teleprompter 0.1.1 copy "teleprompter: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
teleprompter: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

Flutter package to create a teleprompter from a text, record and save to gallery feature

teleprompter #

Flutter package to create a teleprompter from a simple text Features:

  • Play the text generated in your app with an automatic scroll
  • Record video directly inside the app
  • Automatic save to gallery on stop recording

Demo using the example of the package: Teleprompter demo

Why I did this package #

I developed this rhyming dictionary, but at some point the complexity of this teleprompter feature started to be too much, is about a thousand lines of code, and because of that I created a package to have an example app and an easier use case to test. Then after being decoupled decided to publish as content creation is probably an important part of many apps.

If you can test by just installing this app, that in the editor mode has a teleprompter feature:

Getting started #

Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

teleprompter: ^0.0.10

Or run the following command in the terminal in the root of your project:

flutter pub add teleprompter

Usage #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:teleprompter/teleprompter.dart';

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    const String text =
    '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sollicitudin elit id ex pellentesque, vitae blandit neque pulvinar. Aenean maximus ante nisi, ac lobortis erat euismod vitae. Etiam porttitor malesuada turpis, non lacinia diam tristique non. Nam pulvinar neque massa, sit amet gravida elit fringilla sit amet. Cras quis tristique diam. Cras commodo lacus at lorem fermentum, at aliquam eros facilisis. Morbi fringilla laoreet commodo. Sed placerat magna id arcu hendrerit, ac porttitor sapien porttitor. Phasellus mauris elit, condimentum ac iaculis ut, iaculis a urna. Morbi posuere sit amet diam ut auctor. Morbi sodales odio eleifend mauris venenatis ultricies. Aenean efficitur libero nec nulla fringilla, sit amet dignissim velit consectetur. Suspendisse consectetur porta arcu, sagittis dictum quam.

Nullam convallis tortor nisl, eget laoreet orci cursus at. Curabitur at luctus libero. Nunc nec orci et turpis tincidunt pretium. Curabitur nec dolor facilisis, molestie quam vitae, hendrerit elit. In a viverra ex. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur luctus sapien sit amet pharetra varius. Fusce placerat lacus vel purus hendrerit, vel consectetur erat ornare. In eu nisi nunc.

Etiam ac euismod tortor, sit amet volutpat erat. Vestibulum non laoreet mauris. Quisque quis nibh at est semper gravida vel sit amet diam. Nullam convallis diam sed elit facilisis fringilla. Nunc in tincidunt tellus. Donec eleifend odio ligula, ut luctus arcu auctor eleifend. Sed lacinia et urna bibendum faucibus. Aenean varius tortor et tristique sollicitudin. Mauris eu volutpat nibh, sit amet maximus mauris. Duis ipsum dolor, malesuada maximus efficitur ut, cursus at justo. Maecenas sit amet iaculis orci.

Nunc commodo mauris a egestas ullamcorper. Nullam finibus rhoncus congue. Suspendisse in pellentesque erat. Nunc fermentum purus in lorem eleifend, et consequat diam ultrices. Nam ac mauris purus. Aliquam augue diam, mattis eget est sed, vulputate dictum nisl. Morbi vitae sapien ut justo consequat euismod et vehicula ante. Duis consectetur eros ac augue efficitur, ut suscipit lorem aliquet. Phasellus condimentum, augue in posuere luctus, mi erat ullamcorper ante, non ullamcorper arcu ligula eget libero. Suspendisse faucibus condimentum ex sed fermentum. Ut non ante iaculis, hendrerit tellus non, imperdiet sapien. Maecenas vestibulum ligula velit, sed venenatis nunc varius eu. Nam a elit sed dolor convallis rutrum at non dui. Etiam ultricies libero eros, ac porttitor odio mattis vel. Mauris posuere imperdiet lacus, vel dictum leo.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam luctus pretium pellentesque. In nec tellus gravida ante maximus congue tempus non orci. Vivamus vel molestie sem. Nulla odio purus, condimentum et leo sagittis, semper tristique elit. Ut dui nisi, condimentum nec leo suscipit, fringilla sodales arcu. Nulla at suscipit augue, et feugiat diam. Nulla rhoncus augue a neque interdum venenatis. Praesent pellentesque lacus facilisis, bibendum metus at, dignissim sapien. Sed malesuada neque nulla, non egestas libero vulputate eu. Mauris a varius orci. Nullam euismod elit eu facilisis aliquam. Ut lectus mi, tincidunt at elit a, finibus feugiat ipsum. Integer vitae venenatis nisl. Mauris ac tristique ligula.''';

    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData.dark(),
      home: const TeleprompterWidget(
        text: text,

iOS #

* The camera plugin compiles for any version of iOS, but its functionality requires iOS 10 or higher. If compiling for iOS 9, make sure to programmatically check the version of iOS running on the device before using any camera plugin features. The device_info_plus plugin, for example, can be used to check the iOS version.

Add two rows to the ios/Runner/Info.plist:

  • one with the key Privacy - Camera Usage Description and a usage description.
  • and one with the key Privacy - Microphone Usage Description and a usage description.
  • add one for the videos/photos library

If editing Info.plist as text, that probably is quite easier, just add:

<string>Need camera to record to video image</string>
<string>Need microphone to record to video audio</string>
<string>Need access to library to save the video</string>

Android #

Update the min sdk version to work on android Change the minimum Android sdk version to 21 (or higher) in your android/app/build.gradle file.

minSdkVersion 21

If you are not sure where to find that file 'minSdkVersion' on android studio and update the build.gradle to support only from version 21

More info #

This package also exposes a widget that can be used to display a stopwatch. That can be included anywhere in your project just by adding StopwatchWidget():


Contributing #

If you want to contribute to this project, you are more than welcome to do so. You can create an issue, or even better, create a pull request.

Like us on #

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Flutter package to create a teleprompter from a text, record and save to gallery feature

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MIT (license)


camera, flutter, flutter_colorpicker, gal, logger, native_device_orientation, path, provider, shared_preferences, stop_watch_timer, top_snackbar_flutter


Packages that depend on teleprompter