carp_mobile_sensing 1.11.6 carp_mobile_sensing: ^1.11.6 copied to clipboard
Mobile Sensing Framework for Flutter. A software framework for collecting sensor data from the phone and attached wearable devices via probes. Can be extended.
* Copyright 2018-2024 the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
* Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:carp_serializable/carp_serializable.dart';
import 'package:carp_core/carp_core.dart';
import 'package:carp_mobile_sensing/carp_mobile_sensing.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide TimeOfDay;
import 'trigger_example.dart';
void main() async {
runApp(const CARPMobileSensingApp());
class CARPMobileSensingApp extends StatelessWidget {
const CARPMobileSensingApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) => MaterialApp(
title: 'CARP Mobile Sensing Demo',
theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch:,
home: const ConsolePage(title: 'CARP Mobile Sensing Demo'),
class ConsolePage extends StatefulWidget {
final String title;
const ConsolePage({super.key, required this.title});
Console createState() => Console();
/// A simple UI with a console that shows the sensed data in a json format.
class Console extends State<ConsolePage> {
String _log = '';
void initState() {
Settings().debugLevel = DebugLevel.debug;
Settings().init().then((_) {
Sensing().init().then((_) {
log('Client state : ${SmartPhoneClientManager().state}');
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text(widget.title)),
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: StreamBuilder(
stream: SmartPhoneClientManager().measurements,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<Measurement> snapshot) => Text(
? _log += toJsonString(
: _log),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: restart,
tooltip: 'Start/Stop study',
child: Sensing().isRunning
? const Icon(Icons.stop)
: const Icon(Icons.play_arrow),
/// Add [msg] to the console log.
void log(String msg) => setState(() => _log += '$msg\n');
/// Clear the console log.
void clearLog() => setState(() => _log = '');
/// Restart (start/stop) sampling.
void restart() {
debug('>> status: ${Sensing().isRunning}');
Sensing().isRunning ? Sensing().stop() : Sensing().start();
setState(() {}); // to update the play/stop icon
/// This class handles sensing logic.
/// This example is useful for creating a Business Logical Object (BLOC) in a
/// Flutter app.
/// For a much more elaborate example of a app using CAMS, see the CARP Mobile
/// Sensing App at
class Sensing {
static final Sensing _instance = Sensing._();
Sensing._() {
/// The singleton Sensing instance.
factory Sensing() => _instance;
/// The study deployed on this phone.
Study? study;
/// Initialize sensing.
Future<void> init() async {
// Get the protocol. See below for how to configure a study protocol.
final protocol = await LocalStudyProtocolManager().getStudyProtocol('');
// Create and configure a client manager for this phone and add the protocol.
SmartPhoneClientManager().configure().then((_) => SmartPhoneClientManager()
.then((value) => study = value));
// Listening on the data stream and print them as json.
.listen((data) => print(toJsonString(data)));
/// Is sensing running, i.e. has the study executor been started?
bool get isRunning =>
SmartPhoneClientManager().state == ClientManagerState.started;
/// Start sensing
void start() => SmartPhoneClientManager().start();
/// Stop sensing
void stop() => SmartPhoneClientManager().stop();
/// Dispose sensing
void dispose() => SmartPhoneClientManager().dispose();
/// This is a simple local [StudyProtocolManager].
/// This class shows how to configure a [StudyProtocol] with devices,
/// triggers, tasks, measures, and task controls.
class LocalStudyProtocolManager implements StudyProtocolManager {
Future<void> initialize() async {}
/// Create a new CAMS study protocol.
Future<SmartphoneStudyProtocol> getStudyProtocol(String id) async {
// Create a protocol. Note that the [id] is not used for anything.
SmartphoneStudyProtocol protocol = SmartphoneStudyProtocol(
ownerId: 'AB',
name: 'Protocol - id: $id',
dataEndPoint: SQLiteDataEndPoint());
// Define which devices are used for data collection.
// In this case, its only this phone.
// See the CARP Mobile Sensing app for a full-blown example of how to
// use connected devices (e.g., a Polar heart rate monitor) and online
// services (e.g., a weather service).
var phone = Smartphone();
// Add a participant role
// Issue #403
interval: const Duration(seconds: 5), uri: ''),
measures: [Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE_INFORMATION)]),
// // Issue #384
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// PeriodicTrigger(period: const Duration(seconds: 5)),
// BackgroundTask(
// measures: [Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE_INFORMATION)],
// ),
// phone);
// Collect timezone info every time the app restarts.
BackgroundTask(measures: [
Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.TIMEZONE),
// // Collect device info only once, when this study is deployed.
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// OneTimeTrigger(),
// BackgroundTask(
// measures: [Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE_INFORMATION)]),
// phone,
// );
// Add background measures from the [DeviceSamplingPackage] and
// [SensorSamplingPackage] sampling packages.
// Note that some of these measures only works on Android:
// * screen events
// * ambient light
// * free memory (there seems to be a bug in the underlying sysinfo plugin)
BackgroundTask(measures: [
Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.FREE_MEMORY)
..overrideSamplingConfiguration = IntervalSamplingConfiguration(
interval: const Duration(seconds: 10)),
Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.BATTERY_STATE),
Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.SCREEN_EVENT),
Measure(type: SensorSamplingPackage.STEP_COUNT),
Measure(type: SensorSamplingPackage.AMBIENT_LIGHT)
..overrideSamplingConfiguration = PeriodicSamplingConfiguration(
interval: const Duration(seconds: 20),
duration: const Duration(seconds: 5),
// // Collect IMU data every 10 secs for 1 sec.
// // Also shows how the sampling interval can be specified ("overridden").
// // Default sampling interval is 200 ms. Note that it seems like setting the
// // sampling interval does NOT work on Android (see also the docs on the
// // sensor_plus package and on the Android sensor documentation:
// //,%20android.hardware.Sensor,%20int)
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// PeriodicTrigger(period: const Duration(seconds: 10)),
// BackgroundTask(
// measures: [
// Measure(type: SensorSamplingPackage.ACCELERATION)
// ..overrideSamplingConfiguration = IntervalSamplingConfiguration(
// interval: const Duration(milliseconds: 500)),
// Measure(type: SensorSamplingPackage.ROTATION),
// ],
// duration: const Duration(seconds: 1),
// ),
// phone,
// );
// // Extract acceleration features every minute over 10 seconds
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// ImmediateTrigger(),
// BackgroundTask(
// measures: [
// Measure(type: SensorSamplingPackage.ACCELERATION_FEATURES)
// ..overrideSamplingConfiguration = PeriodicSamplingConfiguration(
// interval: const Duration(minutes: 1),
// duration: const Duration(seconds: 10),
// ),
// ],
// ),
// phone,
// );
// // Example of how to start and stop sampling using the Control.Start and
// // Control.Stop method
// var task_1 = BackgroundTask(
// measures: [
// Measure(type: CarpDataTypes.ACCELERATION_TYPE_NAME),
// Measure(type: CarpDataTypes.ROTATION_TYPE_NAME),
// ],
// );
// var task_2 = BackgroundTask(
// measures: [
// Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.BATTERY_STATE),
// ],
// );
// // Start both task_1 and task_2
// protocol.addTaskControls(
// ImmediateTrigger(),
// [task_1, task_2],
// phone,
// Control.Start,
// );
// // After a while, stop task_1 again
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// DelayedTrigger(delay: const Duration(seconds: 10)),
// task_1,
// phone,
// Control.Stop,
// );
// // add a random trigger to collect device info at random times
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// RandomRecurrentTrigger(
// startTime: TimeOfDay(hour: 07, minute: 45),
// endTime: TimeOfDay(hour: 22, minute: 30),
// minNumberOfTriggers: 2,
// maxNumberOfTriggers: 8,
// ),
// BackgroundTask()
// ..addMeasure(Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE_INFORMATION)),
// phone,
// Control.Start,
// );
// // add a ConditionalPeriodicTrigger to check periodically
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// ConditionalPeriodicTrigger(
// period: const Duration(seconds: 20),
// triggerCondition: () => ('Jakob'.length == 5)),
// BackgroundTask()
// ..addMeasure(Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE_INFORMATION)),
// phone,
// Control.Start);
// // Collect device info after 30 secs
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// ElapsedTimeTrigger(elapsedTime: const Duration(seconds: 30)),
// BackgroundTask(
// measures: [
// Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE_INFORMATION),
// ],
// ),
// phone,
// );
// Add app tasks with notifications.
// These App Tasks are added for demo purpose and you should see notifications
// on the phone. However, nothing will happen when you click on it.
// See the PulmonaryMonitor demo app for a full-scale example of how to use
// the App Task model.
// // Add a task after deployment and make a notification.
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// ElapsedTimeTrigger(elapsedTime: const Duration(seconds: 10)),
// AppTask(
// type: BackgroundSensingUserTask.ONE_TIME_SENSING_TYPE,
// title: "Elapsed Time Trigger - App Task",
// description: 'Collection of Device Information.',
// measures: [Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE_INFORMATION)],
// notification: true,
// ),
// phone,
// );
// // Add a cron job every day at 11:45
// protocol.addTaskControl(
// CronScheduledTrigger.parse(cronExpression: '45 11 * * *'),
// AppTask(
// type: BackgroundSensingUserTask.ONE_TIME_SENSING_TYPE,
// title: "Cron - every day at 11:45",
// measures: [Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE_INFORMATION)],
// notification: true,
// ),
// phone);
return protocol;
Future<bool> saveStudyProtocol(String studyId, StudyProtocol protocol) async {
throw UnimplementedError();