Results9 packages
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Allows Dart reflection with an easy approach, even for third-party classes, using code generation portable for all Dart platforms.
FlutterFire CLI for configuring Firebase on your application.
Bones_API - A powerful API backend framework for Dart. It comes with a built-in HTTP Server, route handler, entity handler, SQL translator, and DB adapters.
A Docker manager for local and remote host machines. Works with personalized containers and pre-configured popular containers, like PostgreSQL, Apache HTTPD and NGINX.
ApolloVM, a Multilingual portable VM (native, JS/Web, Flutter) for Dart, Java, JavaScript with on-the-fly Wasm compilation.#vm#dart#java#compiler#translator
Simple and easy internationalization and localization messages framework for Dart (integrated with package 'intl') and translation tools (integrated with OpenAI and ChatGPT).
Danny CLI allows developers to operate a project specific command line interface
A command-line application for FlutterFire supposed to support app flavors.
PMV is a CLI tool used to help manage package version in Dart projects with multiple packages

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