zycloud_widget 1.0.32 zycloud_widget: ^1.0.32 copied to clipboard
This library contains a dynamic Flutter widget module based on the shelf_easy virtual machine, and some third-party library bridge generation modules.
1.0.32 #
- Add version constraint information to README ,Upgrade dependent libraries and update bridge libraries
1.0.31 #
- Upgrade dependent libraries and update bridge libraries.
1.0.29 #
- Removed third-party sdk libraries and their wrapper classes, added the app_links library, and updated the bridge library.
1.0.27 #
- Implemented the ZyThirdSdk class used to encapsulate third-party sdks,Add the zy_amap.dart file to wrap the view of amap.
- Upgraded some dependent libraries and added amap, wechat, alipay and other libraries.
1.0.23 #
- Added ZyApp.forEach method, and updated dependent libraries and bridging libraries.
1.0.22 #
- Fixed the issue where the first frame fps of ZyWorld class is Infinity or NaN.
1.0.21 #
- Optimized some methods related to collision detection.
1.0.19 #
- Optimized the translation animation of ZySpriteState class and ZySpriteQueue class at different frame rates.
1.0.16 #
- Add frontFaceMovingAndMoving method to ZySprite class.
1.0.15 #
- Add isEmpty and isNotEmpty method to ZySpriteQueue class and ZySpriteState class.
1.0.14 #
- Add ZySpriteQueue to render ZySpriteLabel queue, and updated bridge library.
1.0.13 #
- Added ZyApp.isRemoteAppBuilder property, and updated bridge library.
1.0.12 #
- Add the ZyService.getDirectoryPath method and fix the problem of incorrect web environment bridge library file name.
1.0.10 #
- Optimize ZyApp’s reassemble logic.
1.0.9 #
- Solved the problem of AndroidAudioModes class name conflict in audioplayers bridge library and flutter_webrtc bridge library.
1.0.8 #
- Add ZyApp.bestConsoleLogger method, update dependency library and bridge library.
1.0.6 #
- Adjust file structure.
1.0.2 #
- Modify some annotation information.
1.0.0 #
- Initial version.