
  • Packages
Results10 packages owned by zonble.net
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Let your Flutter app has a chance to confirm if the user wants to close your app.
A plugin helps to call native API to play alert sound and show alert dialogs. For example, it bridges MessageBox and TaskDialogIndirect on Windows.
A Flutter plug-in helps to install other iOS and Android apps on AppStore, Google Play or other stores.
A simple Flutter widget that presents a "play button" with a progress drawn as an arc around the icon.
flutter_turtle is a simple implementation of turtle graphic. It simply uses a custom painter to draw graphics into a widget by a series of Logo-like commands.
AnimatedPlayButton is a Flutter widget presenting several animating bars, which represent we are playing an item such as a track or a playlist..
Yet another RC4 cryptor that encodes/decodes bytes and UTF8 strings.
Free icons of Taiwan. The package contains a set of icons by a Japanese and an English designer, that coverts the themes like sights, products, traffic, etc, in Taiwan.
A sample command-line Brainfuck interpreter.
flutter_facebook_appevents integrates Facebook App Events to your Flutter app.