Results825 packages
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Pre-built widgets library that are integrated with the variety of the Firebase Auth providers.
Pre-built widgets and utilites that make it easy to integrate Firebase Firestore into your Flutter app.
An easy-to-use firebase phone authentication package to easily send and verify OTP's with auto-fetch OTP support via SMS. Supports web out of the box.
A flutter package to paginate realtime database and firestore with live updates.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Core, enabling connecting to multiple Firebase apps.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Auth, enabling authentication using passwords, phone numbers and identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Cloud Messaging, a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages on Android and iOS.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Cloud Storage, a powerful, simple, and cost-effective object storage service for Android and iOS.
Flutter plugin for Google Analytics for Firebase, an app measurement solution that provides insight on app usage and user engagement on Android and iOS.

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