Results56 packages
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Actively maintained, community-driven Firebase BaaS for chat applications with an optional chat UI.
An easy-to-use firebase phone authentication package to easily send and verify OTP's with auto-fetch OTP support via SMS. Supports web out of the box.
Fakes for Firebase Auth. Use this package with `google_sign_in_mocks` to write unit tests involving Firebase Authentication.
Unofficial firebaseui package for flutter. This library aims to provide support for Android, iOS and the web. Login with Email, Phone, Google account and etc.
Simple Flutter Firebase Authentication widget for email. Create, delete and reset password of account.
Third Party Login is simple way to sign-in with different types of third party login systems.
Codelessly CloudUI™ - Supercharge your Flutter apps with dynamic UI and real-time updates. Build and publish UI without code!
Forked version of `flutter_firebase_chat_core` to use Firebase Realtime DB instead of Firestore.
altfire_authenticator is a package wrapping FlutterFire Authentication. It was created to make Firebase SDK versioning and methods easier to use. It is recommended to use the various altfire packages [...]
A Game Libary for creating live multiplayergames with flutter and firebase very fast and easy.

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