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A button that displays an indicator during asynchronous processing and allows callbacks to be executed after completion or exception catch.
Provides `all_lint_rules.yaml` that activates all rules and `altive_lints.yaml` with Altive recommended rule selection.#lints#analysis#code-style
altfire_authenticator is a package wrapping FlutterFire Authentication. It was created to make Firebase SDK versioning and methods easier to use. It is recommended to use the various altfire packages [...]
altfire_configurator is a package wrapping FlutterFire Remote Config. It was created to make Firebase SDK versioning and methods easier to use. It is recommended to use the various altfire packages as a set.
altfire_tracker is a package wrapping FlutterFire Analytics and Crashlytics. It was created to make Firebase SDK versioning and methods easier to use. It is recommended to use the various altfire pack [...]
altfire_messenger is a package wrapping FlutterFire Messaging, Local Notifications, Firebase In-App Messaging, and Firebase Instance ID. It was created to make Firebase SDK versioning and methods easi [...]
altfire_lints is helpful in preventing common issues with wrapper packages for flutterfire.