vamboai 1.0.1 copy "vamboai: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
vamboai: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

VamboAI is a comprehensive Dart package designed to provide seamless integration with the Vambo AI API. It allows developers to leverage powerful language identification and translation capabilities i [...]

VamboAI #

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VamboAI is a Dart package that provides access to the Vambo AI API for language identification and translation. This package allows you to interact with the Vambo AI API in a simple and efficient manner.

API Key #

To use the Vambo AI API, you need to obtain an API key. Please visit the Vambo AI Studio to create an account and obtain your API key.

Supported Languages #

Please refer to the Vambo AI API documentation for a list of supported languages.

Features #

  • Identify the language of a given text.
  • Translate text between various supported languages.
  • Supports a wide range of languages commonly used in Africa and beyond.

Installation #

Add vamboai to your pubspec.yaml:

  vamboai: ^0.0.1

Then run:

dart pub get

Usage #

Import the vamboai package:

import 'package:vamboai/vamboai.dart';

Create an instance of VamboAI using your API key:

void main() async {
  final ai = VamboAI.fromAPIKey('your_api_key');

  // Identify the language of a given text
  final response = await ai.identify('Hello, how are you?');
  print('Primary Language: ${}');
  print('Additional Languages: ${ =>', ')}');

  // Translate text from English to French
  final tResponse = await ai.translate(
    'Hello, how are you?',
    from: Language.english,
    to: Language.french,
  print('Translation: ${tResponse.output}');

Error Handling #

All errors from the Vambo AI API are thrown as VamboException.

try {
  final response = await vambo.identify('Some text');
} catch (e) {
  print(e); // Handle the exception

Contributing #

Contributions to the VamboAI library are welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

License #

This library is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the repository for more information.

pub points



VamboAI is a comprehensive Dart package designed to provide seamless integration with the Vambo AI API. It allows developers to leverage powerful language identification and translation capabilities in their applications. This package supports a wide range of languages, making it an essential tool for applications targeting diverse linguistic audiences, particularly those focusing on African languages.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on vamboai