Results13 packages
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Flutter widget that provides simple calculator. You can easily integrate a calculator to your apps.
Bones_UI - An intuitive and user-friendly Web User Interface framework for Dart.
A port of the Firebase database, auth and storage client to pure Dart code, usable on different platforms
XPath package for HTML and XML, basic XPath syntax are supported.
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC.
A new flutter package to build dynamic calculator easily with full customization ability. It'll be helpful for making a custom keyboard or a bottom sheet modal calculator.
Parses and formats ICU Message strings. Formats strings in multiple languages.
Transforms text by taking capture groups matched by a [RegExp] and outputting them as plain text and/or evaluating them as expressions, as defined by an output template.
Simplifying Flutter app build configurations. Tools for managing local packages.
DHIS2 Flutter SDK

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