Results96 packages
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A dart-native implementation of the Firebase Auth and Firestore SDKs.
Flutter Plugin for the Google Cloud GRPC Speech-to-Text Api.
Annotations to mark and configure business model classes for code generation of .proto and Dart mapper classes
Nakama is an open-source scalable game server that lets you focus on building games.
The util builds gRPC channel for flutter web or other platforms conditionally, depending on the runtime environment
Dart API Library for interacting with the TRON Network through gRPC and Rest APIs.
The Dart SDK supports the use of the Nitric framework with Dart and Flutter.
Write and debug tests easily, with full action history, time travel, screenshots, rapid re-execution, video records, interactivity, isolation and more
Pure Dart library to easily integrate with any Cosmos-based chain.
An implementation of Stability AI SDK in Dart. Stability AI is a solution studio dedicated to innovating ideas.

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