Results104 packages
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Actively maintained, community-driven Firebase BaaS for chat applications with an optional chat UI.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Auth, enabling authentication using passwords, phone numbers and identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Cloud Messaging, a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages on Android and iOS.
Flutter plugin for Cloud Firestore, a cloud-hosted, noSQL database with live synchronization and offline support on Android and iOS.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Cloud Storage, a powerful, simple, and cost-effective object storage service for Android and iOS.
Flutter plugin for Google Analytics for Firebase, an app measurement solution that provides insight on app usage and user engagement on Android and iOS.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Remote Config. Update your application look and feel and behavior without re-releasing.
A Flutter plugin allowing you to use Firebase Cloud Functions.
Flutter plugin for Google Performance Monitoring for Firebase, an app measurement solution that monitors traces and HTTP/S network requests on Android and iOS.
App Check works alongside other Firebase services to help protect your backend resources from abuse, such as billing fraud or phishing.

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