rx_bloc 6.0.0 rx_bloc: ^6.0.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package that helps implementing the BLoC (Business Logic Component) Design Pattern using the power of reactive streams.
import 'package:rx_bloc/rx_bloc.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
void main() async {
/// Create a `CounterBloc` instance.
final bloc = CounterBloc(ServerSimulator());
/// Listen to the `count` state.
bloc.states.count.listen((int number) {
print('onChange -- Count state changed to $number');
/// Listen to the `error` state.
bloc.states.errors.listen((String error) {
print('onError -- $error');
/// Listen to the `loading` state.
bloc.states.isLoading.listen((bool isLoading) {
print(isLoading ? 'Loading...' : 'Loaded ✔ \n');
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
/// Fire the increment event.
bloc.events.increment(); // 1
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
/// Decrementing.
bloc.events.decrement(); // 0
/// Decrementing one more time will cause an error.
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
bloc.events.decrement(); // Exception.
/// This BloC and its event and state contracts usually
/// resides in `counter_bloc.dart`
/// A contract class containing all events.
abstract class CounterBlocEvents {
/// Increment the count event.
void increment();
/// Decrement the count event.
void decrement();
/// A contract class containing all states for our multi state BloC.
abstract class CounterBlocStates {
/// The count of the Counter
/// It can be controlled by executing [CounterBlocEvents.increment] and
/// [CounterBlocEvents.decrement]
Stream<int> get count;
/// Loading state
Stream<bool> get isLoading;
/// Error messages
Stream<String> get errors;
/// ... state n
/// You can have as many states as you need.
/// You're not limited to 1 state for a bloc class.
/// A RX `CounterBloc` which maps multiple events with multiple states.
class CounterBloc extends $CounterBloc {
final ServerSimulator _server;
/// Map increment and decrement events to `count` state.
Stream<int> _mapToCountState() => Rx.merge<Result<int>>([
// On increment.
_$incrementEvent.flatMap((_) => _server.increment().asResultStream()),
// On decrement.
_$decrementEvent.flatMap((_) => _server.decrement().asResultStream()),
// This automatically handles the error and loading state.
// Provide success response only.
//emit 0 as initial value
/// Transform any exception into a readable string.
Stream<String> _mapToErrorsState() =>
errorState.map((result) => result.toString());
Stream<bool> _mapToIsLoadingState() => loadingState;
/// This will simulate a server with 100 milliseconds response time.
class ServerSimulator {
int _counter = 0;
static const delay = Duration(milliseconds: 100);
static const delayTest = Duration(milliseconds: 110);
Future<int> increment() async {
// Server response time.
await Future.delayed(delay);
if (_counter >= 3) {
throw Exception('Maximum number is reached!');
return ++_counter;
Future<int> decrement() async {
// Server response time.
await Future.delayed(delay);
// Simulate an error from the server when the counter goes less than 1.
if (_counter <= 0) {
throw Exception('Minimum number is reached!');
return --_counter;
/// The code below will be automatically generated
/// for you by `rx_bloc_generator`.
/// This generated class usually resides in [file-name].rxb.g.dart.
/// Find more info at https://pub.dev/packages/rx_bloc_generator.
/// ********************GENERATED CODE**************************************
/// CounterBlocType class used for bloc event and state access from widgets
abstract class CounterBlocType extends RxBlocTypeBase {
CounterBlocEvents get events;
CounterBlocStates get states;
/// $CounterBloc class - extended by the CounterBloc bloc
abstract class $CounterBloc extends RxBlocBase
implements CounterBlocEvents, CounterBlocStates, CounterBlocType {
final _$decrementEvent = PublishSubject<void>();
void decrement() => _$decrementEvent.add(null);
final _$incrementEvent = PublishSubject<void>();
void increment() => _$incrementEvent.add(null);
late final Stream<int> _countState = _mapToCountState();
Stream<int> get count => _countState;
Stream<int> _mapToCountState();
late final Stream<bool> _isLoadingState = _mapToIsLoadingState();
Stream<bool> get isLoading => _isLoadingState;
Stream<bool> _mapToIsLoadingState();
late final Stream<String> _errorsState = _mapToErrorsState();
Stream<String> get errors => _errorsState;
Stream<String> _mapToErrorsState();
CounterBlocEvents get events => this;
CounterBlocStates get states => this;
/// Dispose of all the opened streams when the bloc is closed.
void dispose() {
/// ********************GENERATED CODE END**************************************