Results30 packages
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Utilities for working with English words. Counts syllables, generates well-sounding word combinations, and provides access to the top 5000 English words by usage.
A parser for YAML, a human-friendly data serialization standard#yaml#config-format
A platform-independent package for parsing and serializing HTTP formats.
Dio HTTP cache interceptor with multiple stores respecting HTTP directives (or not).
A flexible syntax for boolean expressions, based on a simplified version of Dart's expression syntax.
shelf_multipart parses multipart and form-data requests for shelf handlers.
Jinja2 template engine for Dart. Variables, expressions, control structures and template inheritance.
Syntax highlighting in the style of VSCode for Flutter, takes a string and returns a formatted TextSpan.
A Flutter/Dart utility to parse an SVG path into a equivalent Path object from dart:ui library.
The user facing API for structuring Dart tests and checking expectations.

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