
  • Packages
Results8 packages owned by iamngoni.co.zw
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Customisable, clean looking bottom floating navbar. FloatingNavBar comes with multiple customization options - colors, page indicators, etc. This can be used as an alternative to the default BottomNa [...]
Collection of regex patterns commonly used in Zimbabwe. Regex patterns include mobile numbers, passports, vehicle license plates, driver's license, email addresses and passwords
Handy Extension is just a simple library with extensions to the core libraries to make them more handy and quicker to use.
Simple way to share message, links or files from your flutter app to specific contact in whatsapp
Attempt at modularizing my own pagination. It is a simple to use pagination component (that most suites my needs and may fit into your needs too)
Pesepay helps businesses in Africa get paid by anyone, anywhere in the world
Steward Pay allows digital clients to securely integrate with some of Steward Bank's digital platforms. Namely the OpenID server as well as the Payment Gateway.