mca_official_flutter_sdk 0.7.0 copy "mca_official_flutter_sdk: ^0.7.0" to clipboard
mca_official_flutter_sdk: ^0.7.0 copied to clipboard

The Official SDK

The Official SDK #

A Flutter plugin for buying insurance, supports both iOS and Android platforms .

Features #

Get your insurance and make payment

Getting started #

  1. Add package mca_official_flutter_sdk to your pubspec.yaml file
  2. Run flutter pub get
  3. Add required permission for the image pickers and camera
  4. Add required permission for the geolocation

Usage #

Some parameters are required whilst initialising the SDK, others are optional:

  • publicKey: (required) The public key from your distributor's dashboard. This is always required to initialize a purchase.

  • onComplete: (required) The callback function that is called after the SDK implementation is complete.

  • paymentOption: (optional) Required if using a wallet for payment. You must provide the payment reference number. Not required if the payment option defaults to the gateway.

  • debitWalletReference: (optional) Required for uncompleted purchases from the gateway or wallet initialization. Not needed for new/fresh purchases with the default (gateway) payment method.

  • transactionType: (optional) Indicates the intended action when using the SDK. The default is purchase.

  • productId: (optional) An array/list of product IDs. If only one product ID is provided, a purchase for that single product is initialized. If more than one or empty, all products are initialized, and you can select a product to purchase.

  • form: (optional) Basic information you would like to pass into the initialization.

Initialization #

  1. Initialize the SDK without any extra properties
import 'package:mca_official_flutter_sdk/mca_official_flutter_sdk.dart';

return Scaffold(
      body: MyCoverAI(
        context: context,
        publicKey: "MCAPUBK_TEST|49303c8b-4fb4-4d8b-a4d3-c2f6f6d0fb62",
  1. Naviagate directly to the SDK
import 'package:mca_official_flutter_sdk/mca_official_flutter_sdk.dart';

    builder: (context) => MyCoverAI(
        context: context,
        walletReference: data,
  1. Initialize the SDK with all extra properties
import 'package:mca_official_flutter_sdk/mca_official_flutter_sdk.dart';

void onComplete(SdkResponse response) {
    PolicyModel purchasedPolicy = response.policyModel;
        builder: (context) => const PostSdkScreen(),

void onClose(dynamic result) {
        builder: (context) => const PreSdkScreen(),

    publicKey: "MCAPUBK_TEST|49303c8b-4fb4-4d8b-a4d3-c2f6f6d0fb62",
    form: const {
        'email': "",
        'first_name': 'Fuhad',
        'last_name': 'Aminu',
        'phone': '08123232332',
    onComplete: onComplete,
    onClose: onClose,
    context: context,
    transactionType: TransactionType.purchase,
    isContactFieldsEditable: false,
    paymentOption: widget.paymentOption,
    debitWalletReference: widget.walletReference,
    productId: const [

Additional information #

Add the required permission for image picker on Android and iOS android manifest and info.plist respectively The app depends on image picker