
  • Packages
Results25 packages owned by jamesalex.dev
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Utilities for formatting Dart's DateTime object using standard date/time notation or as a relative time offset.
A widget that implicitly collapses and expands around its child by clipping it.
A utility class containing maps of every HTML 4.01 character entity, including ASCII and hex codes, and methods to encode/decode strings with those character entities.
A set of classes representing the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces with methods to convert colors between each space.
Nonce contains a static generator that generates random alphanumeric strings, and can be constructed as an object containing a generated string.
Utility classes for splitting strings and files into parts. Supports streamed parsing for handling long strings and large files.
A package for creating, generating, and interfacing with color palettes. With support for the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces.
Implementations of Flutter's linear, radial, and sweep gradients with support for the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces.
An implementation of RegExp that isolates delimited blocks of text and applies the pattern to each block separately.
A set of classes representing the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces with methods to convert colors between each space.