arcgis_maps 200.6.0+4426 copy "arcgis_maps: ^200.6.0+4426" to clipboard
arcgis_maps: ^200.6.0+4426 copied to clipboard

Use ArcGIS Maps SDK for Flutter to build native mobile apps that incorporate capabilities such as 2D data visualization and editing, geocoding, and routing, for deployment to iOS or Android platforms.


// COPYRIGHT © 2023 Esri
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// This material is licensed for use under the Esri Master
// Agreement (MA) and is bound by the terms and conditions
// of that agreement.
// You may redistribute and use this code without modification,
// provided you adhere to the terms and conditions of the MA
// and include this copyright notice.
// See use restrictions at
// For additional information, contact:
// Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
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import 'package:arcgis_maps/arcgis_maps.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() async {
  // Supply your apiKey using the --dart-define-from-file command line argument.
  const apiKey = String.fromEnvironment('API_KEY');
  // Alternatively, replace the above line with the following and hard-code your apiKey here:
  // const apiKey = ''; // Your API Key here.
  if (apiKey.isEmpty) {
    throw Exception('apiKey undefined');
  } else {
    ArcGISEnvironment.apiKey = apiKey;

  // ArcGISMapsExample is the main widget for this example application.
  runApp(const MaterialApp(home: ArcGISMapsExample()));

/// ArcGISMapsExample demonstrates how to get started with a basic 2D mapping application using arcgis_maps.
/// This application:
/// - Creates and displays an [ArcGISMapView] widget with an [ArcGISMapViewController].
/// - Sets an [ArcGISMap] to [ArcGISMapViewController.arcGISMap].
/// - Adds a list of [FeatureLayer] to [ArcGISMap.operationalLayers].
/// - Adds a [GraphicsOverlay] to [ArcGISMapViewController.graphicsOverlays].
/// - Configures a [GeometryEditor] to create a new [Graphic] and add to [].
class ArcGISMapsExample extends StatefulWidget {
  const ArcGISMapsExample({super.key});

  State<ArcGISMapsExample> createState() => _ArcGISMapsExampleState();

class _ArcGISMapsExampleState extends State<ArcGISMapsExample> {
  // Create a controller for the map view.
  final _mapViewController = ArcGISMapView.createController();
  // Create a map with a basemap style.
  final _map = ArcGISMap.withBasemapStyle(BasemapStyle.arcGISImageryStandard);
  // Create a graphics overlay for displaying graphics.
  final _graphicsOverlay = GraphicsOverlay();
  // Create a geometry editor to create new geometries.
  final _geometryEditor = GeometryEditor();

  // A flag that indicates if the UI is ready to be used.
  var _ready = false;
  // A flag that controls the UI based on whether editing is in progress.
  var _editingInProgress = false;
  // A flag that controls the UI based on layer visibility.
  var _layersVisible = true;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: SafeArea(
        top: false,
        child: Stack(
          children: [
              children: [
                  // Add an ArcGISMapView widget to the widget tree, and set a controller.
                  child: ArcGISMapView(
                    controllerProvider: () => _mapViewController,
                    // Configure actions when the map view is ready to be used.
                    onMapViewReady: onMapViewReady,
                    // Configure actions when a user taps on the map view widget.
                    onTap: !_editingInProgress ? onTap : null,
            // Add buttons to the UI to toggle layer visibility and create new graphics.
              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
              children: [
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 30.0),
                  child: Row(
                    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
                    children: [
                        message: 'Toggle layer visibility',
                        child: ElevatedButton(
                          onPressed: _ready ? toggleLayerVisibility : null,
                          child: Icon(
                                ? Icons.visibility
                                : Icons.visibility_off,
                        message: 'Create a new graphic',
                        child: ElevatedButton(
                          onPressed: _ready
                              ? _editingInProgress
                                  ? saveEdits
                                  : startEditing
                              : null,
                          child: Icon(
                            _editingInProgress ? : Icons.draw,

  void onMapViewReady() async {
    // Create feature layers using the ArcGISOnline portal and the required item IDs and layer IDs, where relevant.
    final arcGISOnlinePortal = Portal.arcGISOnline();
    final buildings = FeatureLayer.withFeatureLayerItem(
        portal: arcGISOnlinePortal,
        itemId: '0ec8512ad21e4bb987d7e848d14e7e24',

    final primaryRoads = FeatureLayer.withItem(
      item: PortalItem.withPortalAndItemId(
        portal: arcGISOnlinePortal,
        itemId: 'f42ecc08a3634182b8678514af35fac3',
      layerId: 2,

    final secondaryRoads = FeatureLayer.withItem(
      item: PortalItem.withPortalAndItemId(
        portal: arcGISOnlinePortal,
        itemId: 'f42ecc08a3634182b8678514af35fac3',
      layerId: 6,

    final localRoads = FeatureLayer.withItem(
      item: PortalItem.withPortalAndItemId(
        portal: arcGISOnlinePortal,
        itemId: 'f42ecc08a3634182b8678514af35fac3',
      layerId: 8,

    // Add the layers to the map's operational layers.
        .addAll([buildings, primaryRoads, secondaryRoads, localRoads]);

    // Define a renderer for the graphics overlay to style any graphics added to it.
    _graphicsOverlay.renderer = SimpleRenderer(
      symbol: SimpleFillSymbol(
        style: SimpleFillSymbolStyle.solid,
        color: Colors.cyanAccent.withOpacity(0.4),
        outline: SimpleLineSymbol(
          style: SimpleLineSymbolStyle.dash,
          color: Colors.cyan,
          width: 2,

    // Add some initial graphics to the graphics overlay to display at start up.;
    // Add the graphics overlay to the map view controller to display it.

    // Assign the map to the map view controller.
    _mapViewController.arcGISMap = _map;

    // Set an initial viewpoint to show at start up.
          x: -13310927.924,
          y: 4367840.399,
        scale: 5000,

    // Assign the geometry editor to the map view controller.
    _mapViewController.geometryEditor = _geometryEditor;

    // Configure some geometry editor settings.
    await configureGeometryEditor();

    // Enable the UI once all configuration is completed.
    setState(() => _ready = true);

  void onTap(Offset offset) async {
    // Perform an identify operation on the graphics overlay at the tapped screen point provided by the onTap callback.
    final identifyGraphicsOverlayResult =
        await _mapViewController.identifyGraphicsOverlay(
      screenPoint: offset,
      tolerance: 22.0,

    // If a graphic is identified at the tap location, display a dialog.
    if ( {
      final identifiedGraphic =;
      if (mounted) {
          context: context,
          builder: (context) {
            return AlertDialog(
              title: const Text('Tapped on Graphic'),
              content: Text(
                'Center point:\n'
                'x: ${identifiedGraphic.geometry?}\n'
                'y: ${identifiedGraphic.geometry?}',
              actions: [
                  onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(),
                  child: const Text('OK'),

  // Create an initial list of graphics to display.
  List<Graphic> createGraphics() {
    const largePolygonJson = '''
    // Create a polygon geometry using the provided JSON string.
    final largePolygonGeometry = Geometry.fromJsonString(largePolygonJson);
    // Create a new graphic using the geometry.
    final largeGraphic = Graphic(geometry: largePolygonGeometry);

    const mediumPolygonJson = '''
    // Create a polygon geometry using the provided JSON string.
    final mediumPolygonGeometry = Geometry.fromJsonString(mediumPolygonJson);
    // Create a new graphic using the geometry.
    final mediumGraphic = Graphic(geometry: mediumPolygonGeometry);

    const smallPolygonJson = '''
    // Create a polygon geometry using the provided JSON string.
    final smallPolygonGeometry = Geometry.fromJsonString(smallPolygonJson);
    // Create a new graphic using the geometry.
    final smallGraphic = Graphic(geometry: smallPolygonGeometry);

    return [largeGraphic, mediumGraphic, smallGraphic];

  // Configures some geometry editor settings.
  Future<void> configureGeometryEditor() async {
    // Use a reticle vertex tool.
    _geometryEditor.tool = ReticleVertexTool();

    // Set the feature tiling mode on the map.
    // Snapping is used to maintain data integrity between different sources of data when editing,
    // so full resolution is needed for valid snapping.
    _map.loadSettings.featureTilingMode =
    // Ensure the map and each layer loads in order to synchronize snap settings.
    await _map.load();
    await Future.wait( => layer.load()));

    // Enable snapping on the geometry editor.
    _geometryEditor.snapSettings.isEnabled = true;
    _geometryEditor.snapSettings.isGeometryGuidesEnabled = true;

    // Add the graphics overlay and feature layers to the snap sources and enable snapping for each source.
    for (final snapSourceSetting
        in _geometryEditor.snapSettings.sourceSettings) {
      snapSourceSetting.isEnabled = true;

  // Starts the geometry editor to create new geometries.
  void startEditing() {
    // Start the geometry editor with the polygon geometry type to create new polygon geometries.
    setState(() => _editingInProgress = true);

  // Saves the geometry created by the geometry editor to the graphics overlay.
  void saveEdits() {
    // Stop the geometry editor and get the returned geometry.
    final geometry = _geometryEditor.stop();
    setState(() => _editingInProgress = false);

    if (geometry != null) {
      // If there is a valid geometry, create a new graphic using it.
      final graphic = Graphic(geometry: geometry);
      // Add the graphic to the graphics overlay.;

  // Toggle the visibility of the map's operational layers.
  void toggleLayerVisibility() {
    setState(() => _layersVisible = !_layersVisible);

    if (_mapViewController.arcGISMap != null) {
      // Get each layer from the list of operational layers on the map and toggle the isVisible property.
      for (final layer in _mapViewController.arcGISMap!.operationalLayers) {
        layer.isVisible = _layersVisible;



Weekly Downloads

Use ArcGIS Maps SDK for Flutter to build native mobile apps that incorporate capabilities such as 2D data visualization and editing, geocoding, and routing, for deployment to iOS or Android platforms.



#map #location #offline #routing #analysis


API reference


unknown (license)


async, device_info_plus, dio, dio_cache_interceptor, dio_cache_interceptor_db_store, ffi, flutter, flutter_web_auth_2, haptic_feedback, http, http_parser, intl, location, logger, package_config, package_info_plus, path, path_provider, sqlite3, sqlite3_flutter_libs, url_launcher


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