Results53 packages
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Image Editor Plugin with filters, drawing, text and emoji like stories.
A rich text editor built for the modern Android, iOS, web and desktop platforms. It is the WYSIWYG editor and a Quill component for Flutter.#ui#widgets#widget#rich-text-editor#quill
Additional ready-made form input fields for flutter_form_builder package
A showcase/sandbox library to help you build isolated widgets in Flutter
A flutter package for easily and consistently showing material themed picker dialogs.
This package will use camera with dynamic color list of filters, crop your image, text on image and change the text color.
Amazing package help you to view your plans or important dates in calendar.
WYSIWYG editor for Flutter with a rich set of supported formatting options.
A package for creating instagram like story, you can use this package to edit images and make it story ready by adding other contents over it like text.
Flutter package to create a teleprompter from a text, record and save to gallery feature

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