mad2_db_dataobjects 1.2.3 copy "mad2_db_dataobjects: ^1.2.3" to clipboard
mad2_db_dataobjects: ^1.2.3 copied to clipboard

Has database methods & objects for FBLA's coding and programming event. 2022-23

110/ 160
pub points

We analyzed this package 6 hours ago, and awarded it 110 pub points (of a possible 160):

Failed report section
Follow Dart file conventions
20 / 30trigger folding of the section

Partially passed check 10/10 points: Provide a valid pubspec.yaml

Repository URL doesn't exist.

At the time of the analysis was unreachable. Make sure that the website is reachable via HEAD requests.

Passed check 5/5 points: Provide a valid

Passed check 5/5 points: Provide a valid

Failed check 0/10 points: Use an OSI-approved license

No license was recognized.

Consider using an OSI-approved license in the LICENSE file to make it more accessible to the community.

Failed report section
Provide documentation
0 / 20trigger folding of the section

Partially passed check 0/10 points: 20% or more of the public API has dartdoc comments

0 out of 104 API elements (0.0 %) have documentation comments.

Providing good documentation for libraries, classes, functions, and other API elements improves code readability and helps developers find and use your API. Document at least 20% of the public API elements.

To highlight public API members missing documentation consider enabling the public_member_api_docs lint.

Some symbols that are missing documentation: API, API.API, API.API.API, API.API.addEvent, API.API.addGroup.

Failed check 0/10 points: Package has an example

No example found.

See package layout guidelines on how to add an example.

Failed report section
Platform support
20 / 20trigger folding of the section

Passed check 20/20 points: Supports 5 of 6 possible platforms (iOS, Android, Web, Windows, macOS, Linux)

  • ✓ Android

  • ✓ iOS

  • ✓ Windows

  • ✓ macOS

  • ✓ Web

These platforms are not supported:

Package does not support platform `Linux`.


  • package:mad2_db_dataobjects/API.dart that imports:
  • package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart that declares support for platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Web.

These issues are present but do not affect the score, because they may not originate in your package:

Package not compatible with platform Web


  • package:mad2_db_dataobjects/API.dart that imports:
  • package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart that imports:
  • dart:io

Failed check 0/0 points: WASM compatibility

Package not compatible with runtime wasm


  • package:mad2_db_dataobjects/API.dart that imports:
  • package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart that imports:
  • dart:io

This package is not compatible with runtime wasm, and will not be rewarded full points in a future version of the scoring model.

See for details.

Partially passed report section
Pass static analysis
40 / 50trigger folding of the section

Partially passed check 40/50 points: code has no errors, warnings, lints, or formatting issues

INFO: The file name 'API.dart' isn't a lower_case_with_underscores identifier.

To reproduce make sure you are using the lints_core and run flutter analyze lib/API.dart

Failed report section
Support up-to-date dependencies
30 / 40trigger folding of the section

Failed check 0/10 points: All of the package dependencies are supported in the latest version

Package Constraint Compatible Latest
cloud_firestore ^4.1.0 4.17.5 5.6.3
cupertino_icons ^1.0.2 1.0.8 1.0.8
firebase_auth ^4.1.4 4.16.0 5.4.2
firebase_core ^2.3.0 2.32.0 3.11.0
firebase_storage ^11.0.6 11.6.5 12.4.2
flutter flutter 0.0.0 0.0.0
google_sign_in ^5.0.0 5.4.4 6.2.2
Transitive dependencies
Package Constraint Compatible Latest
_flutterfire_internals - 1.3.35 1.3.51
async - 2.11.0 2.13.0
boolean_selector - 2.1.1 2.1.2
characters - 1.3.0 1.4.0
clock - 1.1.1 1.1.2
cloud_firestore_platform_interface - 6.2.5 6.6.3
cloud_firestore_web - 3.12.5 4.4.3
collection - 1.19.0 1.19.1
fake_async - 1.3.1 1.3.3
firebase_auth_platform_interface - 7.3.0 7.5.2
firebase_auth_web - 5.8.13 5.13.8
firebase_core_platform_interface - 5.4.0 5.4.0
firebase_core_web - 2.20.0 2.20.0
firebase_storage_platform_interface - 5.1.22 5.2.2
firebase_storage_web - 3.6.22 3.10.9
flutter_test - 0.0.0 0.0.0
flutter_web_plugins - 0.0.0 0.0.0
google_sign_in_android - 6.1.35 6.1.35
google_sign_in_ios - 5.8.0 5.8.0
google_sign_in_platform_interface - 2.4.5 2.4.5
google_sign_in_web - 0.10.2+1 0.12.4+3
http - 1.3.0 1.3.0
http_parser - 4.1.2 4.1.2
js - 0.6.7 0.7.2
leak_tracker - 10.0.7 10.0.9
leak_tracker_flutter_testing - 3.0.8 3.0.9
leak_tracker_testing - 3.0.1 3.0.1
matcher - 0.12.16+1 0.12.17
material_color_utilities - 0.11.1 0.12.0
meta - 1.15.0 1.16.0
path - 1.9.0 1.9.1
plugin_platform_interface - 2.1.8 2.1.8
sky_engine - 0.0.0 0.0.0
source_span - 1.10.0 1.10.1
stack_trace - 1.12.0 1.12.1
stream_channel - 2.1.2 2.1.4
string_scanner - 1.3.0 1.4.1
term_glyph - 1.2.1 1.2.2
test_api - 0.7.3 0.7.4
typed_data - 1.4.0 1.4.0
vector_math - 2.1.4 2.1.4
vm_service - 14.3.0 15.0.0
web - 1.1.0 1.1.0

To reproduce run dart pub outdated --no-dev-dependencies --up-to-date --no-dependency-overrides.

Found 5 issues. Showing the first 2:

The constraint `^4.1.0` on cloud_firestore does not support the stable version `5.0.0`.

Try running dart pub upgrade --major-versions cloud_firestore to update the constraint.

The constraint `^4.1.4` on firebase_auth does not support the stable version `5.0.0`.

Try running dart pub upgrade --major-versions firebase_auth to update the constraint.

Passed check 10/10 points: Package supports latest stable Dart and Flutter SDKs

Passed check 20/20 points: Compatible with dependency constraint lower bounds

pub downgrade does not expose any static analysis error.

Analyzed with Pana 0.22.18, Flutter 3.27.4, Dart 3.6.2.

Check the analysis log for details.

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Has database methods & objects for FBLA's coding and programming event. 2022-23

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


unknown (license)


cloud_firestore, cupertino_icons, firebase_auth, firebase_core, firebase_storage, flutter, google_sign_in


Packages that depend on mad2_db_dataobjects