Results35 packages
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Package for joining sockets together to create socket relays.
A Dart library for managing contact data that developers can use for their applications.
A Dart library that provides a means to check on the status of the @‎root server as well as the secondary server for any particular @‎sign.
A library that help developers build flutter applications on the atPlatform.
A Flutter plugin project to provide group functionality with contacts using atPlatform.
A Flutter plugin project for saving the backup key of any atSign that is being onboarded with atPlatform apps. The backup key can be used to authenticate in other atPlatform apps.
A Flutter plugin project to share locations between two atSigns and track them on OSM (OpenStreetMap).
The at_viz library comes with highly customizable gauges charts and gauges.
A Flutter plugin project to manage events (time, place and attendees) using the atPlatform.
A Flutter plugin project that provides a basic social "follows" functionality for atSigns. Provides a list of followers and following for atSigns with the option to unfollow them.

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