
  • Packages
Results15 packages owned by squarealfa.com
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Annotations to mark and configure business model classes for code generation of .proto and Dart mapper classes
Code generation of .proto and Dart mapper classes to facilitate the usage of PODOs (plain-old-dart-objects) with gRPC
Package containing security-related features, like JWT token handling and password hashing.
Annotations to mark and configure business model classes for code generation of CSharp classes
Contains annotations and mappers to allow the mapping between PODOs and Map<String, dynamic> maps used to interact with document databases
Code generation of C# classes based on Dart classes
Annotations and classes to drive code generation for validation and entity life cycle.
Contains algorithm to perform synchronization between Drift database and server API
Firebase Administration based on the official Firebase Admin GO SDK via Dart FFI.
Generates code that maps (converts) between instances of business classes to Map<String, dynamic> and back