Results16 packages
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Dart implementation of client of Pusher Channels protocol, instrument to work with real-time applications.
SSH and SFTP client written in pure Dart, aiming to be feature-rich as well as easy to use.
Dart PG (Dart Privacy Guard) - The OpenPGP implementation in Dart language.
BIP-0032 like derivation for ed25519 curve
Archethic dart library for Flutter for Node and Browser. This library aims to provide a easy way to create Archethic transaction and to send them over the network
This is a WAMP client (Web Application Messaging Protocol) implementation for the dart language and flutter projects.
A comprehensive, composable and versatile Dart/Flutter library for TON blockchain#cryptocurrency#crypto#ton#ton-blockchain
A webhook-based Discord Interactions client. Made with serverless deployment in mind.
A Dart library to connect to Tezos clients. Send transactions and interact with smart contracts!
Dart lib for duniter cryptography, useful to integrate Ğ1 libre currency to your app

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