Results74 packages
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A Flutter plugin to play multiple audio files simultaneously
Europe Stand With Ukraine. Pray for Ukraine. A complete api for audio playback and recording. Audio player, audio recorder.
An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states.#bloc#cache#state-management
NoSQL persistent embedded file system document-based database for Dart VM and Flutter with encryption support.#nosql#database
Dart wrapper on SQLite, a self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, SQL database engine.
NoSQL persistent embedded database for the Web on top of IndexedDB#nosql#database
Flutter shared_preferences plugin util, support get default value, save object, object list.
Sqflite web implementation using sqlite3 ffi and sqlite3 wasm.#sql#database
Audio support for the Flame game engine, basically a thin wrapper around the audioplayers package.
sembast NoSQL database support on top of sqflite, cross process safe database.

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