Results44372 packages
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Flutter plugin to read, create, update, delete and observe native contacts on Android and iOS, with group support, vCard support, and contact permission handling
Show alert dialog or modal action sheet adaptively according to platform.#dialog#ui#adaptive#alert#popup
Make an animated circular countdown using Circular Countdown Timer.
A Flutter plugin to use all APIs from Google's standalone ML Kit for mobile platforms.
A powerful grid layout system for Flutter, optimized for complex user interface design.
Execute code after the first layout of your widget has been performed, i.e. after the first frame has been displayed.
This is a model-driven approach to handling form inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular Reactive Forms.
The decimal package allows you to deal with decimal numbers without losing precision.
A PageView widget adjusting it's height to currently displayed page
Flutter Localization is a package use for in-app localization with map data. More easier and faster to implement and inspired by the flutter_localizations itself.

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