household and Individual
- Getting precise location on registry and delivery
- Updated digit_scanner, data_model package
1.0.3-dev.11 #
- Updated search to include project id for individual and household
1.0.3-dev.10 #
- Removed stepper if number of deliveries is greater than 1
1.0.3-dev.9 #
- Updated localization key
- Resolved taskStatus key from task table entity
1.0.3-dev.8 #
- Reverted 1.0.3-dev.7
1.0.3-dev.7 #
- Updated status to taskStatus in Task model
1.0.3-dev.6 #
- Updated delivery status enums
1.0.3-dev.5 #
- Added count for filter search
- Bug fixes
1.0.3-dev.4 #
- Cache build fix for registration_bloc
1.0.3-dev.3 #
- Closed household flow change
1.0.3-dev.2 #
- Closed household search fixes
- Tasks status fixes on beneficiary card and overview page
- Updated digit_components and digit_scanner versions
1.0.3-dev.1 #
- Fixed filter search bug fixes and improvements
- Updated task status on view_beneficiary card
- Implemented closed household flow filter and update
0.0.0-dev.10 #
- Added pagination for filter search
- Updated PageState class to public for customization
- Updated digit_components
0.0.0-dev.9 #
- Updated individual details file for exposing individual state
- Updated household_overview for BeneficiaryChecklistRoute
0.0.0-dev.8 #
- Added query builder and registry updated changes
- Added New screens - house details
1.0.2+1 #
- Get Precise location on Submitting latitude longitude details
1.0.2 #
- Added try catch for local repository to handle db lock
- Localisation support added for missing fields
- Bug fixes and enhancements
1.0.1 #
- Moved service and service definition bloc to digit_data_model package
- Removed downsync model
- Added HouseholdDetailsBloc in registration_delivery_wrapper page
- Updated digit_data_model to latest version
1.0.0+1 #
- Updated digit_showcase to latest version
1.0.0 #
- Initial stable version
0.0.0-dev.7 #
- Fixed Duplicate routing issue
0.0.0-dev.6 #
- Updated digit_scanner to latest version
0.0.0-dev.5 #
- Facility dialog empty pop up fix on initial load
0.0.0-dev.4 #
- Added null check for fetching product variants
0.0.0-dev.3 #
- Updated digit_data_model to latest version
0.0.0-dev.2 #
- Boundary v2 Integrated, to use Boundary v1 0.0.0-dev.1 version can be used
0.0.0-dev.1 #
- Registration and Delivery Initial Release