foil 0.9.0+1 copy "foil: ^0.9.0+1" to clipboard
foil: ^0.9.0+1 copied to clipboard

Wrap a widget with Foil, providing a rainbow shimmer that twinkles as the accelerometer moves as well as tons of neat gradient features.

Foil #

Wrap a widget with Foil, providing a rainbow shimmer
that twinkles as the accelerometer moves.

Consider holographic PokΓ©mon trading cards, some credit cards,
or an oil slick on the road.

Foil header `Foil` `Drawer`

πŸ“š Table of Contents #

Getting Started #

Wrap a widget by providing it as Foil.child.

Use any gradient of choice and determine the blendMode to mask the gradient
onto the child in different ways. Default is BlendMode.srcATop which will
reveal the child through the gradient if the gradient has opacity or if
Foil.opacity is provided a non-1.0 value.

  • Use BlendMode.srcIn to paint only the gradient and use the child as a mask.

Flag isUnwrapped toggles this Foil's invisibility. Default is false.
When this value is changed, the gradient will smoothly animate to a disabled
state, leaving only the child behind.

class Example extends StatelessWidget {
  const Example({Key? key}): super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => FittedBox(
    child: Foil(
      child: const Text(
        style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w900)
copied to clipboard

`Foil` Quickstart #

Plop an instance of this const Example() in a running ListView you've got open in a code editor.
Run terminal command flutter pub add foil.
import 'package:foil/foil.dart'

Accelerometer #

foily, oscillating Gyarados card with package:xl
This trading card is wrapped in two Foil widgets offering different gradients!
Further widget transformation provided by package:xl.

Disable this Foil's reaction to accelerometer sensor motion by
useSensor: false. Default is true.

Influence the intensity of this Foil's reaction to accelerometer motion
by providing a speed and custom Scalar property Foil.scalar.

  • Default is Scalar.identity which has both a horizontal and vertical
    multiplier of +1.0.

dropping the phone with different `speed`s scaling accelerometer data

Transitioning #

Control how rapidly this Foil transforms its gradient with Foil.speed
and define the animation curve. Defaults are 150ms and Curves.ease.

animated unwrapping Furthermore, provide Foil.duration to dictate how long intrinsic animations of gradient will take. Foil.duration is also used if isUnwrapped is made true as the duration over which Foil.gradient will lerp to an appropriately-Typed transparent gradient for tweening. There is hard-coded recognition for linear, radial, and sweep gradients, as well as the additional Steps variants this package provides. Falls back to a transparent LinearGradient if Type cannot be matched. Override with Foil.unwrappedGradient. Click images to view full size. unwrapping at various Durations

Upon completion of any tween to a new gradient, this Foil will call onEnd, an optional void callback.

Advanced Usage #

Rolls #

Wrap any Foil (or many of them!) in a Roll higher in the widget tree
to provide some inherited properties.

A gradient provided by an ancestral Roll may be used by as a Foil.gradient
if one is not explicitly perscribed in the Foil.

  • If neither an ancestral Roll nor a Foil dictates its own gradient, then the default is Foils.linearLooping.
  • A descendent that provides its own Foil.gradient will override the Roll.gradient.

One day a Roll will also provide the option to "cut" any descendent Foil from a single shared gradient sheet that covers a space the size of the Roll.

Rolls can also serve to provide animation properties to a descendent Foil,
regardless of whether its serving its gradient.

Crinkles #

These animations are in addition to any accelerometer sensors data
already animating the Foil unless Foil.useSensors: false.

animated by `Roll.crinkle` The Roll.crinkle parameter defaults to Crinkle.smooth which is not animated (although each Roll has its own AnimationController for toggling purposes). A Crinkle dictates speed, intensity, and directionality of animation. Click image to view full size.
  • Crinkle.smooth is a non-animated preset
  • Crinkle.crawling is a very slow moving preset
  • Crinkle.twinkling is a little bit faster
  • Crinkle.vivacious is highly-animated
  • Build your own or opt to Crinkle.copyWith a preset
    • isAnimated, shouldReverse flags
    • Use period to determine the animation loop Duration
    • The scalar property can be used to invert, scale, or negate axes
      (this is a Scalar object like a Foil uses to scale its sensors data)

TransformGradient #

This is the definition of a function that takes in a scaled double x and double y
and returns a GradientTransform object. That object is used when a Foil's
gradient shader is drawn by calling its transform() method.

To provide a custom transformation as Crinkle.transform, extend that class
and override transform(), returning some Matrix4, such as the default
for this package:

class TranslateGradient extends GradientTransform {
  /// The default [TransformGradient] for `Foil`.
  /// This class's [transform] method considers [TextDirection] and
  /// will consider positive values as translation to the right if `ltr`
  /// and translate left for positive values if `rtl`.
  const TranslateGradient({required this.percentX, required this.percentY});
  final double percentX, percentY;

  /// Returning `null` here is equivalent to returning `Matrix4.identity`.
  Matrix4? transform(Rect bounds, {TextDirection? textDirection}) =>
      (textDirection == TextDirection.rtl ? -1.0 : 1.0) * bounds.width * percentX,
      bounds.height * percentY,

copied to clipboard

Extra Goodies #

This package also comes with some other offerings.
Some expand on Gradient functionality, and others make them simpler to use.

Up first is named Foil.sheet which functions like a self-contained
Foil + AnimatedContainer. Stylized by a Sheet which simply wraps
parameters for the AnimatedContainer.

Steps #

The basic premise of a gradient is to gradate between colors.
Consider new Steps to be extensions of Gradients, one each for linear, radial, and sweep,
where the colors do not gradate but instead hard-transition. Like steps!
RadialSteps are great for making rainbows.

three new gradients called `Steps`
| SweepSteps | RadialSteps | LinearSteps |

GradientUtils Extensions #

Along with the three new variety of Gradient, this package
provides πŸ“‹ copyWith() methods for each existing Flutter type.

final copy = RadialGradient(
  colors: [. . .],
  stops: [. . .],
  center: const Alignment(0, 0),
).copyWith(center: const Alignment(-2, -2));
copied to clipboard

Even the superclass Gradient may be copied, provided this is a standard linear, radial, or sweep gradient, or one of the three new steps gradients (falls back to a standard linear gradient). Provides every potential copyable parameter from the varieties. Most useful in a scenario where a common parameter like colors or transform is to be applied to some arbitrary Gradient.

This makes it a cinch to pick out pre-rolled Foils
yet tweak them for specific scenarios--such as changing
start and end points while maintaining the list of colors.

What are Foils?

Foils #

Finally, this package is bundled with a selection of pre-defined gradients.
One such pre-rolled Foils.oilslick has opacity within each Color.

  • But consider that the Foil constructor accepts an overriding
    opacity parameter for semi-transparent appearance even without
    Gradient.colors that have opacity.
four varieties of linear rainbow gradient The default gradient for this package is Foils.linearLooping, a nice 'n' simple LinearGradient. Reverse the order of colors with Foils.linearReversed. To only cycle through the rainbow once see Foils.linearRainbow. Click image to view full size.

Find other options like Foils.gymClassParachute and Foils.sitAndSpin,
then tweak them to your liking with the πŸ“‹ Gradient.copyWith() methods.

`sitAndSpin`, and `gymClassParachute` `oilslick`
There is even a literal rainbow decal gradient made with the new RadialSteps type. Click image to view full size. `Foils.rainbow`

Reference #

πŸ“– API Documentation #

Foil Demo: πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ source code, πŸ“² built APK #

πŸ›£οΈ Roadmap #

  1. Make available a Roll of Foil feature such that a developer could
    deploy a single gradient sheet in a region and mask that single gradient to any
    child Foil widgets.
    • Rolls are implemented now, but only offer to pass a Gradient to
      descendent Foils--not to mask them from the same gradient.
  2. If this package's Gradient support expands further, much of that functionality could be forked to an independent package.
  3. Custom GradientTransforms will be investigated, for example: to deform Foils.oilslick.

🐞 Bugs #

  1. Potential optimizations for GradientTweening within lerp(), especially with the new Steps style gradients.
  2. Because this package's copyWith() method for the superclass Gradient is used when applying Crinkle transformation, the returned gradient is limited by the hard-coded return types of the copyWith method; that is to say: the three Flutter Gradients and the three Steps gradients added by this package.
    • If a bespoke Gradient type is used for some Foil that is wrapped in a Roll whose Crinkle provides animation, that gradient will become a LinearGradient with the appropriate colors at least.
    • In this scenario, until this bug is patched, consider transforming the gradient prior to providing it to your Crinkle-animated Foil in order to maintain the bespoke Gradient.



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2024.09.10 - 2025.03.25

Wrap a widget with Foil, providing a rainbow shimmer that twinkles as the accelerometer moves as well as tons of neat gradient features.

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flutter, sensors_plus


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