Results259 packages
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Useful platform aware widgets to develop a Flutter app with either Cupertino and Material design.#cupertino#material#widget
macOS implementation of the platform_device_id plugin.
Cross-platform 'dart:io' that adds browser support for HttpClient and some other "dart:io" APIs.
The Dart SDK to connect to Parse Server. Build your apps faster with Parse Platform, the complete application stack.#parse#parse-platform#parse-server#node-js#backend
A plugin that can access the location services of each platform and collect device location data.
This plugin uses platform-specific API to return SIM country code
The Flutter SDK to connect to Parse Server. Build your apps faster with Parse Platform, the complete application stack.#parse#parse-platform#parse-server#node-js#backend
A textField widget to help display different style pin written in pure dart, no extra dependency.
A video player widget displayed using the platform native player (VideoView in Android and AVPlayer in iOS).
Fully customizable OTP Entry TextField for flutter, Widget accepts pin of any length. Its written in pure dart, no extra dependency.

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