freewill_fx_widgets 1.3.1 copy "freewill_fx_widgets: ^1.3.1" to clipboard
freewill_fx_widgets: ^1.3.1 copied to clipboard

Custom widgets for FreewillFx Co., Ltd.

FreewillFxWidgets #

This package is simple widgets for FreewillFx Apps.

Installation #

  1. Add the latest version of package to your pubspec.yaml and run flutter pub get
    freewill_fx_widgets: ^1.3.1
  1. Import the package and use in your Flutter App
import 'package: freewill_fx_widgets/fx.dart';

TextFontStyle #

Text widget that you can modify TextStyle:

  • FontFamily
  • FontSize
  • Color
  • TextAlign
  • FontWeight
  • TextOverflow
  • Underline

AlertDialog #

Dialog that you can modify the title of the dialog

  • title
  • buttonColor

Loading #

Loading page

PermissionHandler #

  • Camera
  • Gallery
  • Location

ImagePicker #

  • From camera
  • From gallery

PageIndicator #

GalleryView #

CropImage #

In showImageBottomSheet -> cropImage = true


File? file = await showImagePickerBottomSheet(
    cropImage: true,

setState(() => _image = file);

QRCodeScanner #


Barcode? result = await => FXQrScanner());

if (result != null) {
    setState(() => qrResult = result);

SubmitButton #

Button that you can modify the style:

  • Title
  • TestKey
  • BackgroundColor
  • Padding
  • BorderWidth
  • BorderRadius
  • BorderWidth
  • BorderColor
  • Shadow
  • TextColor
  • FontSize

OkCancelDialog #

  • Alert Dialog that you can custom your own title, icon, content, button

Switch #

  • Custom switch that you can add text in the switch

OTPTextField #

  • OTP TextField that you can use in automate test

ToastMessage #

  • Custom toast message (e.g. copy to clipboard)

BackButton #

  • Back button that you can custom icon, shadow, add circle border

SelectedButton #

  • List of selected button (e.g. filter group in TERMINUS Mobile)

ItemPickerPage & ItemPickerCell #

  • Select Item page that you can custom selected tag, picker cell, single/multiple select
  • custom search bar

Calendar #

  • Calendar that made with Syncfusion date range picker

BottomSheet #

  • Template of Bottom Sheet