am_state 3.6.0 am_state: ^3.6.0 copied to clipboard
A state-management and data providing library. this lib gives (AmDataProvider<T>) as data provider and (AmRefreshWidget<T>) as wrapper to widgets.
am_state #
A state-management and data providing library. (Fast - Safe - Easy)
It has an easy technique to implement (Model, View, Controller) for flutter Pages #
This lib gives (AmDataProvider<T>) as data provider and (AmRefreshWidget<T>) as wrapper to the widgets that must be changed when provider data changed.
Getting Started: #
it will be great if you installed [am-state] extension in vsCode #
To import am_state: #
import 'package:am_state/am_state.dart';
For well-organized code; we need to create 3 dart files for each screen #
The 1st dart file is for State model class extends nothing #
we need to create a normal class which has all properity we need to display in the UI page
The 2nd file is for the Controller Class and we extend from [AmController
we need to create a class for the controller extended from [AmController<State_Class>]
The 3rd dart file is for UI and we extend from this class [AmViewWidget
It is time for an easy example for the home page #
The 1st step
==> Creating State dart filehome_state.dart
and adding this code #class HomeState { int number = 0; String title = 'hello'; }
The 2nd step
==> Creating Controller dart filehome_controller.dart
and adding this code #Easily if you installed the extension you can write
then choose the snippet code and fill the fieldsclass HomeController extends AmController<HomeState> { HomeController(super.state); void increaseby1() { state.number++; refresh(); } void decreaseby1() { state.number--; refresh(); } void changeTitle() { state.title = '${state.title} Hi;\n'; refresh(); } // use the command 'refresh();' inside functions to update the view widget // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @override void onDispose() {} @override void onInit() {} }
The 3rd step
==> Creating UI dart filehome_ui.dart
and adding this code #Easily if you installed the extension you can write
then choose the snippet code and fill the fieldsclass MyHomePage extends AmViewWidget<HomeController> { const MyHomePage({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, am) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('Hi Am State App Test'), ), body: ListView( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8), children: [ Text( 'Wow ${am.state.title}', style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 18, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color:, ), ), Text( 'num ---- ${am.state.number}', style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 22, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color:, ), ), ], ), floatingActionButton: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: [ ElevatedButton( onPressed: () => am.increaseby1(), child: const Icon(Icons.plus_one), ), ElevatedButton( onPressed: () => am.decreaseby1(), child: const Icon(Icons.remove), ), ElevatedButton( onPressed: () => am.changeTitle(), child: const Icon(Icons.change_circle), ), ], ), ); } @override get config => HomeController(HomeModel()); }
And that is all you need to do to create a page in well-organized clean code
To Send And Get data by [AmChannel] in the whole app #
To create a channel and save data in it #
AmChannel<String>.of('/home/adminName').amSend = 'Amr Mostafa';
To get the last value saved in a channel #
To get the last previous value saved in a channel #
To Delete the channel #
For inner widgets working and [AmDataProvider] and [AmRefreshWidget] #
To initialize data provider: #
final dataProvider = AmDataProvider<int>(
initialData: 0,
providerId: 'providerId',
dataProvider.initialize; // you need to use this if you want to access the provider with its id instead of its name at first time.
// OR
final dataProvider = AmDataProvider<int>();
// You can't access this with id and dying if disposed.
// You can only access this with its name ex:[dataProvider] if still alive.
// if you added a providerId the provider won't die.
To get data anywhere after initializing the provider: #
int? num = AmDataProvider<int>.of('providerId').data;
To Refresh widgets if data changed: #
class Example extends StatelessWidget {
const Example({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: AmRefreshWidget<int>(
amDataProvider: AmDataProvider<int>.of('providerId'),
builder: (ctx, value) {
return Text('$value');
Note: you could use one provider for multiple (AmRefreshWidget)s
To change the provider data without refresh states: #
dataProvider.silentDataSet =! + 1;
// OR
AmDataProvider<String>.of('providerId').silentDataSet = 'any data';
To change provider data with refresh states: # =! + 1;
// OR
AmDataProvider<String>.of('providerId').data = 'Some Data';
To instantinously excute some code and then refresh states: #
dataProvider.activeFunction = () {
//...Some Code....instantinously invoked then states refreshed
// OR
AmDataProvider<String>.of('providerId').activeFunction = () {
//...Some Code....instantinously invoked then states refreshed
To compare the data in the provider with data just before the last change: #
if( == dataProvider.previousData){
//...Some Code...
//...Some Code...
To save and get data using AmMemory (Data go out when the program is closed): #
This feature is just to make data accessing more easier in the whole program files.
/// To save an object
'Amr Mostafa'.amSave('userName123'); // Example
/// To get the saved object if null the defaultObject is Returned
/// Note: the saved object and the default object must be in the same type
var data = defaultObject.amGet(id);
var userName = 'Not found'.amGet('userName123'); //Example
/// OR you can get saved data in that way
/// Null is Returned if none is saved.
var data = AmMemory.amGetIfSaved<DataType>(id);
var userName = AmMemory.amGetIfSaved<String>('userName123') ?? 'Not found'; // Example
To initialize function trigger: #
final listener = AmFunctionTrigger<int>(
amDataProvider: AmDataProvider<int>.of('providerId'),
function: (value){ ... some code ... }
listener.start; // You need to use this line anywhere
To cancel function trigger listening: #
To reactivate the listener: #
To control the [AmRefreshWidget] and adding states to it: #
child: AmRefreshWidget<int>(
amDataProvider: dataProvider,
builder: (ctx, value) {
/// This controller you may send as a parameter anyway but you have rarely to do this_
/// Because the [AmDataProvider] may do the same goal.
var controller = AmRefreshWidgetController.of(ctx);
/// When this code block is called this variable will have the last value.
/// if it is the frist time to call this code, this variable will have 5 as initial value.
var intState = controller.statePoint<int>(id: 1, initialValue: 5);
///Dummy Code to use the statePoint variable.
intState.value = value! * (intState.value);
return Text('${intState.value}');
Additional Tools #
to generate unique id in milli seconds resolution #
import 'package:am_state/am_state.dart'; var uid = AmTools.genUniqueId();
to generate unique id in micro seconds resolution #
import 'package:am_state/am_state.dart'; var uid = AmTools.genUniqueIdMicro();
to calculate the MD5 hash of the given [String] #
import 'package:am_state/am_state.dart'; var hash = AmTools.calculateMD5Hash(" ------- string ------");
to calculate the MD5 hash of the given [File] #
import 'package:am_state/am_state.dart'; var hash = AmTools.calculateMD5HashFromFile(file);
to calculate the MD5 hash of the given bytes [Uint8List] #
import 'package:am_state/am_state.dart'; var hash = AmTools.calculateMD5HashFromBytes(byteList);
some extra extensions #
import 'package:am_state/am_state.dart'; bool x = "true ".toBool(); String x = date.amDateFormatYYMMDD(); String x = date.amTimeFormatHHMMSS(); String x = date.amTimeFormatHHMMPMam(); String x = duration.convertToString(); String x = duration.convertToWatchString(); String x = file.getFileName; String x = file.getFileExtension; /// ex. split [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3, 6, 7] for [3, 3] /// result => [[1, 2], [4, 5], [6, 7]] List<List<T>> x = list.splitList(delimiterList);
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