rx_bloc 6.0.0 copy "rx_bloc: ^6.0.0" to clipboard
rx_bloc: ^6.0.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package that helps implementing the BLoC (Business Logic Component) Design Pattern using the power of reactive streams.

[6.0.0] #

  • Update rxdart to use version 0.28.0

[5.0.3] #

  • Lower the meta package requirement from ^1.11.0 to ^1.10.0

[5.0.2] #

  • Fixes and improvements

[5.0.1] #

  • Support Flutter 3.19
  • Export ErrorWithTag model outside of rx_bloc
  • Update meta to use version 1.11.0

[5.0.0] #

  • Dart 3.0 Required
  • Breaking changes
  • Converted Result to sealed class
  • Update rxdart to use version 0.27.7
  • Updated dependencies

[4.0.1] #

  • Documentation improvements

[4.0.0] #

  • Breaking changes
  • Removed disposedBy extension method for the StreamSubscription extension. Use the addTo method provided by the rxdart library instead.

[3.3.1] #

[3.3.0] #

  • Added Stream<T> extensions: mapToResult, withLatestFromResult
  • Added Stream<Result<T>> extensions: mapResult, asyncMapResult
  • Added Result<T> extensions: mapResult, asyncMapResult

[3.2.1] #

  • Added a presentation to the README file
  • Fixed memory leak caused by a not closed subscription in the LoadingBloc
  • Upgraded to rxdart ^0.27.3

[3.2.0] #

  • Support Flutter 2.5
  • Update rxdart to use version 0.27.2

[3.1.2] #

  • Allow the bind extension to be used with both Publish and Behaviour subjects

[3.1.1] #

  • Added video tutorials and a github search sample to the README.md

[3.1.0] #

  • Added an optional param tag to (Future/Stream).asResultStream(tag: 'someTag').
    • This will help to distinguish the action that has been triggered a particular async call. Check the flutter_rx_bloc example for more details.
  • Added utility (extension) methods
    • Stream<ResultError<T>>.mapToException()
    • Stream<ResultError<T>>.mapToErrorWithTag()
    • Stream<Result<T>>.isLoadingWithTag()
  • Added new states and methods to RxBlocBase
    • RxBlocBase.errorWithTagState
    • RxBlocBase.loadingWithTagState
    • RxBlocBase.loadingForTagState('someTag')

[3.0.0] #

  • Support Flutter 2.2
  • Update rxdart to use version 0.27.0

[2.0.2] #

  • Result equatable improvements
  • Stability improvements
  • Increased code coverage
  • Documentation updates

[2.0.0] #

  • Migrated to Flutter 2.0 and Dart 2.12 (null-safety).

[1.2.3] #

  • Documentation improvements

[1.2.2] #

  • Stability improvements

[1.2.1] #

  • Stability improvements

[1.2.0] #

  • Fixed side effects in setStateHandler/setErrorStateHandler/setLoadingHandler
  • Removed rx_bloc/extensions library as this is now part of rx_bloc/rx_bloc
  • Increased code coverage

[1.1.1] #

  • Upgraded to rxdart ^0.25.0
  • Upgraded to meta: ^1.2.4

[1.0.4] #

  • Consolidated rx_bloc ecosystem in one repository
  • Applied strict static code analysis
  • Improved equability of the ResultSuccess class
  • Improved example
  • Documentation improvements

[1.0.1] #

  • Upgraded to last stable SDK

[1.0.0] #

  • Upgraded to last stable Flutter/Dart
  • Reorganized as a library package
  • Implemented Stream extensions
    • setErrorStateHandler()
    • setLoadingStateHandler()
  • Renamed parameter shareStream to shareReplay of setResultStateHandler()

[0.3.1] #

  • Upgraded to last stable Flutter/Dart
  • Upgraded to last stable rxdart
  • Added an example
  • Stability improvements

[0.3.0] #

  • Added asResultStream() extension method to the Stream
  • Fixed behaviour of setResultStateHandler when shareStream parameter is true.

[0.2.0] #

  • Breaking changes
    • Renamed methods in RxBlocBase class:
      • registerRequest -> setResultStateHandler
      • registerRequestToLoading -> setLoadingStateHandler
      • registerRequestToErrors -> setErrorStateHandler
    • Renamed properties in RxBlocBase class:
      • requestsLoadingState -> loadingState
      • requestsExceptions -> errorState
    • Renamed method in Stream extension:
      • registerRequest -> setResultStateHandler
  • Added an optional named parameter shareStream to setResultStateHandler methods. It has default value true. If it is true the stream will be converted to broadcast one before registering it to errors and loading.

[0.1.0] #

  • Removed const annotations @rxBloc and @rxBlocIgnoreState
  • Removed flutter as dependency in favour of the meta package
  • Added unit tests
  • Updated README file

[0.0.1] #

  • Initial release
pub points


verified publisherprimeholding.com

A Flutter package that helps implementing the BLoC (Business Logic Component) Design Pattern using the power of reactive streams.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#bloc #state-management #reactive-programming #rxdart


API reference


MIT (license)


collection, meta, rxdart


Packages that depend on rx_bloc