stream_chat_flutter 8.0.0-beta.3 copy "stream_chat_flutter: ^8.0.0-beta.3" to clipboard
stream_chat_flutter: ^8.0.0-beta.3 copied to clipboard

Stream Chat official Flutter SDK. Build your own chat experience using Dart and Flutter.

8.0.0-beta.3 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Migrate to Material 3 and remove useMaterial3 flag interception.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 8.0.0-beta.3.

🛑️ Breaking

  • Updated connectivity_plus library to >= 6.0.0.

8.0.0-beta.2 #

  • Bump photo_manager dependency to ^3.0.0-dev.5.
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 8.0.0-beta.2.

8.0.0-beta.1 #

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.16/Dart 3.2
  • Bump photo_manager dependency to ^3.0.0-dev.4.

7.2.0-hotfix.1 #

🔄 Changed

7.2.0 #

✅ Added StreamMessageListView will now by default show unread indicator floating on top of the message list that will scroll to last read message when tapped and mark channel as unread when dismissed.

  • Added showUnreadIndicator parameter to StreamMessageListView that controls visibility of new channel unread indicator
  • Added unreadIndicatorBuilder parameter to StreamMessageListView that allows to provide custom unread indicator builder
  • Added markReadWhenAtTheBottom parameter to StreamMessageListView that will toggle, previously default, behaviour of marking channel as read when message list is scrolled to the bottom (now default is false)
  • Added showUnreadCountOnScrollToBottom parameter to StreamMessageListView that will toggle, previously shown by default, unread messages counter on the scroll to bottom button (no default is false)

Added Mark as Unread option to StreamMessageWidget context menu that will show for non-thread messages of other users and mark channel as unread from selected message onwards.

  • Added showMarkUnreadMessage to StreamMessageWidget that controls visibility of Mark as Unread option.

7.1.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed quoted message having 0 bottom padding. All sides now have 8 padding

🔄 Changed

  • Updated photo_manager dependency to ^3.0.0
  • Updated lottie to >=2.6.0 <4.0.0

7.0.2 #

✅ Added

  • Added ActionsBuilder signature for function which will return default actions and allows past custom actions.
  • Added spaceBetweenActions parameter for StreamMessageInput to control distance between actions

🐞 Fixed

  • Removed double focus on StreamMessageInput when focusNode is provided for web and desktop.
  • Optionally call onThreadTap in BottomRow to avoid Null check operator used on a null value

7.0.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1804] Fixed `StreamAttachmentWidgetBuilder`` is not accessible in 7.0.0.
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 7.0.1.

7.0.0 #

🛑️ Breaking

  • Removed deprecated ChannelPreview widget. Use StreamChannelListTile instead.
  • Removed deprecated ChannelPreviewBuilder, Use StreamChannelListViewIndexedWidgetBuilder instead.
  • Removed deprecated StreamUserItem widget. Use StreamUserListTile instead.
  • Removed deprecated ReturnActionType enum, No longer used.
  • Removed deprecated StreamMessageInput.attachmentThumbnailBuilders parameter. Use StreamMessageInput.mediaAttachmentBuilder instead.
  • Removed deprecated MessageListView.onMessageSwiped parameter. Try wrapping the MessageWidget with a Swipeable, Dismissible or a custom widget to achieve the swipe to reply behaviour.
  • Removed deprecated MessageWidget.showReactionPickerIndicator parameter. Use MessageWidget.showReactionPicker instead.
  • Removed deprecated MessageWidget.bottomRowBuilder parameter. Use MessageWidget.bottomRowBuilderWithDefaultWidget instead.
  • Removed deprecated MessageWidget.deletedBottomRowBuilder parameter. Use MessageWidget.deletedBottomRowBuilderWithDefaultWidget instead.
  • Removed deprecated MessageWidget.usernameBuilder parameter. Use MessageWidget.usernameBuilderWithDefaultWidget instead.
  • Removed deprecated MessageTheme.linkBackgroundColor parameter. Use MessageTheme.urlAttachmentBackgroundColor instead.
  • Removed deprecated showConfirmationDialog method. Use showConfirmationBottomSheet instead.
  • Removed deprecated showInfoDialog method. Use showInfoBottomSheet instead.
  • Removed deprecated wrapAttachmentWidget method. Use WrapAttachmentWidget class instead.
  • Removed deprecated showReactionPickerTail parameter. Use showReactionPicker instead.

✅ Added

  • Added support for StreamMessageInput.contentInsertionConfiguration to specify the content insertion configuration. #1613

      contentInsertionConfiguration: ContentInsertionConfiguration(
        onContentInserted: (content) {
          // Do something with the content.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated jiffy dependency to ^6.2.1.
  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.13/Dart 3.1
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 7.0.0.

6.12.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix render overflow issue with StreamTypingIndicator. It now uses Flexible inside Row.

  • [#1759] Fixed The Reaction Picker is not being removed when I set showReactionPicker to false.

6.11.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1740] Fixed Plugin video_player:macos has multiple possible implementations.

6.10.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1721] Fixed StreamMessageInput.allowedAttachmentPickerTypes not working on mobile devices.

✅ Added

  • Added support for overriding the MessageWidget.onReactionsHover callback.

    Note Used only in desktop devices (web and desktop).

6.9.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1702] Fixed Message.replaceMentions not treating @usernames as mentions.
  • [#1694] Fixed Video player buttons getting covered by bottom toolbar.

✅ Added

  • Added support for listening error events in AttachmentPickerBottomSheet.

  • Added support for overriding the MessageWidget.onReactionTap callback.

  • Added support for StreamMessageInput.contentInsertionConfiguration to specify the content insertion configuration. #1613

      contentInsertionConfiguration: ContentInsertionConfiguration(
        onContentInserted: (content) {
          // Do something with the content.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.10/Dart 3.0
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 6.8.0.
  • Updated jiffy dependency to ^6.2.1.

6.8.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed StreamMessageInput always sending message as system.

6.8.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 6.7.0.

6.7.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 6.6.0.

6.6.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.7/Dart 2.19

6.5.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1620] Fixed messages Are Not Hard Deleting even after overriding the onConfirmDeleteTap callback.
  • [#1621] Fixed createdAtStyle null check error in SendingIndicatorBuilder.
  • [#1069] Fixed message swipe to reply using same direction for both current user and other users. It now uses SwipeDirection.startToEnd for current user and SwipeDirection.endToStart for other users.
  • [#1590] Fixed StreamMessageWidget.showReactionPickerIndicator not toggling the reaction picker indicator visibility.
  • [#1639] Fixed attachments not showing in gallery view even after saving them to the device.

    Note This fix depends on the image_gallery_saver plugin. Make sure to add necessary permissions in your App as per the plugin documentation.

  • [#1642] Fixed StreamMessageWidget.widthFactor not working on web and desktop platforms.

✅ Added

  • Added support for customizing attachments in StreamMessageInput. Use various properties mentioned below. #1511

    • StreamMessageInput.attachmentListBuilder to customize the attachment list.
    • StreamMessageInput.fileAttachmentListBuilder to customize the file attachment list.
    • StreamMessageInput.mediaAttachmentListBuilder to customize the media attachment list. Includes images, videos and gifs.
    • StreamMessageInput.fileAttachmentBuilder to customize the file attachment item shown in FileAttachmentList.
    • StreamMessageInput.mediaAttachmentBuilder to customize the media attachment item shown in MediaAttachmentList.
  • Added StreamMessageInput.quotedMessageAttachmentThumbnailBuilders to customize the thumbnail builders for quoted message attachments.

🔄 Changed

  • Deprecated StreamMessageInput.attachmentThumbnailBuilders in favor of StreamMessageInput.mediaAttachmentBuilder.

  • Deprecated StreamMessageListView.onMessageSwiped. Try wrapping the MessageWidget with a Swipeable, Dismissible or a custom widget to achieve the swipe to reply behaviour.

    // Migration from onMessageSwiped to Swipeable.
      messageBuilder: (context, messageDetails, messages, defaultWidget) {
        // The threshold after which the message should be considered as swiped.
        const threshold = 0.2;
        // The direction in which the message should be swiped to reply.
        final swipeDirection = messageDetails.isMyMessage
            ? SwipeDirection.endToStart //
            : SwipeDirection.startToEnd;
        return Swipeable(
          key: ValueKey(,
          direction: swipeDirection,
          swipeThreshold: threshold,
          onSwiped: (direction) {
            // Handle the swipe action here.
          backgroundBuilder: (context, details) {
            // The alignment of the swipe action.
            final alignment = messageDetails.isMyMessage
                ? Alignment.centerRight //
                : Alignment.centerLeft;
            // The progress of the swipe action.
            final progress = math.min(details.progress, threshold) / threshold;
            return Align(
              alignment: alignment,
              child: Opacity(
                opacity: progress,
                child: const Icon(
                  color: Colors.white,
          child: defaultWidget,
  • Deprecated StreamMessageWidget.showReactionPickerIndicator in favor of StreamMessageWidget.showReactionPicker.

    - showReactionPickerIndicator: true/false,
    + showReactionPicker: true/false,
  • Updated video_player dependency to ^2.7.0.

  • Updated chewie dependency to ^1.6.0.

  • Updated share_plus dependency to ^7.0.2.

  • Deprecated StreamUserItem in favor of StreamUserListTile.

6.4.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1600] Fixed type ImageDecoderCallback not found error on pre-Flutter 3.10.0 versions.
  • [#1605] Fixed Null exception is thrown on message list for unread messages when ScrollToBottomButton is pressed.
  • [#1615] Fixed StreamAttachmentPickerBottomSheet not able to find the StreamChatTheme when used in nested MaterialApp.

✅ Added

  • Added support for StreamMessageInput.allowedAttachmentPickerTypes to specify the allowed attachment picker types. #1601

      allowedAttachmentPickerTypes: const [
  • Added support for StreamMessageWidget.onConfirmDeleteTap to override the default action on delete confirmation. #1604

      onConfirmDeleteTap: (message) async {
        final channel = StreamChannel.of(context).channel;
        await channel.deleteMessage(message, hard: false);
  • Added support for StreamMessageWidget.quotedMessageBuilder and StreamMessageInput.quotedMessageBuilder to override the default quoted message widget. #1547

      quotedMessageBuilder: (context, message) {
        return Container(
          child: Text('Quoted Message'),
  • Added support for StreamChannelAvatar.ownSpaceAvatarBuilder, StreamChannelAvatar.oneToOneAvatarBuilder and StreamChannelAvatar.groupAvatarBuilder to override the default avatar widget.#1614

      ownSpaceAvatarBuilder: (context, channel) {
        return Container(
          child: Text('Own Space Avatar'),
      oneToOneAvatarBuilder: (context, channel) {
        return Container(
          child: Text('One to One Avatar'),
      groupAvatarBuilder: (context, channel) {
        return Container(
          child: Text('Group Avatar'),

6.3.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1592] Fixed broken attachment download on web.
  • [#1591] Fixed StreamChannelInfoBottomSheet not rendering member list properly.
  • [#1427] Fixed unable to load asset error for packages/stream_chat_flutter/lib/svgs/video_call_icon.svg.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated dio dependency to ^5.2.0.

6.2.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1546] Fixed StreamMessageInputTheme.linkHighlightColor returning null for default theme.
  • [#1548] Fixed StreamMessageInput urlRegex only matching the lowercase http(s)|ftp.
  • [#1542] Handle error thrown in StreamMessageInput when unable to fetch a link preview.
  • [#1540] Use CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive instead of material indicator.
  • [#1490] Fixed editMessageInputBuilder property not used in MessageActionsModal.editMessage option.
  • [#1544] Fixed error thrown when unable to fetch image/data in Message link preview.
  • [#1482] Fixed StreaChannelListTile not showing unread indicator when currentUser is not present in the initial member list.
  • [#1487] Use localized title for WebOrDesktopAttachmentPickerOption in StreamMessageInput.
  • [#1250] Fixed bottomRow widgetSpans getting resized twice when textScaling is enabled.
  • [#1498] Fixed MessageInput autocomplete not working on non-mobile platforms.
  • [#1576] Temporary fix for StreamMessageListView getting broken when loaded at a particular message and a new message is added.

✅ Added

  • Added support for StreamMessageThemeData.urlAttachmentTextMaxLine to specify the .maxLines for the url attachment text. #1543

🔄 Changed

  • Updated shimmer dependency to ^3.0.0.
  • Updated image_gallery_saver dependency to ^2.0.1.
  • Deprecated ChannelPreview in favor of StreamChannelListTile.
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 6.2.0.

6.1.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1502] Fixed isOnlyEmoji method Detects Single Hangul Consonants as Emoji.
  • [#1505] Fixed Message bubble disappears for Hangul Consonants.
  • [#1476] Fixed UserAvatarTransform.userAvatarBuilder works only for otherUser.
  • [#1490] Fixed editMessageInputBuilder property not used in message edit widget.
  • [#1523] Fixed StreamMessageThemeData not being applied correctly.
  • [#1525] Fixed StreamQuotedMessageWidget message for deleted messages not being shown correctly.
  • [#1529] Fixed ClipboardData requires non-nullable string as text on Flutter 3.10.
  • [#1533] Fixed StreamMessageListView messages grouped incorrectly w.r.t. timestamp.
  • [#1532] Fixed StreamMessageWidget actions dialog backdrop filter is cut off by safe area.

✅ Added

  • Added MessageTheme.urlAttachmentHostStyle, MessageTheme.urlAttachmentTitleStyle, and MessageTheme.urlAttachmentTextStyle to customize the style of the url attachment.

  • Added StreamMessageInput.ogPreviewFilter to allow users to filter out the og preview links. #1338

      ogPreviewFilter: (matchedUri, messageText) {
        final url = matchedUri.toString();
        if (url.contains('')) {
          // Return false to prevent the OG preview from being built.
          return false;
        // Return true to build the OG preview.
        return true;
  • Added StreamMessageInput.hintGetter to allow users to customize the hint text of the message input. #1401

      hintGetter: (context, hintType) {
        switch (hintType) {
          case HintType.searchGif:
            return 'Custom Search Giphy';
          case HintType.addACommentOrSend:
            return 'Custom Add a comment or send';
          case HintType.slowModeOn:
            return 'Custom Slow mode is on';
          case HintType.writeAMessage:
            return 'Custom Write a message';
  • Added StreamMessageListView.shrinkWrap to allow users to shrink wrap the message list view.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated dart sdk environment range to support 3.0.0.
  • Deprecated MessageTheme.linkBackgroundColor in favor of MessageTheme.urlAttachmentBackgroundColor.
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 6.1.0.

6.0.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1456] Fixed logic for showing that a message was read using sending indicator.
  • [#1462] Fixed support for iPad in the share button for images.
  • [#1475] Fixed typo to fix compilation.

✅ Added

  • Now it is possible to customize the max lines of the title of a url attachment. Before it was always 1 line.
  • Added attachmentActionsModalBuilder parameter to StreamMessageWidget that allows to customize AttachmentActionsModal.
  • Added StreamMessageInput.sendMessageKeyPredicate and StreamMessageInput.clearQuotedMessageKeyPredicate to customize the keys used to send and clear the quoted message.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated dependencies to resolvable versions.

🚀 Improved

  • Improved draw of reaction options. #1455

5.3.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Updated photo_manager dependency to ^2.5.2

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1424] Fixed a render issue when showing messages starting with 4 whitespaces.
  • Fixed a bug where the AttachmentPickerBottomSheet was not able to identify the mobile browser.
  • Fixed uploading files on Windows - fixed temp file path.

✅ Added

  • New noPhotoOrVideoLabel displayed when there is no files to choose.

5.2.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added a new bottomRowBuilderWithDefaultWidget parameter to StreamMessageWidget which contains a third parameter ( default BottomRow widget with copyWith method available) to allow easier customization.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated lottie dependency to ^2.0.0
  • Updated desktop_drop dependency to ^0.4.0
  • Updated connectivity_plus dependency to ^3.0.2
  • Updated dart_vlc dependency to ^0.4.0
  • Updated file_picker dependency to ^5.2.4
  • Deprecated StreamMessageWidget.bottomRowBuilder in favor of StreamMessageWidget.bottomRowBuilderWithDefaultWidget.
  • Deprecated StreamMessageWidget.deletedBottomRowBuilder in favor of StreamMessageWidget.bottomRowBuilderWithDefaultWidget.
  • Deprecated StreamMessageWidget.usernameBuilder in favor of StreamMessageWidget.bottomRowBuilderWithDefaultWidget.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1379] Fixed "Issues with photo attachments on web", where the cached image attachment would not render while uploading.
  • Fix render overflow issue with MessageSearchListTileTitle. It now uses instead of Row. Better default behaviour and allows TextOverflow.
  • [1346] Fixed a render issue while uploading video on web.
  • [#1347] onReply not working in AttachmentActionsModal which is used by StreamImageAttachment and StreamImageGroup.

5.1.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Show message custom actions on desktop context menu.
  • Can move cursor by left/right arrow in StreamMessageInput on web/desktop.

✅ Added

  • VideoAttachment now uses thumbUrl to show the thumbnail if it's available instead of generating them.
  • Expose widthFactor option in MessageWidget
  • Add enableActionAnimation flag to StreamMessageInput

5.0.1 #

🔄 Changed

  • Updated share_plus dependency to ^4.5.0

5.0.0 #

  • Included the changes from version 4.5.0.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1326] Fixed hitting "enter" on the android keyboard sends the message instead of going to a new line.

✅ Added

  • Added StreamMemberGridView and StreamMemberListView.
  • Added support for additional text field parameters in StreamMessageInput
    • maxLines
    • minLines
    • textInputAction
    • keyboardType
    • textCapitalization
  • Added showStreamAttachmentPickerModalBottomSheet to show the attachment picker modal bottom sheet.

🔄 Changed

  • Removed Emoji picker from StreamMessageInput.

5.0.0-beta.2 #

  • Included the changes from version 4.4.0 and 4.4.1.

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed the unread message header in the message list view.
  • Show dialog after clicking on the camera button and permission is denied.
  • Fix Jiffy initialization.
  • Fix loading to unread position in StreamMessageListView.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

🔄 Changed

  • [#1125] defaultUserImage , placeholderUserImage, reactionIcons, and enforceUniqueReactions have been refactored out of StreamChatThemeData and into the new StreamChatConfigurationData class.

✅ Added

  • Added StreamAutocomplete widget for autocomplete triggers in StreamMessageInput.
  • Added StreamMessageInput.customAutocompleteTriggers to allow users to define their custom triggers.

5.0.0-beta.1 #

  • 🎉 Initial support for desktop 🖥️ and web 🧑‍💻
    • Right-click context menus for messages and full-screen attachments
    • Upload and download attachments using the native desktop file system
    • Press the "enter" key to send a message
    • If you are quoting a message and have not yet typed any text, you can press the "esc" key to remove the quoted message.
    • A dedicated "X" button for removing a quoted message with your mouse
    • Drag and drop attachment files to StreamMessageInput
      • New StreamMessageInput.draggingBorder property to customize the border color of the message input when dropping a file.
    • Message reactions bubbles
    • Hovering over a message reaction will show the users that have reacted to the message
    • Desktop attachment sharing UI
    • Selectable message text
    • Gallery navigation controls with keyboard shortcuts (left and right arrow keys)
    • Appropriate message sizing for large screens
    • Right-click context menu for StreamMessageListView items
    • StreamMessageListView items not swipeable on desktop & web
    • Video support for Windows & Linux through dart_vlc
    • Video support for macOS through video_player_macos
    • Replace bottom sheets with dialogs where appropriate
  • Other Additions ✅
    • onQuotedMessageCleared to StreamMessageInput
    • selected and selectedTileColor to StreamChannelListTile
    • AttachmentUploadStateBuilder.inProgressBuilder to AttachmentUploadStateBuilder
    • AttachmentUploadStateBuilder.successBuilder to AttachmentUploadStateBuilder
    • AttachmentUploadStateBuilder.failedBuilder to AttachmentUploadStateBuilder
    • Translations:
      • couldNotReadBytesFromFileError
      • downloadLabel
      • toggleMuteUnmuteAction
      • toggleMuteUnmuteGroupQuestion
      • toggleMuteUnmuteGroupText
      • toggleMuteUnmuteUserQuestion
      • toggleMuteUnmuteUserText
    • Deprecated showConfirmationDialog in favor of showConfirmationBottomSheet
    • Deprecated showInfoDialog in favor of showInfoBottomSheet
    • Deprecated wrapAttachmentWidget in favor of the WrapAttachmentWidget class
  • Breaking changes 🚧
    • StreamImageAttachment.size has been converted from type Size to type BoxConstraints
    • StreamFileAttachment.size has been converted from type Size to type BoxConstraints
    • StreamGiphyAttachment.size has been converted from type Size to type BoxConstraints
    • StreamVideoAttachment.size has been converted from type Size to type BoxConstraints
    • StreamVideoThumbnailImage.width and StreamVideoThumbnailImage.height have been removed in favor of StreamVideoThumbnailImage.constraints
  • Dependency updates ⬆️
    • chewie: ^1.3.0 -> chewie: ^1.3.4
    • path_provider: ^2.0.1 -> path_provider: ^2.0.9
    • video_player: ^2.1.0 -> video_player: ^2.4.5
  • Code Improvements 🔧
    • Extracted many widgets to classes to improve readability, maintainability, and devtools usage.
    • Organized internal directory structure
    • Extracted typedefs to their own file
    • Updated dartdoc documentation
    • Various code readability improvements

4.6.0 #

🐞 Fixed

4.5.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 4.5.0.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#882] Lots of unhandled exceptions when network is off or spotty.
  • Fixes an error where Stream CDN images were not being resized in the message list view.

🚀 Improved

  • Automatically resize images that are above a specific pixel count to ensure resizing works:

✅ Added

  • Added thumbnailSize, thumbnailResizeType, and thumbnailCropType params to StreamMessageWidget to customize the appearance of image attachment thumbnails.

      messageBuilder: (context, details, messages, defaultMessage) {
        return defaultMessage.copyWith(
          imageAttachmentThumbnailSize: ...,
          imageAttachmentThumbnailCropType: ...,
          imageAttachmentThumbnailResizeType: ...,
  • Added thumbnailSize, thumbnailFormat, thumbnailQuality and thumbnailScale params to StreamAttachmentPicker to customize the appearance of image attachment thumbnails.

      focusNode: _focusNode,
      messageInputController: _messageInputController,
      attachmentsPickerBuilder: (_, __, picker) {
        return picker.copyWith(
          attachmentThumbnailSize: ...,
          attachmentThumbnailFormat: ...,
          attachmentThumbnailQuality: ...,
          attachmentThumbnailScale: ...,

4.4.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1247] Fix Jiffy initialization.
  • [#1232] Fix DateDivider not showing up in the chat.
  • [#1240] Substitute mentioned user ids with user names in system message.
  • [#1228] Fix image download on iOS.

🔄 Changed

  • Changed default maximum attachment size from 20MB to 100MB.

4.4.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1234] Fix ChannelListTile sendingIndicator isMessageRead calculation.

4.3.0 #

  • Updated photo_view dependency to 0.14.0.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1180] Fix file download.
  • Fix commands resetting the StreamMessageInputController.value.
  • [#996] Videos break bottom photo carousal.
  • Fix: URLs with path and/or query parameters are not enriched.
  • [#1194] Request permission to access gallery when opening the file picker.

✅ Added

  • [#1011] Animate the background color of pinned messages.
  • Added unread messages divider in StreamMessageListView.
  • Added StreamMessageListView.unreadMessagesSeparatorBuilder.
  • Now StreamMessageListView opens to the oldest unread message by default.

4.2.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1133] Visibility override flags not being passed to StreamMessageActionsModal

4.1.0 #

✅ Added

  • [#1119] Added an option to disable mentions overlay in StreamMessageInput
  • Deprecated disableEmojiSuggestionsOverlay in favor of enableEmojiSuggestionsOverlay in StreamMessageInput

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed attachment picker ui.
  • Fixed StreamChannelHeader and StreamThreadHeader subtitle alignment.
  • Fixed message widget thread indicator in reverse mode.
  • [#1044]: Refactor StreamMessageWidget bottom row to use

🔄 Changed

  • Removed isOwner condition from ChannelBottomSheet and StreamChannelInfoBottomSheet for delete option tile.

4.0.1 #

  • Minor fixes
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 4.0.1.

4.0.0 #

For upgrading to V4, please refer to the V4 Migration Guide

✅ Added

  • [#1087]: Handle limited access to camera on iOS.
  • centerTitle and elevation properties to ChannelHeader, ThreadHeader and ChannelListHeader.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1067]: Fix name text overflow in reaction card.
  • [#842]: show date divider for first message.
  • Loosen up url check for attachment download.
  • Use ogScrapeUrl for LinkAttachments.

4.0.0-beta.2 #

✅ Added

  • Added support to pass autoCorrect to StreamMessageInput for the text input field
  • Added support to control the visibility of the default emoji suggestions overlay in StreamMessageInput
  • Added support to build custom widget for scrollToBottom in StreamMessageListView

🐞 Fixed

  • Minor fixes and improvements -[#892]: Fix default initialAlignment in MessageListView.
  • Fix MessageInputTheme.inputBackgroundColor color not being used in some widgets of MessageInput
  • Removed dependency on visibility_detector
  • [#1071]: Fixed the way attachment actions were handled in full screen

4.0.0-beta.1 #

✅ Added

  • Deprecated old widgets in favor of Stream-prefixed ones.
  • Use channel capabilities to show/hide actions.
  • Deprecated ChannelListView in favor of StreamChannelListView.
  • Deprecated ChannelPreview in favor of StreamChannelListTile.
  • Deprecated ChannelAvatar in favor of StreamChannelAvatar.
  • Deprecated ChannelName in favor of StreamChannelName.
  • Deprecated MessageInput in favor of StreamMessageInput.
  • Separated MessageInput widget in smaller components. (For example CountDownButton , StreamAttachmentPicker...)
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 4.0.0-beta.0.
  • Added OpenGraph preview support for links in StreamMessageInput.
  • Removed video compression.

3.6.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 3.6.1.

3.6.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Minor fixes and improvements -[#892]: Fix default initialAlignment in MessageListView.
  • Fix MessageInputTheme.inputBackgroundColor color not being used in some widgets of MessageInput
  • Removed dependency on visibility_detector

3.5.1 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes

  • pinPermissions is no longer needed in MessageListView.
  • MessageInput now works with a MessageInputController instead of a TextEditingController

🐞 Fixed

  • Mentions overlay now doesn't overflow when there is not enough height available
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 3.5.1.

✅ Added

  • onLinkTap for MessageWidget can now be passed down to UrlAttachment.

3.5.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#888] Fix unban command not working in MessageInput.
  • [#805] Updated chewie dependency version to 1.3.0
  • Fix showScrollToBottom in MessageListView not respecting false value.
  • Fix default Channel route not opening from ChannelListView when ChannelAvatar is tapped

3.4.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 3.4.0.

🐞 Fixed

  • SVG rendering fixes.
  • Use file extension instead of mimeType for downloading files.
  • [#860] CastError while compressing Videos.

✅ Added

  • Videos can now be auto-played in FullScreenMedia
  • Extra customisation options for MessageInput

🔄 Changed

  • Add didUpdateWidget override in MessageInput widget to handle changes to focusNode.

3.3.2 #

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 3.3.1.

3.3.1 #

✅ Added

  • MessageListView now allows more better control over spacing after messages using spacingWidgetBuilder.
  • StreamChannel can now fetch messages around a message ID with the queryAroundMessage call.
  • Added MessageListView.keyboardDismissBehavior property.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#766] AttachmentActionsModal now has customisation options for actions.
  • Fixed MessageWidget null errors associated with channel.memberCount.
  • Fixed adding attachments on web.
  • [#767]: Fix MessageInput focus behaviour when sending messages.
  • Fixed user presence indicator not updating correctly.
  • Do not use withData: true in FilePicker calls.
  • Fixed read indicator not updating correctly in specific situations.

3.2.0 #

  • Updated Dart SDK constraints to >=2.14.0 <3.0.0.
  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 3.2.0.

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed message highlight animation alignment in MessageListView.
  • [#491]: Fix MediaListView showing media in wrong order.
  • Fixed MessageListView initialIndex not working in some cases.
  • Improved MessageListView rendering in case of reordering.
  • Fix image thumbnail generation when using Stream CDN.

✅ Added

  • MessageListViewThemeData now accepts a DecorationImage as a background image for MessageListView.

3.1.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 3.1.1.
  • Updated file_picker, image_gallery_saver, and video_thumbnail to the latest versions.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#687]: Fix Users losing their place in the conversation after replying in threads.
  • Fixed floating date stream subscription causing "Bad state: stream has already been listened.” error.
  • Fixed String capitalize extension not working on empty strings.

✅ Added

  • Added MessageInput.customOverlays property to add custom overlays to the message input.
  • Added MessageInput.mentionAllAppUsers property to mention all app users in the message input.
  • The MessageInput now supports local search for channels with less than 100 members.
  • Added MessageListView.paginationLoadingIndicatorBuilder to override the default loading indicator shown while paginating the message list.
  • Added new linkBackgroundColor in MessageTheme for setting background colors of link attachments.

⚠️ Deprecated

  • MessageInput.mentionsTileBuilder is now deprecated in favor of MessageInput.userMentionsTileBuilder.
  • MentionTile is now deprecated in favor of UserMentionsTile.

3.0.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 3.0.0.

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.2.1

  • UserListView filter property now is non-nullable.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#668]: Fix MessageInput rendering errors in case there are no actions available to show.
  • [#349]: Fix MessageInput attachment render overflow error.
  • MessageInput overlays now follow the MessageInput focus.
  • [#674]: Check scrollController is attached before calling jump in MessageListView.
  • Fixed MessageListView header and footer when reverse: false.

🔄 Changed

  • Animation curves changed from default Curves.linear to Curves.easeOut and Curves.easeIn for attachment controls.
  • Removed default padding in DateDivider in MessageListView

✅ Added

  • Added MessageInput.customPortalOptions property to add custom overlays to the MessageInput.

2.2.1 #

⚠️ Deprecated

  • MessageSearchListView paginationParams property is now deprecated in favor of limit.
    // previous
    paginationParams = const PaginationParams(limit: 30)
    // new
    limit = 30
  • UserListView pagination property is now deprecated in favor of limit.
    // previous
    pagination = const PaginationParams(limit: 30)
    // new
    limit = 30
  • ChannelListView pagination property is now deprecated in favor of limit.
    // previous
    pagination = const PaginationParams(limit: 30)
    // new
    limit = 30

🔄 Changed

  • UserListViewCore filter property now has a default value.
    filter = const Filter.empty()

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed MessageSearchListView pagination.
  • Fixed MessageWidget attachment tap callbacks.

2.2.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat_flutter_core dependency to 2.2.1

2.2.0 #

✅ Added

  • #516: Added StreamChatThemeData.placeholderUserImage for building a widget when the UserAvatar image is loading
  • Added a backgroundColor property to the following widgets:
    • ChannelHeader
    • ChannelListHeader
    • GalleryHeader
    • GalleryFooter
    • ThreadHeader
  • Added MessageInput.attachmentLimit in order to limit the no. of attachments that can be sent with a single message.
  • Added MessageInput.onAttachmentLimitExceed callback which will be called when the attachmentLimit is exceeded. This will override the default error alert behaviour.
  • Added MessageInput.attachmentButtonBuilder and MessageInput.commandButtonBuilder for more customizations.
typedef ActionButtonBuilder = Widget Function(
    BuildContext context,
    IconButton defaultActionButton,

NOTE: The last parameter is the default ActionButton You can call .copyWith to customize just a subset of properties.

  • Added slow mode which allows a cooldown period after a user sends a message.

🔄 Changed

Theming has been upgraded! Most theme classes now have InheritedTheme classes associated with them, and have been upgraded with some goodies like lerp functions. Here's the full naming breakdown:

  • AvatarTheme is now AvatarThemeData
  • ChannelHeaderTheme is now ChannelHeaderThemeData
  • ChannelListHeaderTheme is now ChannelListHeaderThemeData
  • ChannelListViewTheme is now ChannelListViewThemeData
  • ChannelPreviewTheme is now ChannelPreviewThemeData
  • MessageInputTheme is now MessageInputThemeData
  • MessageListViewTheme is now MessageListViewTheme
  • MessageSearchListViewTheme is now MessageSearchListViewThemeData
  • MessageTheme is now MessageThemeData
  • UserListViewTheme is now UserListViewThemeData
  • Updated core dependency.

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed MessageInput textField case where input is not enabled if the file picked from the camera is null.
  • Fixed date dividers position/alignment in non reversed MessageListView.
  • Fixed MessageListView not opening to the right initialMessage if StreamChannel.initialMessageId is set.
  • Fixed null check errors when accessing message.text in MessageWidget and MessageListView; this occurred when sending a message with no text.

2.1.2 #

🐞 Fixed

  • #590: livestream use case, no members when sending message

2.1.1 #

  • Updated core dependency

2.1.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added MessageListView.paginationLimit
  • MessageText renders message translation if available
  • Allow the various ListView widgets to be themed via ThemeData classes
  • Added bottomRowBuilder and deletedBottomRowBuilder that build a widget below a MessageWidget

🔄 Changed

  • StreamChat.of(context).user is now deprecated in favor of StreamChat.of(context).currentUser.
  • StreamChat.of(context).userStream is now deprecated in favor of StreamChat.of(context).currentUserStream.

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix floating date divider not having a fixed size

2.0.0 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 1.5.4

  • Migrate this package to null safety

  • Renamed ChannelImage to ChannelAvatar

  • Updated StreamChatThemeData.reactionIcons to accept custom builder

  • Renamed ColorTheme properties to reflect the purpose of the colors

    • -> ColorTheme.textHighEmphasis
    • ColorTheme.grey -> ColorTheme.textLowEmphasis
    • ColorTheme.greyGainsboro -> ColorTheme.disabled
    • ColorTheme.greyWhisper -> ColorTheme.borders
    • ColorTheme.whiteSmoke -> ColorTheme.inputBg
    • ColorTheme.whiteSnow -> ColorTheme.appBg
    • ColorTheme.white -> ColorTheme.barsBg
    • ColorTheme.blueAlice -> ColorTheme.linkBg
    • ColorTheme.accentBlue -> ColorTheme.accentPrimary
    • ColorTheme.accentRed -> ColorTheme.accentError
    • ColorTheme.accentGreen -> ColorTheme.accentInfo
  • ChannelListCore options property is removed in favor of individual properties

    • options.state -> bool state
    • -> bool watch
    • options.presence -> bool presence
  • UserListView options property is removed in favor of individual properties

    • options.presence -> bool presence
  • Renamed ImageHeader to GalleryHeader

  • Renamed ImageFooter to GalleryFooter

  • MessageBuilder and ParentMessageBuilder signature is now

typedef MessageBuilder = Widget Function(
    MessageWidget defaultMessageWidget,

NOTE: the last parameter is the default MessageWidget You can call .copyWith to customize just a subset of properties

✅ Added

  • Added video compress options (frame and quality) to MessageInput
  • TypingIndicator now has a property called parentId to show typing indicator specific to threads
  • #493: add support for messageListView header/footer
  • MessageWidget accepts a userAvatarBuilder
  • Added pinMessage ui support
  • Added MessageListView.threadSeparatorBuilder property
  • Added MessageInput.onError property to allow error handling
  • Added GalleryHeader/GalleryFooter theme classes

🐞 Fixed

  • #483: Keyboard covers input text box when editing message
  • Modals are shown using the nearest Navigator to make using the SDK easier in a nested navigator use case
  • #484: messages don't update without a reload
  • MessageListView not rendering if the user is not a member of the channel
  • Fix MessageInput overflow when there are no actions
  • Minor fixes and improvements

2.0.0-nullsafety.9 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.0.0-nullsafety.8

  • Renamed ColorTheme properties to reflect the purpose of the colors
    • -> ColorTheme.textHighEmphasis
    • ColorTheme.grey -> ColorTheme.textLowEmphasis
    • ColorTheme.greyGainsboro -> ColorTheme.disabled
    • ColorTheme.greyWhisper -> ColorTheme.borders
    • ColorTheme.whiteSmoke -> ColorTheme.inputBg
    • ColorTheme.whiteSnow -> ColorTheme.appBg
    • ColorTheme.white -> ColorTheme.barsBg
    • ColorTheme.blueAlice -> ColorTheme.linkBg
    • ColorTheme.accentBlue -> ColorTheme.accentPrimary
    • ColorTheme.accentRed -> ColorTheme.accentError
    • ColorTheme.accentGreen -> ColorTheme.accentInfo

✅ Added

  • Added video compress options (frame and quality) to MessageInput

2.0.0-nullsafety.8 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.0.0-nullsafety.7

  • ChannelListCore options property is removed in favor of individual properties
    • options.state -> bool state
    • -> bool watch
    • options.presence -> bool presence
  • UserListView options property is removed in favor of individual properties
    • options.presence -> bool presence
  • MessageBuilder and ParentMessageBuilder signature is now
typedef MessageBuilder = Widget Function(
    MessageWidget defaultMessageWidget,

NOTE: The last parameter is the default MessageWidget You can call .copyWith to customize just a subset of properties.

✅ Added

  • TypingIndicator now has a property called parentId to show typing indicator specific to threads
  • #493: add support for messageListView header/footer
  • MessageWidget accepts a userAvatarBuilder

🐞 Fixed

  • #483: Keyboard covers input text box when editing message
  • Modals are shown using the nearest Navigator to make using the SDK easier in a nested navigator use case
  • #484: messages don't update without a reload
  • MessageListView not rendering if the user is not a member of the channel

2.0.0-nullsafety.7 #

  • Minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency
  • Fixed a bug with connectivity implementation

2.0.0-nullsafety.6 #

  • Minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency
  • 🛑 BREAKING Updated StreamChatThemeData.reactionIcons to accept custom builder

2.0.0-nullsafety.5 #

  • Minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency
  • Performance improvements
  • Added pinMessage ui support
  • Added MessageListView.threadSeparatorBuilder property

2.0.0-nullsafety.4 #

  • Minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency
  • Improved performance of MessageWidget component

2.0.0-nullsafety.3 #

  • Fix MessageInput overflow when there are no actions

2.0.0-nullsafety.2 #

  • Migrate this package to null safety

1.5.4 #

  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency

1.5.3 #

  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency

1.5.2 #

  • Fix accessibility text size overflows
  • Updated Giphy attachment ui
  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.5.1 #

  • Fixed unread count not updating while the chat is open

1.5.0 #

  • Fixed swipeable visible on navigation back
  • Fixed video upload
  • MessageInput: added more actions locations, merge actions and add showCommandsButton property
  • 🛑 BREAKING Updated AttachmentBuilder signature
  • Fixed image reloading on

1.4.0-beta #

  • Unfocus MessageInput only when sending commands
  • Updated default error for MessageSearchListView
  • Show error messages as system and keep them in the message input
  • Remove notification badge logic
  • Use shimmer while loading images
  • Polished StreamChatTheme adding more options and a new MessageInputTheme dedicated to MessageInput
  • Add possibility to specify custom message actions using MessageWidget.customActions
  • Added MessageListView.onAttachmentTap callback
  • Fixed message newline issue
  • Fixed MessageListView scroll keyboard behaviour
  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.3.2-beta #

  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency
  • Fixed minor bugs

1.3.1-beta #

  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency
  • Fixed minor bugs

1.3.0-beta #

  • Added MessageInputTheme
  • Fixed overflow in MessageInput animation
  • Delete only image on imagegallery
  • Close keyboard after sending a command
  • Exposed customAttachmentBuilders through MessageListView
  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency

1.2.0-beta #

  • Minor fixes
  • Updated stream_chat_core dependency

1.1.1-beta #

  • Added MessageInput button color customization options
  • Fixed author theme and messageinput background

1.1.0-beta #

  • Update stream_chat_core dependency
  • Expose common builders in ListView widgets
  • Add support for asynchronous attachment upload while sending a message
  • Fixed minor bugs

1.0.2-beta #

  • Update stream_chat_core dependency

1.0.1-beta #

  • Update stream_chat_core dependency

1.0.0-beta #

  • Refreshed widgets design
  • Improved API documentation
  • Updated stream_chat dependency to ^1.0.0-beta
  • Extracted sample app into dedicated repository
  • Re-implemented existing widgets using stream_chat_flutter_core

0.2.21 #

  • Add loadingBuilder in MessageListView
  • Add messageFilter property in MessageListView

0.2.20+4 #

  • Fix channelPreview when the message list is empty

0.2.20+3 #

  • Fix reaction picker score indicator

0.2.20+2 #

  • Added shouldAddChannel to ChannelsBloc in order to check if a channel has to be added to the list when a new message arrives

0.2.20+1 #

  • Fixed bug that caused video attachment to show the same preview

0.2.20 #

  • Implement shadowban

0.2.19 #

  • Updated llc dependency
  • Added loading builder in channellistview
  • Added sendButtonLocation and animationduration to messageinput

0.2.18 #

  • Updated llc dependency

0.2.17+2 #

  • Expose ChannelsBloc.channelsComparator to sort channels on event

0.2.17+1 #

  • Fix mention tap bug

0.2.17 #

  • Expose messageInputDecoration as part of the theme

0.2.16 #

  • Do not wrap channel preview builder. Users will have to implement they're custom onTap/onLongPress implementation
  • Make public autofocus field of the TextField of message_input

0.2.15 #

  • Add onLongPress on channel when using custom channel builder

0.2.14 #

  • Add onMessageTap callbacks

0.2.13+2 #

  • Add debounce to on change messageinput listener

0.2.13+1 #

  • Use TextEditingController.addListener instead of TextField.onChanged

0.2.13 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Send parent_id in typing events
  • Expose addition input styling options
  • Expose builder for empty channel state

0.2.12 #

  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Check if user.extraData['image'] is not null before using it

0.2.11+1 #

  • Fix error with channel query while handling background notifications

0.2.11 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Update widget to use channel.state.unreadCountStream

0.2.10 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Add separatorBuilder to ChannelListView

0.2.9+1 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Minor bug fixes

0.2.9 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Fix example to run on Flutter web

0.2.8+4 #

  • fix: Auto capitalize the start of sentences in MessageInput
  • Update dependencies

0.2.8+3 #

  • Add simple example of channel creation in sample app
  • Add back button to the full-screen video view
  • Update llc version

0.2.8+2 #

  • Add back button to the full-screen view

0.2.8+1 #

  • Update LLC dependency
  • Update file_picker dependency

0.2.8 #

  • Update LLC dependency

0.2.7+2 #

  • Fix channellistview loading when client is not initialized
  • Update LLC dependency

0.2.7 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Fixed a bug that made the SDK crash if it went to background while not connected

0.2.6+1 #

  • Update llc dependency

0.2.6 #

  • Add pullToRefresh property to ChannelListView
  • Add onLinkTap to MessageWidget

0.2.5 #

  • Implement didUpdateWidget in ChannelListView to react to setState

0.2.4 #

  • Update llc dependency

0.2.3 #

  • Add lockChannelsOrder parameter to ChannelsBloc

0.2.2+3 #

  • Fix ChannelListView channel hidden behaviour

  • Refresh ChannelListView on new message from hidden channel

0.2.2+1 #

  • Fix some components to implement a splitview example

0.2.2 #

  • Add messageLinks property to MessageTheme to customize links color

0.2.1+2 #

  • Update llc dependency

0.2.1+1 #

  • Update llc dependency

0.2.1 #

  • Better ui components
  • Add read indicators
  • Add system messages
  • Use llc 0.2
  • Add ChannelsBloc widget to manage a list of channels with pagination

0.2.1-alpha+11 #

  • Update llc dependency

0.2.1-alpha+10 #

  • Update llc dependency

0.2.1-alpha+9 #

  • Add read indicators
  • Update llc dependency

0.2.1-alpha+8 #

  • User queryMembers for mentions

0.2.1-alpha+7 #

  • Update llc dependency

0.2.1-alpha+6 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Minor bugfix

0.2.1-alpha+4 #

  • Update llc dependency

  • Add system messages

0.2.1-alpha+3 #

  • Update llc dependency

  • Fix hero tag generation for attachment

0.2.1-alpha+2 #

  • Fixed reactions bubble going below other messages
  • Updated llc dependency

0.2.1-alpha+1 #

  • Removed the additional Navigator in StreamChat widget. It was added to make the app have the StreamChat widget as ancestor in every route. Now the recommended way to add StreamChat to your app is using the builder property of your MaterialApp widget. Otherwise you can use it in the usual way, but you need to add a StreamChat widget to every route of your app. Read this issue for more information.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    theme: ThemeData.light(),
    darkTheme: ThemeData.dark(),
    themeMode: ThemeMode.system,
    builder: (context, widget) {
      return StreamChat(
        child: widget,
        client: client,
    home: ChannelListPage(),
  • Fix reaction bubble going below previous message on iOS

  • Fix message list view reloading messages even if the pagination is ended

0.2.1-alpha #

  • New message widget
  • Moved some properties from MessageListView to MessageWidget
  • Added MessageDetails property to MessageBuilder
  • Added example to customize the message using MessageWidget (customize_message_widget.dart)

0.2.0-alpha+15 #

  • Add background color in StreamChatTheme

0.2.0-alpha+13 #

  • Handle channel deleted event

0.2.0-alpha+11 #

  • Fix message builder and add messageList to it

0.2.0-alpha+10 #

  • Add date divider builder

  • Fix reply indicator tap

0.2.0-alpha+9 #

  • Add attachmentBuilders to MessageWidget and MessageListView

0.2.0-alpha+7 #

  • Update llc dependency

0.2.0-alpha+5 #

  • Remove dependencies on notification service

  • Expose some helping method for integrate offline storage with push notifications

0.2.0-alpha+3 #

  • Fix overflow in mentions overlay

0.2.0-alpha+2 #

  • Add better mime detection

0.2.0-alpha+1 #

  • Fix video loading and error

0.2.0-alpha #

  • Offline storage

  • Push notifications

  • Minor bug fixes

0.1.20s #

  • Add message configuration properties to MessageListView

0.1.19 #

  • Fix video aspect ratio

  • Add property to decide whether to enable video fullscreen

  • Add property to hide the attachment button

  • Do not show send button if an attachment is still uploading

  • Unfocus and disable the TextField before opening the camera (workaround for flutter/flutter#42417)

  • Add gesture (vertical drag down) to close the keyboard

  • Add keyboard type parameters (set it to TextInputType.text to show the submit button that will even close the keyboard)

The property showVideoFullScreen was added mainly because of this issue brianegan/chewie#261

0.1.18 #

  • Add message list date separators

0.1.17 #

  • Add dark theme

0.1.16 #

  • Add possibility to show the other users username next to the message timestamp

0.1.15 #

  • Fix MessageInput overflow

0.1.14 #

  • Add automatic keep alive to streamchat

0.1.12 #

  • Fix dependency error on iOS using flutter_form_builder

0.1.11 #

  • Fix bug in ChannelPreview when list of messages is empty

0.1.10 #

  • Do not automatically dispose Client object when disposing StreamChat widget

0.1.9 #

  • Fix message ui overflow

0.1.8 #

  • Bug fix

0.1.7 #

  • Add chat commands

  • Add edit message

0.1.6+4 #

  • Add some documentation

0.1.5 #

  • Fix channels pagination

0.1.4 #

  • Fix message widget builder on reaction

0.1.3 #

  • Fix upload attachment

0.1.2 #

  • Fix avatar shape

0.1.1 #

  • Add ThreadHeader

0.0.1 #

  • First release