custom_calendar_viewer 0.4.9 copy "custom_calendar_viewer: ^0.4.9" to clipboard
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Amazing package help you to view your plans or important dates in calendar.

Custom Calendar Viewer #

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  • Amazing package help you to view your plans or important dates in calendar.
V2 V3 V3
Days and Ranges Ar Ex Ex 1 Ex 2
Ex 3 Ex 4 Ex 5 Ex 10
Ex 6 Ex 7 Ex 8 Ex 11
Ex 12 Ex 13 Ex 14 Ex 15
Ex 16 Ex 17 Ex 18 Ex 19
Ex 20 Ex 21

Installation #

Add this to your pubspec.yaml:

  custom_calendar_viewer: ^Last Version

Features #

  • Amazing package help you to view your plans or important dates in calendar.
  • You can add multi dates or multi ranges.
  • you can handle the color for each date or you can use active color to give one color for all.
  • you can use your own style for each text.
  • The package have animation when you moving between months.
  • With this package really you will be able to control your calendar view.
  • The calendar work with 2 language Arabic and English.
  • You can handel the color for each active day (Text or Background).
  • You can use Tooltip to give more info about this day.
  • Now you can add multiple dates or ranges when the application is started.
  • You can handle the color for background or the text color when you add new ranges or dates.
  • You can use CustomCalendarType to handle the type of calendar.
    • CustomCalendarType.view this will make the user can't press on the calendar just for view
    • CustomCalendarType.viewFullYear this will make the user can't press on the calendar just for view full year in the screen
    • this will make the user can add only one date
    • CustomCalendarType.range this will make the user to add only one range
    • CustomCalendarType.multiDates this will make the user can add multiple dates
    • CustomCalendarType.multiRanges this will make the user can add multiple ranges
    • CustomCalendarType.multiDatesAndRanges this will make the user can add multiple dates and ranges
    • CustomCalendarType.monthsAndYears this will make you can show calendar with only years and months
  • Now you can control the start year and the end year.
  • You can make the calendar moving vertical or horizontal.
  • You can show full months for the current year.

Getting started #

import 'package:custom_calendar_viewer/custom_calendar_viewer.dart';

void main() {


// Start use th package in your State Widget

What you can handle #

/// - Here you can add specific active days dates
/// - This  will take Date Model
/// - if you leave the color or text color null this will take the colors from active color for background and active day num style for text color
final List<Date>? dates;

/// - Here you can add specific active ranges dates
/// - This  will take RangeDate Model
/// - if you leave the color or text color null this will take the colors from active color for background and active day num style for text color
final List<RangeDate>? ranges;

/// - If you need to put specific color for each day name
/// - Make sure the list should have 7 colors when used
final List<String>? daysNameColors;

/// - This function will give you the date for the day that's tapped
final Function(DateTime date)? onDayTapped;

/// - This function will give you the new date when the month or year updated 
final Function(DateTime date)? onCalendarUpdate;

/// - This function will give you the updated lest for dates
final Function(List<Date>)? onDatesUpdated;

/// - This function will give you the updated lest for dates
final Function(List<RangeDate>)? onRangesUpdated;

/// - There's 6 types to handle your calendar
///   - CustomCalendarType.view this will make the user can't press on the calendar just for view
///   - CustomCalendarType.viewFullYear this will make the user can't press on the calendar just for view full year data in the screen
///   - this will make the user can add only one date
///   - CustomCalendarType.range this will make the user to add only one range
///   - CustomCalendarType.multiDates this will make the user can add multiple dates
///   - CustomCalendarType.multiRanges this will make the user can add multiple ranges
///   - CustomCalendarType.multiDatesAndRanges this will make the user can add multiple dates and ranges
///   - CustomCalendarType.monthsAndYears this will make you can show calendar with only years and months
final CustomCalendarType calendarType;

/// - There's 2 style to handle your calendar
///   - CustomCalendarStyle.withBorder this will add border around the calendar
///   - CustomCalendarStyle.normal this will show the calendar without border
final CustomCalendarStyle calendarStyle;

/// - From here you can change the start day there's 3 types
///   - CustomCalendarStyle.saturday
///   - CustomCalendarStyle.sunday
///   - CustomCalendarStyle.monday
final CustomCalendarStartDay calendarStartDay;

/// - From here you can change the direction when you move between months there's 2 types
///   - CustomCalendarAnimatedDirection.horizontal
///   - CustomCalendarAnimatedDirection.vertical
///   - If you use CustomCalendarType.viewFullYear the moving will be only horizontal
final CustomCalendarAnimatedDirection animateDirection;

/// - From here you can control the calendar start year
final int startYear;

/// - From here you can control the calendar end year
final int endYear;

/// - This widget will be between the calendars this shown only on CustomCalendarType.viewFullYear
final Widget separatedWidget;

/// - Here you can control the active color
final Color activeColor;

/// - Here you can control the drop down arrow color
final Color dropArrowColor;

/// - Here you can control the moving arrow color
final Color movingArrowColor;

/// - You can use specific header background color for your calendar
final Color headerBackground;

/// - You can use specific days header background color for your calendar
final Color daysHeaderBackground;

/// - You can use specific days body background color for your calendar
final Color daysBodyBackground;

/// - Here you can customize you current day border or this will use default border
final Border? currentDayBorder;

/// - If you need to add border for all days expect the current day
final Border? dayBorder;

/// - You can control if you need to show the border for current day or not default is true
final bool showCurrentDayBorder;

/// - If this true the header will be shown
final bool showHeader;

/// - From here you can control the size for drop down arrow size
final double dropArrowSize;

/// - From here you can control the moving arrow size
final double movingArrowSize;

/// - From here you can control the space between moving arrows
final double spaceBetweenMovingArrow;

/// - you can control the radius for the active days
final double radius;

/// - From these you can handel the style for header text in the calendar
final TextStyle headerStyle;

/// - From these you can handel the style for day name text in the calendar
final TextStyle dayNameStyle;

/// - From these you can handel the style for day number text in the calendar
final TextStyle inActiveStyle;

/// - From these you can handel the style for active day number text in the calendar
final TextStyle activeStyle;

/// - From these you can handel the style for years text in the dropDown
final TextStyle dropDownYearsStyle;

/// - You can use 'ar' to show the calendar Arabic or 'en'(default) for English
final String local;

/// - This the duration for the calender when change the month
final Duration duration;

/// - This the duration for the years when open the years widget
final Duration yearDuration;

/// - The empty space that surrounds the header.
final EdgeInsets headerMargin;

/// - The empty space that surrounds the the days body.
final EdgeInsets daysMargin;

/// - The alignment for the icon default in Alignment.topLeft
/// - The icon widget this will shown with the day number
final Alignment iconAlignment;

/// - The space around the icon
/// - The icon widget this will shown with the day number
final EdgeInsets iconPadding;

/// - The color for the border around the calendar
final Color calendarBorderColor;

/// - The radius for the border around the calendar
final double calendarBorderRadius;

/// - The width for the border around the calendar
final double calendarBorderWidth;

/// - If You need to show border between days name and the days number
final bool showBorderAfterDayHeader;

/// - If this true the header will be shown only with Month and Year
final bool showMonthAndYearHeader;

/// - Put the alignment for Header
final MainAxisAlignment headerAlignment;

/// - If you need to close dates before specific date just enter this here
final DateTime closeDateBefore;

/// - Here if you need to put specific color for closed date
final Color closedDatesColor;

// - ToolTip Style

/// - The text to display in the tooltip. Only one of message.
final String toolTipMessage;

/// - The height of the tooltip's child.
/// - If the child is null, then this is the tooltip's intrinsic height.
final double? toolTipHeight;

/// - If you need to add space to toolTip from left side
final double toolTipAddSpaceLeft;

/// - If you need to add space to toolTip from top
final double toolTipAddSpaceTop;

/// - The amount of space by which to inset the tooltip's child.
/// - On mobile, defaults to 16.0 logical pixels horizontally and 4.0 vertically.
/// - On desktop, defaults to 8.0 logical pixels horizontally and 4.0 vertically.
final EdgeInsets? toolTipPadding;

/// - Specifies the tooltip's shape and background color.
/// - The tooltip shape defaults to a rounded rectangle with a border radius of 4.0. Tooltips will also default to an opacity of 90% and with the color Colors.grey\700\ if ThemeData.brightness is Brightness.dark, and Colors.white if it is Brightness.light.
final Decoration? toolTipDecoration;

/// - The style to use for the message of the tooltip.
/// - If null, the message's TextStyle will be determined based on ThemeData.
/// - If ThemeData.brightness is set to Brightness.dark, TextTheme.bodyMedium of ThemeData.textTheme will be used with Colors.white. Otherwise, if ThemeData.brightness is set to Brightness.light, TextTheme.bodyMedium of ThemeData.textTheme will be used with
final TextStyle? toolTipTextStyle;

/// - How the message of the tooltip is aligned horizontally.
/// - If this property is null, then TooltipThemeData.textAlign is used. If TooltipThemeData.textAlign is also null, the default value is TextAlign.start.
final TextAlign? toolTipTextAlign;

/// - The length of time that a pointer must hover over a tooltip's widget before the tooltip will be shown.
/// - Defaults to 0 milliseconds (tooltips are shown immediately upon hover).
final Duration? toolTipWaitDuration;

/// - If this true the Tooltip will be active
final bool showTooltip;

// Add New Dates
/// - The color of the indicator when this not selected
final Color addDatesIndicatorColor;

/// - The color of the indicator when this selected
final Color addDatesIndicatorActiveColor;

/// - The Text style for the indicator text when this not selected
final TextStyle addDatesTextStyle;

/// - The Text style for the indicator text when this selected
final TextStyle addDatesActiveTextStyle;

/// - The empty space that surrounds the add dates widget.
final EdgeInsets addDatesMargin;

Usage #

For Full Example Go To Example Tap

        dates: [
                date: DateTime(2023, 11, 8),
                date: DateTime(2023, 11, 10),
                color: Colors.amber,
                date: DateTime(2023, 11, 7),
                color: Colors.amber,
                date: DateTime(2023, 11, 1),
                date: DateTime(2023, 11, 4),
                color: Colors.white,
                date: DateTime(2023, 11, 5),
                color: Colors.white,
                date: DateTime(2023, 11, 18),
              date: DateTime(2023, 11, 22),
        ranges: [
                start: DateTime(2023, 11, 12),
                end: DateTime(2023, 11, 15),
                start: DateTime(2023, 11, 24),
                end: DateTime(2023, 11, 27),
                color: Colors.amber,
                start: DateTime(2023, 11, 30),
                end: DateTime(2023, 11, 29),
        showCurrentDayBorder: false,

Additional information #

  • Say to me in GitHub what you need to see in the package in the next update.
  • Wait for more feature soon.

Author #

Loay Omar



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Amazing package help you to view your plans or important dates in calendar.

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flutter, flutter_colorpicker, flutter_svg, intl


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