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Danny CLI allows developers to operate a project specific command line interface

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Pub danny License: MIT Powered by Mason

A Command-Line Interface to develop wilde file-based command-line apps.

Danny Wilde:

  1. Protagonist in a great tv series from the 70s.

Quick Start #

# 🎯 Activate from https://pub.dev
dart pub global activate danny_cli

# 🚀 Create a project
danny create greet

# 📦 Build the project
danny build

# 🔨 Activate the project locally
danny activate

# Use the new CLI
greet -h

Table of Contents #

Overview #

Installation #

# 🎯 Activate from https://pub.dev
dart pub global activate danny_cli

Usage #

A Command-Line Interface to develop wilde command-line apps.

Usage: danny <command>

Global options:
-h, --help       Print this usage information.
-v, --version    Print the current version.
    --verbose    Enable verbose logging.

Available commands:
  activate   Activate a build locally.
  build      Create a build.
  create     Create a wilde project.
  list       List the commands of a project.
  new        Create a new command.

Run "danny help <command>" for more information about a command.

Motivation 🧠 #

Frequently, during Dart/Flutter project development, specific project-related tooling requirements arise. In good cases this results in the creation of shell scripts placed in a tool directory, in less optimally cases, the task is only retained in developers' minds. This package aims to simplify the process of writing tooling CLI(s) for Dart/Flutter projects using the Dart language.

Prerequisites 📝 #

Each danny project relies on the args package, so it's essential for developers to possess a fundamental understanding of how it functions.

Project Structure #

A basic danny project structure looks like this:


The pubspec.yaml exposes the executable of the CLI.

Inside the commands directory Commands are defined in a file-based way.

The runner.dart configures the CommandRunner hosting the commands.

CommandRunner #

The runner.dart allows developers to configure the CommandRunner of the CLI.

import 'package:args/args.dart';

// Required
typedef Type = void;

// Required
const description = 'The cool CLI.';

// Optional
const usageLineLength = 100;

// Optional
const suggestionDistanceLimit = 4;

// Optional
Future<Type?> run(
  Iterable<String> args,
  Future<Type?> Function(Iterable<String> args) run,
) async {
  // ...

// Optional
Future<Type?> runCommand(
  ArgResults topLevelResults,
  Future<Type?> Function(ArgResults topLevelResults) runCommand,
) async {
  // ...

The code above shows the contents of a runner.dart. It must expose a Type and a description at the top-level.

Type: The type of the CommandRunner and all Commands.

description: The description of the CLI.

usageLineLength: The usage line length of the CLI. (optional)

suggestionDistanceLimit: The suggestion distance limit of the CLI. (optional)

run: The run-method of the CLI. (Notice how it uses Type defined in runner.dart, and gets the run-method from super class passed to it) (optional)

runCommand: The runCommand-method of the CLI. (Notice how it uses Type defined in runner.dart, and gets the runCommand-method from super class passed to it) (optional)

Command #

A <name>.dart (command file) allows developers to implement a Command of the CLI.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:args/args.dart';

import '../runner.dart';

// Required
const description = 'My cool command.';

// Optional
const category = 'Foo';

// Optional
const invocation = 'cool [args]';

// Optional
const usageFooter = 'oooxxxooo';

// Optional
final argParser = ArgParser()
        help: 'The foo flag.',
        help: 'The bar option.',

// Required
FutureOr<Type> run(ArgResults globalResults, ArgResults argResults) {
  final foo = argResults['foo'] as bool? ?? false;
  final bar = argResults['bar'] as String? ?? 'Baz';

  // ...

The code above shows the contents of a command file. The description, and run-method must be available at the top-level of the file while, category, invocation, usageFooter and argParser are optional.

description: The description of the command.

run: The run-method of the command. (Notice how it uses Type defined in runner.dart, and gets ArgResults holding the parsed command-line arguments passed to it)

category: The category of the command. (optional)

invocation: The invocation of the command. (optional)

usageFooter: The usageFooter of the command. (optional)

argParser: The argParser of the command. Allows developers to define options and flags of the command. (optional)

Create Project #

The create command allows developers to create a new project.

Create a wilde project.

Usage: danny create <project-name>
-h, --help           Print this usage information.
-o, --output-dir     The directory where to generate the new project.
                     (defaults to ".")
    --description    The description passed to the CommandRunner.

Run "danny help" to see global options.

Add Commands #

The add command allows developers to add new commands to a project. If the new command includes parameters or flags, it is necessary to provide the arg-parser flag.

Create a new command.

Usage: danny new "foo bar baz"
-h, --help           Print this usage information.
    --arg-parser     Whether the command has a custom ArgParser.
    --description    The description of the command.

Run "danny help" to see global options.

List Commands #

The list command shows all available commands of a project.

List the commands of a project.

Usage: danny list
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Run "danny help" to see global options.

Build Project #

The build command produces a runner.danny.dart at the project root containing the ready to use CommandRunner and Commands based on runner.dart and the commands defined inside commands directory.

Create a build.

Usage: danny build
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Run "danny help" to see global options.

Activate Project Locally #

The activate command makes the executable of the project available locally, using dart pub global activate under the hood.

Activate a build locally.

Usage: danny activate
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Run "danny help" to see global options.


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Danny CLI allows developers to operate a project specific command line interface

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ansi_styles, args, collection, io, mason, meta, path, process, pubspec


Packages that depend on danny_cli