Results55 packages
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A Flutter plugin for integrating Google Maps in iOS and Android applications.#google-maps#google-maps-flutter#map
A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern.#bloc#state-management
Custom event transformers inspired by ember concurrency. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.#bloc#concurrency#state-management
A Flutter plugin for getting information about and controlling the camera on Web.#camera
A prebuilt Sign In and Sign Up experience for the Amplify Auth category
Easily apply tilt parallax hover effects for Flutter, which supports tilt, light, shadow effects, gyroscope sensors and many custom parameters.#tilt#skew#parallax#sensor#widget
Web platform implementation of google_maps_flutter#google-maps#google-maps-flutter#map
Dart library to connect to Ethereum clients. Send transactions and interact with smart contracts!
Flutter Unity 3D widget for embedding Unity game scenes in flutter. This library now supports Unity as a Library.
A QR code generation library for Dart and Flutter. Supports QR code version 1 through 40, error correction and redundancy.

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