stream_chat_flutter_core 8.0.0 copy "stream_chat_flutter_core: ^8.0.0" to clipboard
stream_chat_flutter_core: ^8.0.0 copied to clipboard

Stream Chat official Flutter SDK Core. Build your own chat experience using Dart and Flutter.

8.0.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed bug causing background events to be sent in foreground.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 8.0.0.

7.3.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Changed minimum Flutter version to 3.19 for the SDK.
  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.3.0.

7.2.2 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.2.2.

7.2.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.2.1.

7.2.0-hotfix.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.2.0-hotfix.1.
  • Reverted the connectivity_plus dependency bump causing 1889

7.2.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.2.0.

7.1.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.1.0.

7.0.2 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.0.2.

7.0.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.0.1.

7.0.0 #

  • 🛑 BREAKING Removed deprecated StreamChannelListController.sort parameter. Use StreamChannelListController.channelStateSort instead.
  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.13/Dart 3.1
  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 7.0.0.

6.11.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed video attachment uploading. #1754

6.10.0 #

  • Added mixin support to StreamChannelListEventHandler.

6.9.0 #

  • Added support for StreamChannel.loadingBuilder and StreamChannel.errorBuilder to customize loading and error states.

6.8.0 #

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.10/Dart 3.0
  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 6.8.0.

6.7.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 6.7.0.

6.6.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 6.6.0.

6.5.0 #

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.7/Dart 2.19
  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 6.5.0.

6.4.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 6.4.0.

6.3.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 6.3.0.

6.2.0 #

  • Fixed StreamMessageInputController.textPatternStyle not matching case-insensitive patterns.
  • Updated connectivity_plus dependency to ^4.0.0
  • Fixed StreamChannel shows black screen while loading in some cases.
  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 6.2.0.

6.1.0 #

  • Updated dart sdk environment range to support 3.0.0.
  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 6.1.0.
  • [#1356] Channel doesn't auto display again after being hidden.
  • [#1540] Use CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive instead of material indicator.

6.0.0 #

  • Updated dependencies to resolvable versions.

5.3.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 5.3.0.

5.2.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Updated connectivity_plus dependency to ^3.0.2

5.1.0 #

  • Deprecated the sort parameter in the StreamChannelListController in favor of channelStateSort.

5.0.0 #

  • Included the changes from version 4.5.0.

✅ Added

  • Added StreamMemberListController.

5.0.0-beta.2 #

  • Included the changes from version 4.4.0 and 4.4.1.

5.0.0-beta.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 5.0.0-beta.1.
  • Removed deprecated code.

4.6.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.6.0.

4.5.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.5.0.
  • #1269 Fix ChannelListEventHandler castError at PagedValue.asSuccess.
  • #1241 StreamChannelListView load more indicator non stop.

4.4.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.4.1.

4.4.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.4.0.

4.3.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.3.0.

4.2.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.2.0.

🔄 Changed

  • Deprecated before and after parameters in StreamChannel.queryAroundMessage. Use limit instead.
  • Deprecated before and after parameters in StreamChannel.loadChannelAtMessage. Use limit instead.

4.1.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.1.0.

4.0.1 #

  • Minor fixes
  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.0.1.

4.0.0 #

For upgrading to V4, please refer to the V4 Migration Guide

  • Deprecated UsersBloc in favor of StreamUserListController to control the user list.
  • Deprecated MessageSearchBloc in favor of StreamMessageSearchListController to control the user list.

4.0.0-beta.2 #

4.0.0-beta.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added MessageInputController to hold Message related data.

  • Deprecated old widgets in favor of Stream-prefixed ones.

  • Deprecated ChannelsBloc in favor of StreamChannelListController to control the channel list.

  • Added MessageTextFieldController to be used with the new StreamTextField ui widget.

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 4.0.0-beta.0.

3.6.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.6.1.

3.6.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.6.0.

3.5.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.5.1.

3.5.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.5.0.

3.4.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.4.0.

🐞 Fixed

  • Do not move a channel to top if the new message is from a thread.
  • [#848] Fixed "Bad state: Cannot add new events after calling close" by replacing all .add methods with a new .safeAdd.

3.3.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.3.1.

3.3.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.3.0.

3.2.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.2.0.

3.1.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.1.1.

3.0.0 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 3.0.0.

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.2.1

  • MessageSearchListViewCore paginationParams property is now deprecated in favor of limit.

    // previous
    paginationParams = const PaginationParams(limit: 30)
    // new
    limit = 30
  • UserListCore pagination property is now deprecated in favor of limit.

    // previous
    pagination = const PaginationParams(limit: 30)
    // new
    limit = 30
  • ChannelListCore pagination property is now deprecated in favor of limit.

    // previous
    pagination = const PaginationParams(limit: 30)
    // new
    limit = 30
  • UserListCore filter property now is non-nullable.

🔄 Changed

  • UserListCore filter property now has a default value.
    filter = const Filter.empty()

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed MessageSearchBloc pagination.
  • [#673]: Fix Core Widgets not getting rebuild with new data on configuration change.

2.2.1 #

  • Updated stream_chat dependency to 2.2.1

2.2.0 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.1.1

  • Renamed BetterStreamBuilder.loadingBuilder to .noDataBuilder

🔄 Changed

  • BetterStreamBuilder.initialData is now nullable/not-required.

🐞 Fixed

  • #612 ChannelListView pagination doesn't work after refresh

2.1.1 #

  • Updated llc dependency

2.1.0 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.0.0

  • Changed default message filter of MessageListCore

✅ Added

  • Added MessageListCore.paginationLimit

🔄 Changed

  • StreamChatCore.of(context).user is now deprecated in favor of StreamChatCore.of(context).currentUser.
  • StreamChatCore.of(context).userStream is now deprecated in favor of StreamChatCore.of(context).currentUserStream.

2.0.0 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 1.5.3

  • migrate this package to null safety
  • channelsBloc.queryChannels(), ChannelListCore options param/property is removed in favor of individual params/properties
    • options.state -> bool state
    • -> bool watch
    • options.presence -> bool presence
  • usersBloc.queryUsers(), UserListCore options param/property is removed in favor of individual params/properties
    • options.presence -> bool presence

✅ Added

  • Monitor connection using connectivity_plus package

🐞 Fixed

  • Minor fixes
  • Performance improvements

2.0.0-nullsafety.9 #

  • Update llc dependency

2.0.0-nullsafety.8 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.0.0-nullsafety.7

  • channelsBloc.queryChannels(), ChannelListCore options param/property is removed in favor of individual params/properties
    • options.state -> bool state
    • -> bool watch
    • options.presence -> bool presence
  • usersBloc.queryUsers(), UserListCore options param/property is removed in favor of individual params/properties
    • options.presence -> bool presence

2.0.0-nullsafety.7 #

  • Fixed a bug with connectivity implementation

2.0.0-nullsafety.6 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Minor fixes and improvements

2.0.0-nullsafety.5 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Minor fixes and improvements
  • Performance improvements
  • Monitor connection using connectivity_plus package

2.0.0-nullsafety.3 #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Minor fixes and improvements

2.0.0-nullsafety.2 #

  • Fix ChannelsBloc not performing calls if pagination ended

2.0.0-nullsafety.1 #

  • Migrate this package to null safety
  • Update llc dependency

1.5.3 #

  • Fix ChannelsBloc not performing calls if pagination ended

1.5.2 #

  • Update llc dependency

1.5.1 #

  • Improved test coverage to > 90%
  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.5.0 #

  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.4.0-beta #

  • Added MessageListCore.messageFilter to filter messages locally
  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.3.2-beta #

  • Update llc dependency

1.3.1-beta #

  • Update llc dependency

1.3.0-beta #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Minor fixes

1.2.0-beta #

  • Update llc dependency
  • Minor fixes

1.1.0-beta #

  • Update llc dependency

1.0.2-beta #

  • Update llc dependency

1.0.1-beta #

  • Update llc dependency

1.0.0-beta #

  • First release
pub points



Stream Chat official Flutter SDK Core. Build your own chat experience using Dart and Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


collection, connectivity_plus, flutter, freezed_annotation, meta, rxdart, stream_chat


Packages that depend on stream_chat_flutter_core