zds_flutter 1.2.4 copy "zds_flutter: ^1.2.4" to clipboard
zds_flutter: ^1.2.4 copied to clipboard

Zebra Design System components for Flutter. A selection of UI components from Zebra Technologies.

ZDS Flutter #

A library of Flutter components made by Zebra Technologies based on the Zebra Design System, or ZDS.

zds_flutter example

Requirements #

Make sure your app meets the following requirements before using ZDS Flutter

  • sdk: >=3.2.0 <4.0.0
  • flutter: >=3.16.0

Usage #

Add the following as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

zds-flutter: ^1.1.0

Getting started #

Template #

To speed up development, we have a template repo with ZDS Flutter already set up: zds_flutter_template

Manual setup #

In order to use components from ZDS Flutter, you must change your app widget to be a ZdsApp

class DemoApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const DemoApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ZdsApp(
      title: 'ZDS Flutter demo',
      routes: kAllRoutes,

Viewing the components #

To view examples of all the components in the library, you can run the example app in this repo or go to this link.

Theming #

The ZDS uses the color system from another Zebra design library - zeta_flutter.

Platform support #

Full support on Android and iOS.

On Web, Windows, Mac and Linux some features may be missing, but most functionality remains.

Licensing #

This software is licensed with the MIT license (see LICENSE) and uses some components that are distributed under their own terms (see LICENSE-3RD-PARTY).

Future project Todos: #

[ ] Add Widgetbook.

[ ] Update version in readme for each release.

[ ] Fix untranslated strings - see untranslated.json.

[ ] Set up themes to inherit from parent classes - think of toolbar within bottom of appbar.

[ ] Integrate ZetaColors better.

[ ] Analyze dependencies for weaknesses, possibly phase out some.

[ ] Improve Github actions to be safer and to add a change log.

[ ] Remove code from this repo that is not strictly needed for flutter - github actions could be in another repo?