google_sign_in_web 0.12.4+4
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Flutter plugin for Google Sign-In, a secure authentication system for signing in with a Google account on Android, iOS and Web.
google_sign_in_web #
The web implementation of google_sign_in
Migrating to v0.11 and v0.12 (Google Identity Services) #
The google_sign_in_web
plugin is backed by the new Google Identity Services
(GIS) JS SDK since version 0.11.0.
The GIS SDK is used both for Authentication and Authorization flows.
The GIS SDK, however, doesn't behave exactly like the one being deprecated. Some concepts have experienced pretty drastic changes, and that's why this plugin required a major version update.
Differences between Google Identity Services SDK and Google Sign-In for Web SDK. #
The Google Sign-In JavaScript for Web JS SDK is set to be deprecated after March 31, 2023. Google Identity Services (GIS) SDK is the new solution to quickly and easily sign users into your app using their Google accounts.
- In the GIS SDK, Authentication and Authorization are now two separate concerns.
- Authentication (information about the current user) flows will not
anymore. - Authorization (permissions for the app to access certain user information) flows will not return authentication information.
- Authentication (information about the current user) flows will not
- The GIS SDK no longer has direct access to previously-seen users upon initialization.
now displays the One Tap UX for web.
- Since 0.12 The plugin provides an
(JWT-encoded info) when the user successfully completes an authentication flow:- In the plugin:
and through the web-onlyrenderButton
- In the plugin:
- The plugin
method uses the OAuth "Implicit Flow" to Authorize the requestedscopes
.- This method only provides an
, and not anidToken
, so if your app needs anidToken
, this method should be avoided on the web.
- This method only provides an
- The GIS SDK no longer handles sign-in state and user sessions, it only provides Authentication credentials for the moment the user did authenticate.
- The GIS SDK no longer is able to renew Authorization sessions on the web. Once the token expires, API requests will begin to fail with unauthorized, and user Authorization is required again.
See more differences in the following migration guides:
- Authentication > Migrating from Google Sign-In
- Authorization > Migrate to Google Identity Services
New use cases to take into account in your app #
Authentication != Authorization
In the GIS SDK, the concepts of Authentication and Authorization have been separated.
It is possible now to have an Authenticated user that hasn't Authorized any scopes
Flutter apps that need to run in the web must now handle the fact that an Authenticated
user may not have permissions to access the scopes
it requires to function.
The Google Sign In plugin has a new canAccessScopes
method that can be used to
check if a user is Authorized or not.
It is also possible that Authorizations expire while users are using an app (after 3600 seconds), so apps should monitor response failures from the APIs, and prompt users (interactively) to grant permissions again.
Check the "Integration considerations > UX separation for authentication and authorization guide" in the official GIS SDK documentation for more information about this.
(See also the package:google_sign_in example app
for a simple implementation of this (look at the isAuthorized
Is this separation always required?
Only if the scopes required by an app are different from the OpenID Connect scopes.
If an app only needs an idToken
, or the OpenID Connect scopes, the Authentication
bits of the plugin should be enough for your app (signInSilently
and renderButton
What happened to the signIn
method on the web? #
Because the GIS SDK for web no longer provides users with the ability to create
their own Sign-In buttons, or an API to start the sign in flow, the current
implementation of signIn
(that does authorization and authentication) is no
longer feasible on the web.
The web plugin attempts to simulate the old signIn
behavior by using the
OAuth Implicit pop-up flow,
which authenticates and authorizes users.
The drawback of this approach is that the OAuth flow only returns an accessToken
and a synthetic version of the User Data, that does not include an idToken
The solution to this is to migrate your custom "Sign In" buttons in the web to
the Button Widget provided by this package: Widget renderButton()
(Check the package:google_sign_in example app
for an example on how to mix the renderButton
widget on the web, with a custom
button for the mobile.)
Enable access to the People API for your GCP project
If you want to use the signIn
method on the web, the plugin will do an additional
request to the PeopleAPI to retrieve the logged-in user information (minus the idToken
For this to work, you must enable access to the People API on your Client ID in the GCP console.
This is not recommended. Ideally, your web application should use a mix of
and the Google Sign In web renderButton
to authenticate your
users, and then canAccessScopes
and requestScopes
to authorize the scopes
that are needed.
Why is the idToken
missing after signIn
The idToken
is cryptographically signed by Google Identity Services, and
this plugin can't spoof that signature.
User Sessions
Since the GIS SDK does not manage user sessions anymore, apps that relied on this feature might break.
If long-lived sessions are required, consider using some user authentication system that supports Google Sign In as a federated Authentication provider, like Firebase Auth, or similar.
Expired / Invalid Authorization Tokens
Since the GIS SDK does not auto-renew authorization tokens anymore, it's now the responsibility of your app to do so.
Apps now need to monitor the status code of their REST API requests for response
codes different to 200
. For example:
: Missing or invalid access token.403
: Expired access token.
In either case, your app needs to prompt the end user to requestScopes
, to
interactively renew the token.
The GIS SDK limits authorization token duration to one hour (3600 seconds).
Usage #
Import the package #
This package is endorsed,
which means you can simply use google_sign_in
normally. This package will be automatically included in your app when you do,
so you do not need to add it to your pubspec.yaml
However, if you import
this package to use any of its APIs directly, you
should add it to your pubspec.yaml
as usual.
For example, you need to import this package directly if you plan to use the
web-only Widget renderButton()
Web integration #
First, go through the instructions here to create your Google Sign-In OAuth client ID.
On your web/index.html
file, add the following meta
tag, somewhere in the
of the document:
<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="">
For this client to work correctly, the last step is to configure the Authorized JavaScript origins, which identify the domains from which your application can send API requests. When in local development, this is normally localhost
and some port.
You can do this by:
- Going to the Credentials page.
- Clicking "Edit" in the OAuth 2.0 Web application client that you created above.
- Adding the URIs you want to the Authorized JavaScript origins.
For local development, you must add two localhost
(or any port that is free in your machine)
Starting flutter in http://localhost:7357
Normally flutter run
starts in a random port. In the case where you need to deal with authentication like the above, that's not the most appropriate behavior.
You can tell flutter run
to listen for requests in a specific host and port with the following:
flutter run -d chrome --web-hostname localhost --web-port 7357
Other APIs #
Read the rest of the instructions if you need to add extra APIs (like Google People API).
Using the plugin #
See the Usage instructions of package:google_sign_in
Note that the serverClientId
parameter of the GoogleSignIn
constructor is not supported on Web.
Example #
Find the example wiring in the Google sign-in example application.
API details #
See google_sign_in.dart for more API details.
Contributions and Testing #
Tests are crucial for contributions to this package. All new contributions should be reasonably tested.
Check the test/
file for more information on how to run tests on this package.
Contributions to this package are welcome. Read the Contributing to Flutter Plugins guide to get started.
Issues and feedback #
Please file issues to send feedback or report a bug.
Thank you!