GameLift class

GameLift provides solutions for hosting session-based multiplayer game servers in the cloud, including tools for deploying, operating, and scaling game servers. Built on AWS global computing infrastructure, GameLift helps you deliver high-performance, high-reliability, low-cost game servers while dynamically scaling your resource usage to meet player demand.


GameLift({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


acceptMatch({required AcceptanceType acceptanceType, required List<String> playerIds, required String ticketId}) Future<void>
Registers a player's acceptance or rejection of a proposed FlexMatch match. A matchmaking configuration may require player acceptance; if so, then matches built with that configuration cannot be completed unless all players accept the proposed match within a specified time limit.
claimGameServer({required String gameServerGroupName, String? gameServerData, String? gameServerId}) Future<ClaimGameServerOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createAlias({required String name, required RoutingStrategy routingStrategy, String? description, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateAliasOutput>
Creates an alias for a fleet. In most situations, you can use an alias ID in place of a fleet ID. An alias provides a level of abstraction for a fleet that is useful when redirecting player traffic from one fleet to another, such as when updating your game build.
createBuild({String? name, OperatingSystem? operatingSystem, S3Location? storageLocation, List<Tag>? tags, String? version}) Future<CreateBuildOutput>
Creates a new Amazon GameLift build resource for your game server binary files. Game server binaries must be combined into a zip file for use with Amazon GameLift. The CreateBuild operation can used in the following scenarios:
createFleet({required EC2InstanceType eC2InstanceType, required String name, String? buildId, CertificateConfiguration? certificateConfiguration, String? description, List<IpPermission>? eC2InboundPermissions, FleetType? fleetType, String? instanceRoleArn, List<String>? logPaths, List<String>? metricGroups, ProtectionPolicy? newGameSessionProtectionPolicy, String? peerVpcAwsAccountId, String? peerVpcId, ResourceCreationLimitPolicy? resourceCreationLimitPolicy, RuntimeConfiguration? runtimeConfiguration, String? scriptId, String? serverLaunchParameters, String? serverLaunchPath, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateFleetOutput>
Creates a new fleet to run your game servers. whether they are custom game builds or Realtime Servers with game-specific script. A fleet is a set of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, each of which can host multiple game sessions. When creating a fleet, you choose the hardware specifications, set some configuration options, and specify the game server to deploy on the new fleet.
createGameServerGroup({required String gameServerGroupName, required List<InstanceDefinition> instanceDefinitions, required LaunchTemplateSpecification launchTemplate, required int maxSize, required int minSize, required String roleArn, GameServerGroupAutoScalingPolicy? autoScalingPolicy, BalancingStrategy? balancingStrategy, GameServerProtectionPolicy? gameServerProtectionPolicy, List<Tag>? tags, List<String>? vpcSubnets}) Future<CreateGameServerGroupOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
createGameSession({required int maximumPlayerSessionCount, String? aliasId, String? creatorId, String? fleetId, List<GameProperty>? gameProperties, String? gameSessionData, String? gameSessionId, String? idempotencyToken, String? name}) Future<CreateGameSessionOutput>
Creates a multiplayer game session for players. This operation creates a game session record and assigns an available server process in the specified fleet to host the game session. A fleet must have an ACTIVE status before a game session can be created in it.
createGameSessionQueue({required String name, List<GameSessionQueueDestination>? destinations, List<PlayerLatencyPolicy>? playerLatencyPolicies, List<Tag>? tags, int? timeoutInSeconds}) Future<CreateGameSessionQueueOutput>
Establishes a new queue for processing requests to place new game sessions. A queue identifies where new game sessions can be hosted -- by specifying a list of destinations (fleets or aliases) -- and how long requests can wait in the queue before timing out. You can set up a queue to try to place game sessions on fleets in multiple Regions. To add placement requests to a queue, call StartGameSessionPlacement and reference the queue name.
createMatchmakingConfiguration({required bool acceptanceRequired, required String name, required int requestTimeoutSeconds, required String ruleSetName, int? acceptanceTimeoutSeconds, int? additionalPlayerCount, BackfillMode? backfillMode, String? customEventData, String? description, FlexMatchMode? flexMatchMode, List<GameProperty>? gameProperties, String? gameSessionData, List<String>? gameSessionQueueArns, String? notificationTarget, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput>
Defines a new matchmaking configuration for use with FlexMatch. Whether your are using FlexMatch with GameLift hosting or as a standalone matchmaking service, the matchmaking configuration sets out rules for matching players and forming teams. If you're also using GameLift hosting, it defines how to start game sessions for each match. Your matchmaking system can use multiple configurations to handle different game scenarios. All matchmaking requests (StartMatchmaking or StartMatchBackfill) identify the matchmaking configuration to use and provide player attributes consistent with that configuration.
createMatchmakingRuleSet({required String name, required String ruleSetBody, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput>
Creates a new rule set for FlexMatch matchmaking. A rule set describes the type of match to create, such as the number and size of teams. It also sets the parameters for acceptable player matches, such as minimum skill level or character type. A rule set is used by a MatchmakingConfiguration.
createPlayerSession({required String gameSessionId, required String playerId, String? playerData}) Future<CreatePlayerSessionOutput>
Reserves an open player slot in an active game session. Before a player can be added, a game session must have an ACTIVE status, have a creation policy of ALLOW_ALL, and have an open player slot. To add a group of players to a game session, use CreatePlayerSessions. When the player connects to the game server and references a player session ID, the game server contacts the Amazon GameLift service to validate the player reservation and accept the player.
createPlayerSessions({required String gameSessionId, required List<String> playerIds, Map<String, String>? playerDataMap}) Future<CreatePlayerSessionsOutput>
Reserves open slots in a game session for a group of players. Before players can be added, a game session must have an ACTIVE status, have a creation policy of ALLOW_ALL, and have an open player slot. To add a single player to a game session, use CreatePlayerSession. When a player connects to the game server and references a player session ID, the game server contacts the Amazon GameLift service to validate the player reservation and accept the player.
createScript({String? name, S3Location? storageLocation, List<Tag>? tags, String? version, Uint8List? zipFile}) Future<CreateScriptOutput>
Creates a new script record for your Realtime Servers script. Realtime scripts are JavaScript that provide configuration settings and optional custom game logic for your game. The script is deployed when you create a Realtime Servers fleet to host your game sessions. Script logic is executed during an active game session.
createVpcPeeringAuthorization({required String gameLiftAwsAccountId, required String peerVpcId}) Future<CreateVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput>
Requests authorization to create or delete a peer connection between the VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet and a virtual private cloud (VPC) in your AWS account. VPC peering enables the game servers on your fleet to communicate directly with other AWS resources. Once you've received authorization, call CreateVpcPeeringConnection to establish the peering connection. For more information, see VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets.
createVpcPeeringConnection({required String fleetId, required String peerVpcAwsAccountId, required String peerVpcId}) Future<void>
Establishes a VPC peering connection between a virtual private cloud (VPC) in an AWS account with the VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet. VPC peering enables the game servers on your fleet to communicate directly with other AWS resources. You can peer with VPCs in any AWS account that you have access to, including the account that you use to manage your Amazon GameLift fleets. You cannot peer with VPCs that are in different Regions. For more information, see VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets.
deleteAlias({required String aliasId}) Future<void>
Deletes an alias. This operation removes all record of the alias. Game clients attempting to access a server process using the deleted alias receive an error. To delete an alias, specify the alias ID to be deleted.
deleteBuild({required String buildId}) Future<void>
Deletes a build. This operation permanently deletes the build resource and any uploaded build files. Deleting a build does not affect the status of any active fleets using the build, but you can no longer create new fleets with the deleted build.
deleteFleet({required String fleetId}) Future<void>
Deletes everything related to a fleet. Before deleting a fleet, you must set the fleet's desired capacity to zero. See UpdateFleetCapacity.
deleteGameServerGroup({required String gameServerGroupName, GameServerGroupDeleteOption? deleteOption}) Future<DeleteGameServerGroupOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
deleteGameSessionQueue({required String name}) Future<void>
Deletes a game session queue. Once a queue is successfully deleted, unfulfilled StartGameSessionPlacement requests that reference the queue will fail. To delete a queue, specify the queue name.
deleteMatchmakingConfiguration({required String name}) Future<void>
Permanently removes a FlexMatch matchmaking configuration. To delete, specify the configuration name. A matchmaking configuration cannot be deleted if it is being used in any active matchmaking tickets.
deleteMatchmakingRuleSet({required String name}) Future<void>
Deletes an existing matchmaking rule set. To delete the rule set, provide the rule set name. Rule sets cannot be deleted if they are currently being used by a matchmaking configuration.
deleteScalingPolicy({required String fleetId, required String name}) Future<void>
Deletes a fleet scaling policy. Once deleted, the policy is no longer in force and GameLift removes all record of it. To delete a scaling policy, specify both the scaling policy name and the fleet ID it is associated with.
deleteScript({required String scriptId}) Future<void>
Deletes a Realtime script. This operation permanently deletes the script record. If script files were uploaded, they are also deleted (files stored in an S3 bucket are not deleted).
deleteVpcPeeringAuthorization({required String gameLiftAwsAccountId, required String peerVpcId}) Future<void>
Cancels a pending VPC peering authorization for the specified VPC. If you need to delete an existing VPC peering connection, call DeleteVpcPeeringConnection.
deleteVpcPeeringConnection({required String fleetId, required String vpcPeeringConnectionId}) Future<void>
Removes a VPC peering connection. To delete the connection, you must have a valid authorization for the VPC peering connection that you want to delete. You can check for an authorization by calling DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations or request a new one using CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization.
deregisterGameServer({required String gameServerGroupName, required String gameServerId}) Future<void>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
describeAlias({required String aliasId}) Future<DescribeAliasOutput>
Retrieves properties for an alias. This operation returns all alias metadata and settings. To get an alias's target fleet ID only, use ResolveAlias.
describeBuild({required String buildId}) Future<DescribeBuildOutput>
Retrieves properties for a custom game build. To request a build resource, specify a build ID. If successful, an object containing the build properties is returned.
describeEC2InstanceLimits({EC2InstanceType? eC2InstanceType}) Future<DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsOutput>
Retrieves the following information for the specified EC2 instance type:
describeFleetAttributes({List<String>? fleetIds, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeFleetAttributesOutput>
Retrieves core properties, including configuration, status, and metadata, for a fleet.
describeFleetCapacity({List<String>? fleetIds, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeFleetCapacityOutput>
Retrieves the current capacity statistics for one or more fleets. These statistics present a snapshot of the fleet's instances and provide insight on current or imminent scaling activity. To get statistics on game hosting activity in the fleet, see DescribeFleetUtilization.
describeFleetEvents({required String fleetId, DateTime? endTime, int? limit, String? nextToken, DateTime? startTime}) Future<DescribeFleetEventsOutput>
Retrieves entries from the specified fleet's event log. You can specify a time range to limit the result set. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a collection of event log entries matching the request are returned.
describeFleetPortSettings({required String fleetId}) Future<DescribeFleetPortSettingsOutput>
Retrieves a fleet's inbound connection permissions. Connection permissions specify the range of IP addresses and port settings that incoming traffic can use to access server processes in the fleet. Game sessions that are running on instances in the fleet use connections that fall in this range.
describeFleetUtilization({List<String>? fleetIds, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeFleetUtilizationOutput>
Retrieves utilization statistics for one or more fleets. These statistics provide insight into how available hosting resources are currently being used. To get statistics on available hosting resources, see DescribeFleetCapacity.
describeGameServer({required String gameServerGroupName, required String gameServerId}) Future<DescribeGameServerOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
describeGameServerGroup({required String gameServerGroupName}) Future<DescribeGameServerGroupOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
describeGameServerInstances({required String gameServerGroupName, List<String>? instanceIds, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeGameServerInstancesOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
describeGameSessionDetails({String? aliasId, String? fleetId, String? gameSessionId, int? limit, String? nextToken, String? statusFilter}) Future<DescribeGameSessionDetailsOutput>
Retrieves properties, including the protection policy in force, for one or more game sessions. This operation can be used in several ways: (1) provide a GameSessionId or GameSessionArn to request details for a specific game session; (2) provide either a FleetId or an AliasId to request properties for all game sessions running on a fleet.
describeGameSessionPlacement({required String placementId}) Future<DescribeGameSessionPlacementOutput>
Retrieves properties and current status of a game session placement request. To get game session placement details, specify the placement ID. If successful, a GameSessionPlacement object is returned.
describeGameSessionQueues({int? limit, List<String>? names, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeGameSessionQueuesOutput>
Retrieves the properties for one or more game session queues. When requesting multiple queues, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a GameSessionQueue object is returned for each requested queue. When specifying a list of queues, objects are returned only for queues that currently exist in the Region.
describeGameSessions({String? aliasId, String? fleetId, String? gameSessionId, int? limit, String? nextToken, String? statusFilter}) Future<DescribeGameSessionsOutput>
Retrieves a set of one or more game sessions. Request a specific game session or request all game sessions on a fleet. Alternatively, use SearchGameSessions to request a set of active game sessions that are filtered by certain criteria. To retrieve protection policy settings for game sessions, use DescribeGameSessionDetails.
describeInstances({required String fleetId, String? instanceId, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeInstancesOutput>
Retrieves information about a fleet's instances, including instance IDs. Use this operation to get details on all instances in the fleet or get details on one specific instance.
describeMatchmaking({required List<String> ticketIds}) Future<DescribeMatchmakingOutput>
Retrieves one or more matchmaking tickets. Use this operation to retrieve ticket information, including--after a successful match is made--connection information for the resulting new game session.
describeMatchmakingConfigurations({int? limit, List<String>? names, String? nextToken, String? ruleSetName}) Future<DescribeMatchmakingConfigurationsOutput>
Retrieves the details of FlexMatch matchmaking configurations.
describeMatchmakingRuleSets({int? limit, List<String>? names, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeMatchmakingRuleSetsOutput>
Retrieves the details for FlexMatch matchmaking rule sets. You can request all existing rule sets for the Region, or provide a list of one or more rule set names. When requesting multiple items, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a rule set is returned for each requested name.
describePlayerSessions({String? gameSessionId, int? limit, String? nextToken, String? playerId, String? playerSessionId, String? playerSessionStatusFilter}) Future<DescribePlayerSessionsOutput>
Retrieves properties for one or more player sessions. This operation can be used in several ways: (1) provide a PlayerSessionId to request properties for a specific player session; (2) provide a GameSessionId to request properties for all player sessions in the specified game session; (3) provide a PlayerId to request properties for all player sessions of a specified player.
describeRuntimeConfiguration({required String fleetId}) Future<DescribeRuntimeConfigurationOutput>
Retrieves a fleet's runtime configuration settings. The runtime configuration tells Amazon GameLift which server processes to run (and how) on each instance in the fleet.
describeScalingPolicies({required String fleetId, int? limit, String? nextToken, ScalingStatusType? statusFilter}) Future<DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput>
Retrieves all scaling policies applied to a fleet.
describeScript({required String scriptId}) Future<DescribeScriptOutput>
Retrieves properties for a Realtime script.
describeVpcPeeringAuthorizations() Future<DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizationsOutput>
Retrieves valid VPC peering authorizations that are pending for the AWS account. This operation returns all VPC peering authorizations and requests for peering. This includes those initiated and received by this account.
describeVpcPeeringConnections({String? fleetId}) Future<DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsOutput>
Retrieves information on VPC peering connections. Use this operation to get peering information for all fleets or for one specific fleet ID.
getGameSessionLogUrl({required String gameSessionId}) Future<GetGameSessionLogUrlOutput>
Retrieves the location of stored game session logs for a specified game session. When a game session is terminated, Amazon GameLift automatically stores the logs in Amazon S3 and retains them for 14 days. Use this URL to download the logs.
getInstanceAccess({required String fleetId, required String instanceId}) Future<GetInstanceAccessOutput>
Requests remote access to a fleet instance. Remote access is useful for debugging, gathering benchmarking data, or observing activity in real time.
listAliases({int? limit, String? name, String? nextToken, RoutingStrategyType? routingStrategyType}) Future<ListAliasesOutput>
Retrieves all aliases for this AWS account. You can filter the result set by alias name and/or routing strategy type. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in sequential pages.
listBuilds({int? limit, String? nextToken, BuildStatus? status}) Future<ListBuildsOutput>
Retrieves build resources for all builds associated with the AWS account in use. You can limit results to builds that are in a specific status by using the Status parameter. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in a set of sequential pages. Learn more
listFleets({String? buildId, int? limit, String? nextToken, String? scriptId}) Future<ListFleetsOutput>
Retrieves a collection of fleet resources for this AWS account. You can filter the result set to find only those fleets that are deployed with a specific build or script. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in sequential pages. Learn more
listGameServerGroups({int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<ListGameServerGroupsOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
listGameServers({required String gameServerGroupName, int? limit, String? nextToken, SortOrder? sortOrder}) Future<ListGameServersOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
listScripts({int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<ListScriptsOutput>
Retrieves script records for all Realtime scripts that are associated with the AWS account in use.
listTagsForResource({required String resourceARN}) Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse>
Retrieves all tags that are assigned to a GameLift resource. Resource tags are used to organize AWS resources for a range of purposes. This operation handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types:
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
putScalingPolicy({required String fleetId, required MetricName metricName, required String name, ComparisonOperatorType? comparisonOperator, int? evaluationPeriods, PolicyType? policyType, int? scalingAdjustment, ScalingAdjustmentType? scalingAdjustmentType, TargetConfiguration? targetConfiguration, double? threshold}) Future<PutScalingPolicyOutput>
Creates or updates a scaling policy for a fleet. Scaling policies are used to automatically scale a fleet's hosting capacity to meet player demand. An active scaling policy instructs Amazon GameLift to track a fleet metric and automatically change the fleet's capacity when a certain threshold is reached. There are two types of scaling policies: target-based and rule-based. Use a target-based policy to quickly and efficiently manage fleet scaling; this option is the most commonly used. Use rule-based policies when you need to exert fine-grained control over auto-scaling.
registerGameServer({required String gameServerGroupName, required String gameServerId, required String instanceId, String? connectionInfo, String? gameServerData}) Future<RegisterGameServerOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
requestUploadCredentials({required String buildId}) Future<RequestUploadCredentialsOutput>
Retrieves a fresh set of credentials for use when uploading a new set of game build files to Amazon GameLift's Amazon S3. This is done as part of the build creation process; see CreateBuild.
resolveAlias({required String aliasId}) Future<ResolveAliasOutput>
Retrieves the fleet ID that an alias is currently pointing to.
resumeGameServerGroup({required String gameServerGroupName, required List<GameServerGroupAction> resumeActions}) Future<ResumeGameServerGroupOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
searchGameSessions({String? aliasId, String? filterExpression, String? fleetId, int? limit, String? nextToken, String? sortExpression}) Future<SearchGameSessionsOutput>
Retrieves all active game sessions that match a set of search criteria and sorts them in a specified order. You can search or sort by the following game session attributes:
startFleetActions({required List<FleetAction> actions, required String fleetId}) Future<void>
Resumes activity on a fleet that was suspended with StopFleetActions. Currently, this operation is used to restart a fleet's auto-scaling activity.
startGameSessionPlacement({required String gameSessionQueueName, required int maximumPlayerSessionCount, required String placementId, List<DesiredPlayerSession>? desiredPlayerSessions, List<GameProperty>? gameProperties, String? gameSessionData, String? gameSessionName, List<PlayerLatency>? playerLatencies}) Future<StartGameSessionPlacementOutput>
Places a request for a new game session in a queue (see CreateGameSessionQueue). When processing a placement request, Amazon GameLift searches for available resources on the queue's destinations, scanning each until it finds resources or the placement request times out.
startMatchBackfill({required String configurationName, required List<Player> players, String? gameSessionArn, String? ticketId}) Future<StartMatchBackfillOutput>
Finds new players to fill open slots in an existing game session. This operation can be used to add players to matched games that start with fewer than the maximum number of players or to replace players when they drop out. By backfilling with the same matchmaker used to create the original match, you ensure that new players meet the match criteria and maintain a consistent experience throughout the game session. You can backfill a match anytime after a game session has been created.
startMatchmaking({required String configurationName, required List<Player> players, String? ticketId}) Future<StartMatchmakingOutput>
Uses FlexMatch to create a game match for a group of players based on custom matchmaking rules. If you're also using GameLift hosting, a new game session is started for the matched players. Each matchmaking request identifies one or more players to find a match for, and specifies the type of match to build, including the team configuration and the rules for an acceptable match. When a matchmaking request identifies a group of players who want to play together, FlexMatch finds additional players to fill the match. Match type, rules, and other features are defined in a MatchmakingConfiguration.
stopFleetActions({required List<FleetAction> actions, required String fleetId}) Future<void>
Suspends activity on a fleet. Currently, this operation is used to stop a fleet's auto-scaling activity. It is used to temporarily stop triggering scaling events. The policies can be retained and auto-scaling activity can be restarted using StartFleetActions. You can view a fleet's stopped actions using DescribeFleetAttributes.
stopGameSessionPlacement({required String placementId}) Future<StopGameSessionPlacementOutput>
Cancels a game session placement that is in PENDING status. To stop a placement, provide the placement ID values. If successful, the placement is moved to CANCELLED status.
stopMatchmaking({required String ticketId}) Future<void>
Cancels a matchmaking ticket or match backfill ticket that is currently being processed. To stop the matchmaking operation, specify the ticket ID. If successful, work on the ticket is stopped, and the ticket status is changed to CANCELLED.
suspendGameServerGroup({required String gameServerGroupName, required List<GameServerGroupAction> suspendActions}) Future<SuspendGameServerGroupOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
tagResource({required String resourceARN, required List<Tag> tags}) Future<void>
Assigns a tag to a GameLift resource. AWS resource tags provide an additional management tool set. You can use tags to organize resources, create IAM permissions policies to manage access to groups of resources, customize AWS cost breakdowns, etc. This operation handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types:
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
untagResource({required String resourceARN, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Removes a tag that is assigned to a GameLift resource. Resource tags are used to organize AWS resources for a range of purposes. This operation handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types:
updateAlias({required String aliasId, String? description, String? name, RoutingStrategy? routingStrategy}) Future<UpdateAliasOutput>
Updates properties for an alias. To update properties, specify the alias ID to be updated and provide the information to be changed. To reassign an alias to another fleet, provide an updated routing strategy. If successful, the updated alias record is returned.
updateBuild({required String buildId, String? name, String? version}) Future<UpdateBuildOutput>
Updates metadata in a build resource, including the build name and version. To update the metadata, specify the build ID to update and provide the new values. If successful, a build object containing the updated metadata is returned.
updateFleetAttributes({required String fleetId, String? description, List<String>? metricGroups, String? name, ProtectionPolicy? newGameSessionProtectionPolicy, ResourceCreationLimitPolicy? resourceCreationLimitPolicy}) Future<UpdateFleetAttributesOutput>
Updates fleet properties, including name and description, for a fleet. To update metadata, specify the fleet ID and the property values that you want to change. If successful, the fleet ID for the updated fleet is returned.
updateFleetCapacity({required String fleetId, int? desiredInstances, int? maxSize, int? minSize}) Future<UpdateFleetCapacityOutput>
Updates capacity settings for a fleet. Use this operation to specify the number of EC2 instances (hosts) that you want this fleet to contain. Before calling this operation, you may want to call DescribeEC2InstanceLimits to get the maximum capacity based on the fleet's EC2 instance type.
updateFleetPortSettings({required String fleetId, List<IpPermission>? inboundPermissionAuthorizations, List<IpPermission>? inboundPermissionRevocations}) Future<UpdateFleetPortSettingsOutput>
Updates port settings for a fleet. To update settings, specify the fleet ID to be updated and list the permissions you want to update. List the permissions you want to add in InboundPermissionAuthorizations, and permissions you want to remove in InboundPermissionRevocations. Permissions to be removed must match existing fleet permissions. If successful, the fleet ID for the updated fleet is returned.
updateGameServer({required String gameServerGroupName, required String gameServerId, String? gameServerData, GameServerHealthCheck? healthCheck, GameServerUtilizationStatus? utilizationStatus}) Future<UpdateGameServerOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
updateGameServerGroup({required String gameServerGroupName, BalancingStrategy? balancingStrategy, GameServerProtectionPolicy? gameServerProtectionPolicy, List<InstanceDefinition>? instanceDefinitions, String? roleArn}) Future<UpdateGameServerGroupOutput>
This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups.
updateGameSession({required String gameSessionId, int? maximumPlayerSessionCount, String? name, PlayerSessionCreationPolicy? playerSessionCreationPolicy, ProtectionPolicy? protectionPolicy}) Future<UpdateGameSessionOutput>
Updates game session properties. This includes the session name, maximum player count, protection policy, which controls whether or not an active game session can be terminated during a scale-down event, and the player session creation policy, which controls whether or not new players can join the session. To update a game session, specify the game session ID and the values you want to change. If successful, an updated GameSession object is returned.
updateGameSessionQueue({required String name, List<GameSessionQueueDestination>? destinations, List<PlayerLatencyPolicy>? playerLatencyPolicies, int? timeoutInSeconds}) Future<UpdateGameSessionQueueOutput>
Updates settings for a game session queue, which determines how new game session requests in the queue are processed. To update settings, specify the queue name to be updated and provide the new settings. When updating destinations, provide a complete list of destinations.
updateMatchmakingConfiguration({required String name, bool? acceptanceRequired, int? acceptanceTimeoutSeconds, int? additionalPlayerCount, BackfillMode? backfillMode, String? customEventData, String? description, FlexMatchMode? flexMatchMode, List<GameProperty>? gameProperties, String? gameSessionData, List<String>? gameSessionQueueArns, String? notificationTarget, int? requestTimeoutSeconds, String? ruleSetName}) Future<UpdateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput>
Updates settings for a FlexMatch matchmaking configuration. These changes affect all matches and game sessions that are created after the update. To update settings, specify the configuration name to be updated and provide the new settings.
updateRuntimeConfiguration({required String fleetId, required RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration}) Future<UpdateRuntimeConfigurationOutput>
Updates the current runtime configuration for the specified fleet, which tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on instances in the fleet. You can update a fleet's runtime configuration at any time after the fleet is created; it does not need to be in an ACTIVE status.
updateScript({required String scriptId, String? name, S3Location? storageLocation, String? version, Uint8List? zipFile}) Future<UpdateScriptOutput>
Updates Realtime script metadata and content.
validateMatchmakingRuleSet({required String ruleSetBody}) Future<ValidateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput>
Validates the syntax of a matchmaking rule or rule set. This operation checks that the rule set is using syntactically correct JSON and that it conforms to allowed property expressions. To validate syntax, provide a rule set JSON string.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.